Father we declare that we love You, we declare an everlasting love for You, Lord we declare that we love You we declare an everlasting love for You. come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good.

I will lift up Jesus higher er er er! Father we thank for another wonderful moment in Your Presence, you are more than what we call you glory be to Your Name on high. You are the Lord that changes not, glory be to Jesus. Thank You for Your Faithfulness, thank You for preserving us from all evil. Thank You for the gift of life and vitality, thank You Father for all the answers to our prayers in Jesus Name.

What I say unto Jehovah, all I have to say is thank You Lord, yes! Father we thank You we bless Your Name, we exalt you forever and ever in Jesus Name. Have Your way again today and do that which no man can do for us. Come down in Your glory and inhabits the Praise of Your children as we walk through the day. Make our mouth with new songs and make us to walk in the broad places you have made for us in Jesus Name.

Faithful God ooo faithful God, Faithful God ooo faithful God, only You deserve all glory ooo faithful God, only You deserve all glory ooo faithful God. Thank You Father for Your faithfulness in our lives in Jesus Name!

Beloved, do agree with me that our God the Creator of all things is Faithful? Indeed He is Faithful and His Love, Kindness, Mercies, Grace endures forever. I don’t know how to thank Him enough for His Goodness and Kindness upon my life. If all my bodies will be full of tongues, it won’t be enough to honour Him. Join me again to sing to our Father –

You deserve all glory and honour, so I lift my hands and worship your Holy Name. For You are good, You do miracle so great, there is no one else like You. There is no one else like You.  Thank you again and again in Jesus Name.

I love You, my Father for finding me worthy to serve You. Thank you for all that You have done is doing and will yet do in my life, family, ministry and career in Jesus Name. My heart is overflowing with joy that You love me so much and delivered me from the hands of the wicked, glory be to Your Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, are still here with me. Hope you have a testimony of the Awesomeness of God. I woke up each morning with a grateful heart irrespective of what happened the day before or ahead of me, I chose to thank God for all of it, because where I have failed another opportunity is before me to make amend and to move forward. Each morning brings to me a new beginning and close up the gap that ever existed between me and God.

I want you to the take the ministration of today to heart and hold on to it, why? Someone may like to know. The teaching of this faith clinic is meant to be a guide unto your feet so that it will not slip as the terrain gets rocky, hilly, slippery, sloppy, when in such a state the enemy of our soul, Satan makes us feel abandoned by God. We get agitated, we get discouraged and frustrated, and the next suggestion that will be building up in the mind is to make an end to it. You scheme and plan how to commit suicide.

Beloved, if get hold of today’s message and keep it close to your bosom, The Holy Spirit will lead you alright in such a moment. First, you have to know that your life does not belong to you, you are a steward and must account of it one day. Secondly, if you know that God loves you and care for you, you will not judge your failure too harshly but hand it over to Him to make good out of your mess. Thirdly, you will know that at such a time that God is closer to you than ever before. But then there is something you must do dearly beloved, that one thing is “Building on the Rock.”

Are you building on the “Rock”- Jesus? Have you given and surrendered your life to Him, if you have He will never forsake you, because He must give account of you to His Father, so fear not because He will help you and will never forsake you. (Jn 17:9-12, Isa 41:13).

Beloved, we are toss up and down the waves of life because we are ignorant of whom we are in Christ Jesus. If only you can resolve today and come back to Him to uphold you and make you His own, He is ever waiting and ever willing to have you on His side. I did that years ago and I am not regretting having done that even once.

Hear this, God is not the cause of your failure, sickness, or bondage rather your refusal to be led by the Spirit of God largely contributed to it. Now if you will surrender your life back to Him and decide to build your hope, faith on the “Rock” Jesus then you are on the right track, why did I say that?

You will gradually bridge the gap between you and your Maker. You will never feel He is at a distant rather you will feel Him ever closer to you. Beloveth, which God are you serving “The Living God” or the god made of “stone, wood or coal” my God is a Living God because He walks in the midst of His people, their problems and challenges. He will never abandon us neither will He forsake us.

No matter how resourceful you think you are today a time will come when you will no longer be needed even in that which you spent your life building, but in God’s service you are never too old to be useful, in fact the older you are the better, you more useful because the anointing is never old but rather is richer and wiser. Praise the Lord somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a living witness of God’s abundant mercies and grace and like Paul, I am whom I am through Christ who called me to preach the goodnews to broken, the hurting, the despair, the dying that they may see the light of the gospel of our Lord Jesus and come it and have life in abundant (Jn 9:5).

Beloved, join me to get more from the message below:

1 Chronicles 17:16-20:8, Psalm 85:1-7, Proverbs 18:6-8, Acts 18:1-23

Build on the Rock

Lord, there is no one like You, and there is no God besides You, as all we have heard confirms.—1 Chronicles 17:20

“The biggest problem we face in the Christian life,” said Dr. Cynddylan Jones, a famous Welsh preacher, “is distance.” He continued, “The only way that distance can be overcome is by having the perspective of Job who said: ‘Though He slay me yet will I trust Him.'”

When I talk to counselors in training I tell them that what they should be listening for as a counselee tells his or her story is distance. That’s what underlies most problems that bring people into counseling. This does not mean we should ignore or make light of the surface problems with which people may be struggling. But the plain fact is this—when we are close to God and have a deep and intimate relationship with Him, we may feel downcast but not destroyed. Therefore, every Christian counselor’s ultimate goal should be to close any distance there may be between the person and God and to develop spiritual oneness. Counseling is not effective or complete until this is accomplished.

How does distance come between ourselves and God? There are many causes—bitterness and resentment against another, persistent sin, failure to establish a devotional life—but largely it arises through a lack of trust. If you cut your way through the maze of human problems, that’s what you find—an inability to trust. That’s what happened in the garden of Eden, and that’s what happens in our personal garden of Eden also. To try to develop a close relationship with God and fail to deal with this most basic issue is about as effective as building a skyscraper on an acre of sand.


O God, bring us closer day by day to that place of deep confidence and absolute trust. May we know You so deeply that nothing we see around us will shake or shatter our belief in Your unchanging goodness. In our Lord’s name we pray. Amen.

Further Study

Dn 3:13-30; Hab 3:16-18; Ps 46:2; Mt 7:26

How did the Hebrew youths demonstrate faith in God?

What does Habakkuk declare?

Did you read that in the message that the problem we are having is resting on “distance?” Are you feeling distant from God, then you are not “trusting.” You can only be bless when you put your trust in God. you cannot benefit from what you don’t believe in. Do you believe in God enough to trust Him in your circumstance- failure, past, hurting, cares, just name it. I also did that some years back and He is helping me daily to come out of it.

Did you read what “Job” was said “Though He slay me yet will trust him.” is that sending a message to you? Beloved, we have no excuse if a man like Job will uphold the faithfulness of God in his state, what excuse do we have to give before God.

Therefore let us again and again humble ourselves before God and build on the Rock whose foundation is God (Eph 2:20). May God increase our faith in Him in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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