Glory be to the Lord in the highest… Alleluia!!! glory be to the Lord in the highest… Alleluia!!! Everybody shout alleluia!!! Alleluia!!! In the highest!!! Alleluia!!!// I am bouncing in the Lord everyday… x2…. Bouncing! Bouncing! Bouncing!…. I am bouncing in the Lord everyday…
O Lord of Eternal Mercy… Great are You Lord… Thank You for the gift of another day…in the land of the Living… Thank You for upholding and preserving us all through … Father we cannot Thank You enough….
Great are You Lord… You are greatly to be Praise… greatly to be Praise… Father You reign…x2
Our Father we worship.. You Lord forever… I will worship you everyday… I will worship You forever… I will worship You everyday…. Praise the Name of the Lord….
Almighty Jehovah… Glorious God we bow before Thy Throne…
Beloveth… are you busy at church… but sterile in the workplace? We are dwelling so much on soul winning because it is the heartbeat of God…. Yes! none will perish at the end in Jesus Name… The Lord promised us new frontiers … not without the kingdom work… we must make sure that we are bringing souls to the kingdom … we will not be only dedicated in our services to God in the church; we will also draw men to Christ in our work places…. Yes! We must make God proud of us…
We draw men to God our Saviour… men and women will feel free to share their burden with us and if we promise to pray for them we must make sure we are doing just that …. Praise the Name of the Lord…. somebody…. alleluia
Do you remember that fig tree Jesus saw think that it has fruit in it but on getting there He discover that it was barren… and Jesus was vexed in His Spirit and cause the tree…
Beloveth.. we must be fruitful.. and to be fruitful according to God’s Word… Is to abide and keep abiding in Christ Jesus then we will bring forth fruit… we will bring forth bountiful harvest.. alleluia…. Amen!!!
Are you ready to be part of these armies of God… vibrant at the workplace?
Come along with us for more!!!!
Busy At Church — Sterile In The Workplace
The true test of your walk with god is not necessarily determined by how involved or dedicated you are within the confines of your local church, noble as your service there may be.
Rather, the test may center in the rough and tumble climate of the “marketplace” where greed, seduction, power games, and Machiavellian pragmatism commonly prevail. It is into this environment that the Master Strategist has undoubtedly placed you to affect lives for His glory.
“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one… I… pray for those who will believe in Me through their word.” (John 17:15, 20)
If you happen to be a hands-on achiever who is bent on getting “results” (profit, efficiency, visibility, image, timing, etc.) you daily face the temptation of using people as pawns and bending ethical and moral absolutes.
In this high voltage setting of the marketplace, Jesus can easily be pushed into a servile role at the fringes of your operation, only to be called upon in moments of crisis.
If, in this environment you still entertain aspirations of fruitfulness among your colleagues, there needs to be a funeral.
“Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)
Only then will you be able to allow the very life of Christ to help you achieve your professional goals in a manner that is compatible with Biblical values.
One way many business and professional men and women rationalize their ineffectiveness at ministering in the marketplace is by busying themselves in service behind the less threatening walls of the church.
Ironically, the folks at work may see scant evidence in them of the life of Jesus, while the brethren at church may view them as dedicated saints!
QUESTION: How do you think your marketplace colleagues view you?
Beloveth… this question is personal… and you have answers to it… How do your colleagues at work view you? Your neighbors… how do they view you… beloveth…
If you have not been on fire for the Lord… beloveth… this is another opportunity to do just that…and the Lord will bless you all the days of your life Amen!!!
Further Reading- Jn.15:5-6, Acts.13:39, Ps.119:130, Jn.12:26,3Jn.2, Jas.1:17….
Remain blessed in the Lord.