How excellent is Your Name O Lord! How excellent is your Name 3x, O Lord. We lift Your Name higher 2x, all we have to say is thank You Lord. Thank You Lord, all we have to say is thank You Lord. You are worthy to be praise 2x my Redeemer You are worthy to be praise.
Thank You so much Lord Jesus for the gift of life eternal which You secured on the cross for as many as that are willing and obedient. We are grateful Lord, receive our thanks and praise in the Name of Jesus.
Beloved of the Lord, having seen how much you are loved and care for by Creator doesn’t it call for celebration? Are you not going to invite friends and neighbor for this great privilege? Howbeit that we allow the enemy to take away the grace bestowed on us? How do we toil with salvation wrought by no other means but by ‘blood’ not of goats and bulls but the blood of the beloved Son of the Father “Jesus.” (Heb 10:3-7)
How excellent are the works of His hands and happy are those who are called to this banquet. Beloved, are washed in the blood? Are you among those called to the feast? Are your garments pure? Or is it stained with the sin?
Child of God, can you answer this questions with confident or you are not too sure of your answers? Whatsoever be it, always remember that the invitation is open and for acceptance but you must do so within the allotted time else is late or night comes when no one shall work again.
Do not believe the lie of the devil that it does not matter. Do not be carried away by all these trendy life styles that are leading many to hell. Do you know that no one can stand as an advocate for you except Christ, not your mother, nor Father not your dear wife or husband neither will that friend of yours stand for you. He is the only advocate of the Father. If you don’t accept Him now, he will not stand as your advocate on the judgment day.
Christ, our Mediator is transforming our life to be holy and pure before God. Do not toil with sin. Do not live a careless life either. Know yea that God will require of you every deed committed while you here. So let us run as those who wants to obtain eternal life hereafter. Negligent or ignorance is not an excuse in law, but for the ‘grace’, waste not for we cannot make it to heaven by keeping the law but by grace not of works (Heb 10:7-12).
So many have taken the grace for granted. So many also said that God cannot destroy His handwork. Many also have misunderstood the place of ‘grace’ in salvation (Heb 10:26-27). Men and brethren, we are to die to sin. Sin is not meant to have a domino over us. Is that your case this morning, shall we to continue in sin that grace may abound? Come as we get discover more from the message below:
What should we say then? Should we continue in sin in order that grace may multiply? Absolutely not! How can we who died to sin still live in it?—Romans 6:1–2
A Christian has died to sin. Sin has no control over a corpse. Temptation can present itself enticingly and persistently, yet a corpse will not succumb! Before you were a Christian you were keenly susceptible to sin. Sin held you in its grip. When you became a Christian, your old self died (Gal. 2:20). Sin now has no more control over you than temptation has over a corpse. You have died to sin. You can still sin, but you are no longer in sin’s power. If you choose to succumb to temptation, you are rejecting the freedom from sin that Christ gained for you by His death.
God’s grace is a further motivation for us to resist sin. It was God’s grace that enabled Jesus to endure mocking, beating, and crucifixion at the hands of those whom He had come to save. It was grace that led God to forgive our sin despite our rebellion against Him. It is this same grace that God expresses toward us each time we sin against Him. Knowing this grace, we cannot continue to practice sin (Rom. 6:1–2). We cannot presume upon God’s forgiveness by committing further offenses.
You are no longer the helpless victim of your sin. The victory has already been won. God does not have to win a victory over your sin; He already has! You only need to apply His victory to each area of your life. If there is a sinful habit, an ungodly attitude, or an unrighteous relationship that you need to put to death, claim the victory of Christ’s resurrection today. Then you will be free to experience the abundant life that God intends for you.
Discover more on this victory over sin:
—that is, God’s righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ, to all who believe, since there is no distinction. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. They are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. God presented Him as a propitiation through faith in His blood, to demonstrate His righteousness . . . so that He would be righteous and declare righteous the one who has faith in Jesus.—Romans 3:22–26
Because of sin, Adam and Eve fell short of the perfection God intended for them. Because of sin, the Israelites relinquished the glory they could have experienced as God’s holy nation. Because of sin, Judas fell short of the opportunity to be an apostle of Jesus Christ. Sin will corrupt every area of your life that it touches. Sin will cause your marriage to fall short of the promise it held in the beginning. Sin will cause you to fall short as a parent, a church member, a worshiper, or a friend. Every area in your life is susceptible to sin’s destruction.
The wonder of salvation is that God completely dealt with sin. He did what we could not do. Through Christ’s sacrifice, God, by His grace, offered His salvation and canceled the penalty of our sin. By His grace, He takes a life that has fallen short of God’s best and gives it meaning. He provides the opportunity to immediately confess our sin and to be cleansed from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). He mends a broken heart. His grace erases anger and bitterness. He restores severed relationships. He takes a life devastated by sin and makes it whole. He takes our failures and produces something good.
Only God can heal sin’s devastation. Only He can bridge the gap between His glory and your sin (Rom. 3:23). You must trust Him to do so. If you will ask Him, He will free you from the bondage of your sin, reestablish your relationship with Him, and restore you to wholeness.
Beloved, isn’t that wonderful? Wow! God is restoring you to wholeness, you are not under any condemnation. Like the prodigal your Father will be holding a feast at your return. He give you the finest linen. He will kill the fattest ram, he will invite his neighbors to come and eat and drink with him. Click here to accept Jesus Christ now, if you are yet to do that or you backslide from the faith. He is waiting for you do so now!
Beloved, if you are still standing in in the faith, knowing the fearful things that will befall the unbeliever, do not take with levity the reality of hell. Make sure your family and friends are save. Take the gospel to them, so that they will not partake in the second death. Glory be to God,
Remain blessed in the Lord.