Come and see the Lord is Good… Come and see the Lord is Good… There is nothing He cannot do… come and see the Lord is good…// You are the Lord that is Your Name You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share your Glory with anybody… Almighty God… that is Your Name…

Our Father we bow in worship to glorify Your Holy Name… Thank You Jesus for Your goodness and for Your Wonderful work… to the children of God …. Amen!!! Thank You Faithful Father for that is your Name… Alleluia!!! Jesus… Thank You for helping us in the place of prayer… O Lord… who can be compared with Thee… Almighty God that is Your Name…

Beloveth… Happy Faith Clinic Day… Isn’t God Wonderful? I serve a Living God… Praise the Name of Jesus… Alleluia!!!

Have you ever come to a point you have question your “Trust” in God? Hummmh, Abraham asked God “Is my Eliezer of Damascus shall inherit my inheritance seeing that I have no heir from my bowels” but the Lord answered and aid …” but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels…”Gen.15:4.

And God later fulfilled His word in his life… Gen.21:1-8…

God’s Word can be trusted… you must walk with Him to see how He moves… He never share His glory with anyone alleluia!!!

When David was anointed King over Israel… David had to wait for forty years before ascending the throne but God brought it to pass… Is possible you have not gotten to where he will bless you… is also possible God is waiting for the right time to do His own miracle… what ever it is beloveth… don’t you ever give up on God for He will surely come through for you Amen!!!

Beloveth stop being fearful, doubtful, weary… Trust God even when you don’t know how you will come out from it… make sure you are praying… prayer remains the key to greater breakthroughs…

Come along with us to see God’s faithfulness.

Can We Really Trust God?

Back in my mid-20’s I made the decision to take God literally. That is, to live Biblically and trust Him to meet my needs. Clearly, He had asked me to give full time to winning and discipling men. Shortly after responding to His “calling,” I was severely tested by the Enemy. Amidst the spiritual struggle, I got down on my knees and held my Bible in the air to God, claiming Matthew 6:25, 33:

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Following are four measurable illustrations of how God specifically honored His Word over these many years:

  1. In 1963 when Ruth and I met and fell in love, I was in an intensive Christian training program, living on a few dollars a week. After a number of months of secret letter-writing, (she had moved from Colorado to California) it became apparent that I should go and visit her. I asked God for the necessary funds to make the trip and determined to tell no one of my need. In the following weeks, inexplicably people began putting money into my mail box, under my pillow, etc. When I made the trip, the necessary funds were at hand.
  1. In 1970 Ruth and I returned from overseas missionary work, and needed funds to purchase a house to begin a ministry among university students. We had not mentioned our needs to anyone. One morning in my devotions I felt God laid a verse on my heart from Psalm 107, assuring me the necessary funds would be forthcoming. Later that morning when I opened my mail, there was a check for several thousand dollars which covered the down payment on the purchase of a house.
  1. In 1973 while preparing my income tax I found a misplaced stock certificate. When I mentioned it to Ruth, she informed me that the couple next door were filing for bankruptcy in two days. So we went over to their house and signed over the stock certificate to them. When we specified the stock’s value, the wife let out a scream and broke into tears. The amount was exactly what her Christian mother two days earlier had asked God to provide them. Within days both the husband and wife received Christ.
  1. When our children were studying at the university, unexpectedly I incurred a whopping tax bill. Shortly thereafter, I paid a visit on my 90 year old uncle. Without explanation, he handed me six envelopes totaling the amount of the tax bill. We had not discussed our need with anyone except the Lord.

Can God be trusted? Can He be taken literally? From my 50 years of walking with Him, my answer is a resounding and unequivocal “Yes!”

Beloveth… you read it as much as I did too… I know God’s Word can never fail… if He promise. He will fulfill it… so fretting God will through for you even in that situation…Amen!!! Act14:22

I have evidence to back it up…my God is too faithful to fail you… simply believe, and it shall be well with you Amen…Jer.50:5

Beloveth… ask the Spirit of God to teach you where you cannot confess of the truth you can trust God… Amen!!!

Further Reading- Jas.5:15, Jas.2:22, Mic.7:7, Jas.1:18, Matt.5:16, Gal.2:20, Isa.54:10, 1Cor.1:18, Ps.25:7, Jer.17:10, Isa.63:9.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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