On Leading A “Blameless” Life….

Glory be to God in the highest Amen!!! for His mercy enduerth for ever Amen… For His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!! 2x…// I will...

 I Am Slipping….

Everlasting Father… Everlasting Son Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify…. Everlasting Father… Everlasting Son Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify….// I will worship the...

Are You Showering Or Soaking?….

Come and see the Lord is good 2x… There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is good… Jesus gave me...


I will call upon the Lord…Who is Worthy to be Praise… I will glorify the Lord… Who is Worthy to be Praise… the Lord...

Trusting God When The Bottom Falls Out…

Holy Spirit move me now.. make my life whole again… Spirit move all over me… Spirit move over me… // I am Thank You...


Glory Honour Power and Majesty be unto Christ our Lord… Alleluia… Glory Honour Power and Majesty be unto Christ our Lord… Alleluia…// Worthy… You...


You are the Lord Let Your Name be glorify… You are Jesus let Your Name be glorify… we give You Glory and honour… You...

Four Values….

Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen! For His...

The True Measure Of A Shepherd — Discipler….

Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the love of my life…. O! Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the love of my life … O Jesus.....

Our Month of New Frontiers Through The Blood of Jesus”….

Who is greater than Jehovah love Divine… There is no one greater than Jehovah Love Divine..2x Excellent Jehovah, Wonderful Jehovah… there is no one...