Our Values Determine Our Priorities….
Glory be to God in the highest Amen!... Glory be to God in the highest Amen! for His mercy enduerth forever Amen! for His...
“Success” Is A Seductive Mistress…
You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify… You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify… We give glory and honour… You...
God’s Response To Pride And Humility…
He is alive forever… He is alive… My Jesus is alive forever he ever Amen… He is alive forever… He is alive… My Jesus...
Greed… Rationalization… Compromise ….
Worth! Worth!! Worth is the Lamb…. Worth! Worth!! Worth is the Lamb…. Worth! Worth!! Worth is the Lamb…. That was slain… x2 Praise Him...
Complacency – Stagnation – Death…
O Lord we come, come, come… draw from You again ..again, again… O Lord we come, come, come… draw from You again ..again, again…//...
Steadfastness, Willingness, And Brokenness….
Lord You are so good… Lord You are Wonderful… My God You are Excellent… Excellent is Your Name… Excellent is Your Pwer… Lord You...
See what the Lord has done Ooooo See what the Lord has done… what I pray for has come to pass see what the...
Are You Engaged Or Entangled?….
Who is like unto Thee… O Lord.. Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods who is like… You are glorious in...
When You Are Maxed Out….
When I come into Your Presence Lord am happy… when I come into Your Presence Lord am glad… in Your Presence there is anointing...
Accountability Or Anonymity?…
When I remember what the Lord has done I will never go back anymore… when I remember what the Lord has done I will...