…Lift Up Our Heart With Our Hands Unto God
October 16
Dear father, here we are to worship You, to lift up our holy hands before Your throne to obtain mercy from You. O!...
Never Ashamed
October 15
Gracious Father, hallow be thou name, let thy kingdom come and may will forever be here on earth as it is in heaven,...
Mark of Covenant Grace
October 14
My God and my Lord, I thank You for the past week, I reverence for the great and mighty works You did in...
God’s Sufficient Grace
October 11
Marvellous things did he in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan. He divided the...
Questioning God
October 10
Who can battle with the Lord, nobody am sure is responding “yes I can” , for the foolishness of God is more than...
… But If Not,Erase Me
October 9
Father, we thank You for the gift of life. We appreciate You that we woke up this morning and got off bed without...
…Thou afflicted Thy Servant
October 8
Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way. The meek will he guide in judgment: and the...
…Lead me To The Rock
October 7
O Lord, My God! Who is like unto Thee, blessed be the Lord God Almighty, Who by His Mighty hand delivered His children...
The myrtle trees
October 4
O! Lord, God of heaven and earth. Thank You for another day in this part of eternity, we are grateful to You alone....
The Lord looketh …Sons Of Men
October 3
Heavenly Father, thank You for a blessed day You have made and we are to glad to rejoice in it. For it is...