Christ, Our Life
August 26
We are in the final lap of this great month, glory be to God. Our father has kept us through despite all the...
Are You Showering or Soaking
August 23
What a wonderful God, what a marvellous God; You have done it again and again. What seemth impossible to men; Father, You did...
Who Has The Majority
August 22
I will lift up my voice to praise and worship the King of kings, the Lord of lords. You are unchangeable changer, You...
Seekers, Finders
August 21
Blessed Redeemer, how wonderful Thou are! Thank You for another opportunity to shoot up our prayers to You Lord, blessed be Thou Name....
Rule For Prosperity
August 20
Dear heavenly Father, we are happy to be numbered amongst your people; thank You for watching over our souls and guiding us to...
Reasons We Resist Times Of Solitude With God
August 19
O Lord, My God who is like unto Thee, there is none to be compare with Thee. We are grateful for all You...
Change Through Meditation
August 16
Heavenly father, hallow be thou be Thy Name, thank You for Your Word that is available for us to use as sword in...
Scripture Memory
August 15
Excellent Jehovah, You are God amidst of all Your creation. We thank You for Your protection and guidance all through the night and...
Before And During the Call
August 14
Today, faith is another element of prayer that we will be considering. It is as important for us to know how to pray...
…Highly Knowledgeable Yet Ignorant…
August 13
Good morning God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Indeed, is a great day You have made and we are glad to be...