August 16
Heavenly father, hallow be thou be Thy Name, thank You for Your Word that is available for us to use as sword in times of need. Thank You for the revelation there in, glory be to Your Name. We are grateful for all that you have done through the help of the Holy Spirit. May Your Name be praise for ever more. Amen!
Dear reader, are at cross road on the benefits of meditation, our brother David is a good example to study. The keys to the kingdom’s truth can only be unravel by recalling a scripture to your mind and asking the Holy Spirit to teach you the deep things of the Lord which thou knoweth not.
May be your problem is the word “Meditation”, you see it as one word used by matured Christian and you became scary about it or possible you resent it. I was once there, the word “Quite Time” became so challenging to me that I turn off each time a teacher of the Word come up with it as topic or asked the question, “how many of you had your quite time this week? and you know you must not lie about it”, but over time I discovered that when the Holy Spirit take over your life, being in God’s presence becomes your way of life and you have communion with Him all through the day even as you go about your chores in home, office, travelling on the way, you name it God presence is ever with you. That is when you ask questions that no one has been able to answer or you don’t have full understanding and the understanding or answer will just drop into your heart. Wow! That is as a result of spending an ample time in His presence. Glory!
If you have been following us all through the week cap it up today by discovering the wonders can you experience through meditation and how your orientation will change through the scriptures you know. Praise God.
Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night.—Psalm 1:2
Meditation means “to think deeply and continuously about something.” For a Christian, this means remaining in the presence of God and pondering each truth He reveals about Himself until it becomes real and personal in your life. This takes time. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus accused certain would-be followers of calling Him “Lord” and yet never doing what He told them (Luke 6:46).
They had the correct truth in their heads, but it had never translated into obedience. When you meditate on Scriptures, the truth moves from your head to your heart and results in obedience. As the Psalmist said: “Your word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Ps. 119:11).
When you know God’s Word in your mind but not in your heart, it means that you have learned the principles and concepts and doctrines of God, but you have not come to know Jesus personally. You can reject a doctrine, or ignore a concept, or challenge a principle, but it is much more difficult to ignore a Person.
You can have Scripture in your mind and still sin against God. There are those who can recite long passages of Scripture and yet live ungodly lives. However, you cannot have Scripture fill your heart and continue to sin against God. When God’s truth is allowed to touch the deepest corner of your soul, the Holy Spirit will transform you into the image of Jesus Christ.
Don’t just read your Bible, meditate on God’s Word and ask Him to change your heart. Let get to the orientation ground for more induction by the Scripture my beloved:
“But the Scriptures must be fulfilled.”Then they all deserted Him and ran away.—Mark 14:49b–50
There are times when, in the darkest moments of your life, the only comfort left for you is a word from God. Jesus faced the cruel injustice of a hostile world, but perhaps His deepest pain came when His closest friends deserted and betrayed Him. What could possibly sustain Him at such a dark moment? Jesus found His comfort in the Scriptures (Matt. 26:20–25, 31).
The Scriptures kept everything in perspective for the Savior, holding Him steadfast in the knowledge that everything He was experiencing was according to His Father’s plan. Jesus could proceed with confidence because the Scriptures assured Him that the Father was in control.
The word of God will guide you in the same way. There will be times when events around you will confuse you. Those in whom you’ve placed your trust will fail you. Others will abandon you. You will be misunderstood and criticized. In these times of distress, when your devotion and obedience are put to the greatest test, you must let Scripture guide and comfort you. Never let the faithlessness of others determine what you do. Turn to the Scriptures and allow them to reorient you to God and His activity.
Even as a young boy, Jesus was already well acquainted with the Scriptures. He was never surprised by events; He lived with confidence because the Scriptures had prepared Him for everything that He would face.
If you will immerse yourself daily in the word of God, you will not be caught off guard when crises come. Your focus will already be on God, and He will safely guide you through your difficult moments and you will praise God for the victory He won for you through His Word.
Start the practice this weekend if you are yet to start in case you have stopped this is another opportunity to start again. Just one step at a time and the Holy Spirit will take over from you. God bless you as you spend time in His presence, dearly beloved and you will be able to say as in Ps 63:8 my soul followeth hard after thee…
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang Ifeoma Ohondu