I will praise the Lord (I will praise the lord) I will praise the Lord (I will praise the lord) For what no man cannot do, He has done it again…For no man cannot do He has done it again… Take glory Father, Take glory Son…Take glory Holy Ghost now and forever more…
Father receive all our Praise, receive all our worship, be though exalted forever and ever Amen. thank You for the privilege to come into Your Presence and worship You…thank You for the privilege to pray and be heard by You Lord…Almighty King of glory, be Thou magnify forever in Jesus Name…
You are God…You are not just big ooo, You are not just Large ooo, You are a Great God…You are Big, Big, Big, Big, Big, Large, Large, Large, Large, Large, You are a Great God…x2
Beloveth Praise the Lord!!! Our God is Good…all the time…all the time, our God is good… thank God for the privilege to pray at this time, such a time when situations are critical and very challenge…but who else can we look up to except our Lord Jesus Who has the whole world in His palm… He also directs the affairs of men at His terms. So we can only look up to Him to intervene in our situations and make a way for us where their seems to be no way…
Beloveth what an awesome God we serve…what a miraculous God we serve…today we will look at “Meditation” as a way of prayer and drawing closer to God.
Meditation as prayer has being from the foundation of the world and it is a powerful tool through which we consider God’s word by looking steady on the written Word till we receive insight on it through the power of the Holy Spirit.
It helps to imprint the Word in the tablets of the heart and make it visible and boldly written therein…
The psalmist said Your Word has I hidden my heart that I may not sin against you…(Ps 119:11).
Meditation is a powerful tool against the assault of the enemy satan and his cohorts….(Ps 89:15).
Beloveth, how can we over come if we are in dark of what God is saying concerning you or the situation you are passing through. The power to overcome is in the written Word of the Lord and we get bold and empowered when we study it and meditate therein…
There are times you are face with daunting task, impossible and herculean task, humanly speaking, you are at your lowest point beloveth…the power that can help you is the hidden Word in your heart and it will so sad if you don’t have any to turn to or to recall when you are in such a situation…. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is possible you have been coming across this and you don’t know what to do…is also possible that you never knew that it has such a power invested on it as a means of reaching God….glory be to God through Whom our eyes are enlighten to see Him boldly written in our heart during our difficult times….we are changed through meditation…Praise the Lord…
Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night.—Psalm 1:2
Meditation means “to think deeply and continuously about something.” For a Christian, this means remaining in the presence of God and pondering each truth He reveals about Himself until it becomes real and personal in your life. This takes time.
In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus accused certain would-be followers of calling Him “Lord” and yet never doing what He told them (Luke 6:46). They had the correct truth in their heads, but it had never translated into obedience. When you meditate on Scriptures, the truth moves from your head to your heart and results in obedience. As the Psalmist said: “Your word have I hidden in my heart, / That I might not sin against You” (Ps. 119:11).
When you know God’s Word in your mind but not in your heart, it means that you have learned the principles and concepts and doctrines of God, but you have not come to know Jesus personally. You can reject a doctrine, or ignore a concept, or challenge a principle, but it is much more difficult to ignore a Person.
You can have Scripture in your mind and still sin against God. There are those who can recite long passages of Scripture and yet live ungodly lives. However, you cannot have Scripture fill your heart and continue to sin against God.
When God’s truth is allowed to touch the deepest corner of your soul, the Holy Spirit will transform you into the image of Jesus Christ.
Don’t just read your Bible, meditate on God’s Word and ask Him to change your heart.
Beloveth the bane of Christianity today is that it’s followers are full of the knowledge of the Word of God yet living in sin and having no fear of God neither obeying His commandments.
Beloveth let us pray to God to bestow on us the power to meditate and ponder on His Word till it becomes real in our lives and situations…may we not be forgetful hearers of His Word rather doers of the same through obedient and service in Jesus.
Father…breathe Your Holy Spirit afresh on us…take away from us every sin of disobedient and help us to obey Your Word and take Your infallible Word to the fallen Word in Jesus Name.
Beloveth let us Pray in Jesus Name…..
Further Reading 2 Chr 25:9, Prov 28:18, 2Pet 3:9.
Remain blessed in the Lord.