April 22

What a wonderful God, what a glorious God, He has done marvelous things for me, what a wonderful God, what a glorious God, He use to do marvelous things in my life. The things that are impossible, the things that money cannot buy, they are things that He has done for me ooo. What my mama cannot do, what my papa cannot do, He has done it again, again. To You O, be all the glory, To You Lord, be all the honour, To You Lord be all the glory and adoration for ever more.

Father, we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name for all You have done for us through the week. Thank You for Your Word that is new every morning. Thank You for upholding our faith in You. Thank You for the protection and provision also. Thank You Lord for Your Faithfulness. We specially thank You for the Blood of Jesus that sets free and make whole. Thank Father for us Your tabernacle (Lev 26:11) You Thank You Father forever more.

Beloved, we are at it again and am very sure you will enjoy todays teaching as much as I am dancing and rejoicing here. I will also advise you to save it for easy reach for reference in the future.

Our teaching for today is not only instructive; it is also powerful. It is a habit we develop unconsciously but it very injurious to our Christian’s living. Is consequence is not only grievous but it also leads to backsliding in the faith. It make an individual ever baby in Lord, desiring only milk and never strong meat in the Word of God.

But that is not what it ought to be. So by the grace of God, today’s teaching will help us set a standard for growth in our Christian race. Don’t be left out, you can print it out and paste it at your corner or tuck it into your study bible. O I have forgot that we are technology driven, please save it in on your smart phone. So let’s start going:

Cherry Picking” The Scriptures

Have you ever picked cherries? The idea is to choose the ripe ones while ignoring the rest.

Some of us “cherry pick” the Scriptures by selecting the truths we like while disregarding the others.

And what we like to pick from the Scriptures are the truths that insure God’s promises of material blessings, healing, and general well-being, while ignoring His demands for separation from sin; living a life of integrity, purity, and servanthood. 

If we are “cherry picking” the Scriptures, we are guilty of reducing the Word of God and Jesus Christ to a servile role that caters to our insatiable self-love.

Conversely, Paul, in preaching God’s Word resisted the temptation of “cherry picking” the Scriptures: “I have not hesitated to proclaim the whole will of God.” (Acts 20:27)

Some time ago I counseled a businessman who, along with his partners, were knowingly marketing a product that was defrauding their customers.

Imagine it! These men who supposedly had been touched by the love of Christ were using their position as leaders in the Christian community to exploit others! Apparently Scriptural “cherry picking” had dulled their conscience to make such behavior palatable.

Paul cautioned us: “Live as free men, But do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evilto indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” (1 Peter 2:16; Galatians 5:13)

QUESTION: Are you ruthlessly applying all the Scriptures to your life, or are you selectively “cherry picking” the ones that pander your narcissistic tendencies?

The next time you are tempted to soften your stance on integrity by “cherry-picking” the Scriptures you choose to apply, keep in mind Jesus’ warning,

If anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life, and in the holy city… ” (Revelation 22:19a)

Did you read that? However this is what it ought to be:

Applying The Scriptures To Your Life

As you spend time with the Lord meditating over a portion of Scripture, you may find it helpful to ask the following questions:

  • Is there an example to follow?
  • Is there a sin to avoid?
  • Is there a promise to claim?
  • Is there a prayer to repeat?
  • Is there a command to obey?
  • Is there a condition to meet?
  • Is there a verse to memorize?
  • Is there an error to mark?
  • Is there a challenge to face?

If you would like practice in utilizing the above questions, read and meditate upon Luke 14:25-17:10.

Please go through the Lk 14:25 up to 17:10, you will see what Jesus wants from you. We came across the last verse in the course of our teaching during the week. Beloved, Thank God that His Word is not scare in our time.

Avoid those teachings that only talk about prosperity and never teach you about the cross. It will make you a dwarf in Word of God and when challenges of life comes up which will always be, you will not be able to endure hardship; you will not able to answer the call from Jesus to carry the cross with Him.

The Lord will give understanding in His Word in Jesus Name (Jn 6:63). Glory be to God. Have a loving weekend and be fruitful. See you next week by God’s grace.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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