We give You glory Lord as we worship You. we give honour Lord as we worship You, You are Wonderful, You are worthy O Lord, You are Wonderful You are worthy O Lord.//Praising the Lord always, Praising the Lord always, Praising the Lord with all our might, Praising the Lord with all our might always, alleluia, my Lord is good 2x , my Lord is good, yes He is good to me.

Heavenly Father, we thank You, we bless Your Name. Thank You Father, for another glorious moment we have to fellowship with You. Thank You Lord for breathe of life in us to sing praises unto You Lord. Blessed Redeemer, we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name forever and ever.  O God, we thank most especially for every gifts of life that money cannot buy, Thank You because even with all the money such gifts cannot be bought, therefore we are grateful and we adore You Father in heaven, O God and we worship You forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, how are doing this morning in the land of the living. Are you thanking God that you are among the living? Praise and adore the Only Wise God. He giveth you life and preserveth you from all evil glory be to His Holy Name forever. another week is here, and another day to be better both in character and the works of hands, so let us ask God for the enabling  grace to run through it and still be standing firm and worthy at the end in Jesus Name.

Nothing about us or around us is by chance. I don’t know whether you are agree with me or not, but it is the saying of the Lord. Sometimes we may want to argue that but the truth is that God is aware of everything that happens. God is in control of every situation around us. He orchestrates everything He has made to bring honour and glory to His Name.

More often than not when bad things happens around us we tend to mirror this saying and argue it more. However in our teaching today we see that God truly is in-charge. Though He do not bring upon His beloved evil, but such evil can be as a result of sin.

God is Sovereign, remember. He is Good, don’t forget but He is also a Just God. For every sin committed there is a reward for it just as it is with every good deeds. When David committed adultery and cap it up with murder. You may ask what God was doing. Why did He allow Uriah to die even though he was faithful to the king and to God also? Why didn’t God intervene and save him?

This and many questions we ask when bad things happen to the righteous. You also know the end of that story that the child of adultery died and so many evil things were also recorded in the house of David such incest, his dear son Absalom attempting to usurp power and kill him and sword never depart from his house. (2 Sam 12: 9-12, 14).

However David repented but the child of adultery died. Though he fasted and pray but the child died according to the word of God.

However, His chastisement is not forever as we also discover in today’s teaching. God blessed David with another son Solomon and Solomon sinned against God and he was also punished by God.

Are we to remain in sin that grace will abound asked the writer of the book of Romans dear beloved? Let us flee from all evil and come to our God. He is faithful to forgive us and help us.

His chastisement is not forever, repent and turn away from evil and you will see God working everything after His own counsel, praise the Name of the Lord.

“And I will for this afflict the seed of David, but not for ever.” 1Kings 11:39

In the family of grace there is discipline, and that discipline is severe enough to make it an evil and a bitter thing to sin. Solomon, turned aside by his foreign wives, had set up other gods, and grievously provoked the God of his father; therefore, ten parts out of twelve of the kingdom were rent away, and set up as a rival state.

This was a sore affliction to the house of David, and it came upon that dynasty distinctly from the hand of God, as the result of unholy conduct. The Lord will chasten His best beloved servants if they cease from full obedience to His laws: perhaps at this very hour such chastening is upon us. Let us humbly cry “O Lord, show me wherefore thou contendest with me.”

What a sweet saving clause is that — “but not for ever”! The punishment of sin is everlasting, but the fatherly chastisement of it in a child of God is but for a season. The sickness, the poverty, the depression of spirit, will pass away when they have had their intended effect. Remember, we are not under law, but under grace.

The rod may make us smart, but the sword shall not make us die. Our present grief is meant to bring us to repentance, that we may not be destroyed with the wicked.

Yes our present grief is meant to bring us to repentance that we may not be destroyed with the wicked. Do you agree with that? Ask anyone who has gone through the rod of Lord, he will have a better answer to give.

In the next message we see that God is truly in charge. He does not leave anything to chance believe me, He does not. So for everything you are believing Him for, He will bring to past only believe. Those babies  you are trusting Him for He is able to give you. Are standing in for a miracle husband or wife, our God is able to bring it to past. That peace, Joy, Restorations, Healing, and our God is able to do all, only believe:

“Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will.” Ephesians 1:11

Our belief in God’s wisdom supposes and necessitates that He has a settled purpose and plan in the work of salvation. What would creation have been without His design? Is there a fish in the sea, or a fowl in the air, which was left to chance for its formation? Nay, in every bone, joint, and muscle, sinew, gland, and blood-vessel, you mark the presence of a God working everything according to the design of infinite wisdom.

And shall God be present in creation, ruling over all, and not in grace? Shall the new creation have the fickle genius of free will to preside over it when divine counsel rules the old creation? Look at Providence! Who knoweth not that not a sparrow falleth to the ground without your Father? Even the hairs of your head are all numbered.

God weighs the mountains of our grief in scales, and the hills of our tribulation in balances. And shall there be a God in providence and not in grace? Shall the shell be ordained by wisdom and the kernel be left to blind chance. No; He knows the end from the beginning. He sees in its appointed place, not merely the corner-stone which He has laid in fair colours, in the blood of His dear Son, but He beholds in their ordained position each of the chosen stones taken out of the quarry of nature, and polished by His grace; He sees the whole from corner to cornice, from base to roof, from foundation to pinnacle.

He hath in His mind a clear knowledge of every stone which shall be laid in its prepared space, and how vast the edifice shall be, and when the top-stone shall be brought forth with shoutings of “Grace! Grace! unto it.” At the last it shall be clearly seen that in every chosen vessel of mercy, Jehovah did as He willed with His own; and that in every part of the work of grace He accomplished His purpose, and glorified His own name.

This is our comfort and consolation. May we not take it as an opportunity to continue in sin but a call to repentance and continual fellowship with Him as the day go by.

Beloved, this week is declared blessed in the Name of the Lord. You will have testimonies to the glory of His Name come Friday in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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