I will lift up Your Name higher! I will lift up Your Name higher…oooo Jehovah Alpha Omega I will lift up Your Name higher…oooo Jehovah Alpha omega I will lift up Jesus higher….lord You are so good bless be Thy Name in heaven You are the Lord! on earth You reigneth forever O Lord I Praise Your Name bless be Your Name…..

Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name blessed be Your Name forever and ever in Jesus Name Amen. thank You Father for the gift of another day in Your Presence alleluia to Your Holy Name. we worship and adore Your Holy Name Father be Thou exalted forever O Lord Your Word is settle is settle!!!

Beloveth shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our God is good…His mercies enduerth forever…let everything that has breathe Praise the Lord! yes is only the living that shout alleluia so if you know that you are living shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank You Jesus for the privilege to adore His Name, we can shout, we jump, we can clap, we can sing, we can walk, beloveth let nothing hold you back, let nothing hinder you from lifting up your hand and raising up your voice to shout alleluia to the King Immortal, the Only Wise King…Praise the Lord!!!!!!! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we will looking at a very important topic “choices.” What do you understand by the word “choices.” Whatever definition you come up with…choices is an everyday occurrence….right from the moment you get up from bed, you begin to make choices, the decision to wake up and get up from your bed or to stay back and spend some time in God’s presence or rush out to start off activities are made. You make choices when you choose to skip your breakfast or have a meal, you make choices on what to wear out or where to go…you make choices when you choose to stand for the Lord or to deny Him instead…

we make choices one way or the other…consciously or unconsciously….we make choices that will brighten our future or damp it…beloveth even when you choose not to get involve or do anything are all choices we make…some make or mar our future or lift us to glorious destiny…so we must make sure that our daily choices is in line with God’s Will for us least we fall.

However as God’s children we must engage in activities that will help our glorious destiny. We must consciously walk in th path of righteousness, be willing to obey God even when its hurts or we don’t have clear understanding of where we are going or He is leading us.… I shared some things with us that sobriety sowed the seed of bitterness in me…and unknowingly to me that it is there but I noticed that little by little the wound is going deep…until the Spirit of God help me to root it out and set me free from the bondage of satan…

I have the choice to accept the leading of God to let go and let Him; I also have the choice to remain in the dark and be sucking. But when I surrender to God in brokenness of heart, mind you H is not unaware of the pains, the grief, the accusations, the oppressions, tears….but in spite of all these He want you to hand it over to Him and trust Him…

Now it is your/my choice to trust Him or to say this God is too patient and lenient as Jonah said and instead of going on the mission he was sent, he ran away from the mission field but he cannot hid from God…

Beloveth…you heard it all, God took my burden that was heavy and gave me HIS Yoke that was light….there was a great exchange and I felt an inner most joy that I have never feel for a long time in a long while….i made a choice to honour and trust God and I know He will surely lead me beside the still waters and through the valley of death.

Beloveth, I hope you are looking at those points/places where you need help from God, don’t let this month slip off without you surrendering it to God. come before Him in your nothingness, pains and heartbroken…He is a good surgeon, He will take care of you… I did and I am joyous today…so I encourage you to do the same and you will b healed as I was…Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come along with us for more:

When the young man heard that command, he went away grieving, because he had many possessions.—Matthew 19:22

Your life is the sum of the responses you have made toward God. Once God makes Himself known to you, what you do next is your decision. Your reaction reflects what you believe about Him. The rich, young ruler lived a moral life. He was well versed in Scripture and the laws of God. But his response to Jesus’ invitation clearly showed that, although he possessed a head knowledge of the teachings of God, he did not know God in an experiential way that could be demonstrated by a response of faith (Matt. 19:16–22).

Whenever the Lord speaks to you, it will require an adjustment in your life. This truth can dramatically affect your prayer life. Every time you pray you must be aware that if God answers your prayer and reveals His will to you, it will immediately require you to reorient your life. Each time you read your Bible, you must to be prepared to obey what God tells you.

Why did God use Peter and James and John so significantly to turn their world upside down? And why were others, like the rich, young ruler, never heard from again? Choices! The disciples chose to believe, and their belief was proven by their obedience. The rich, young ruler could not bring himself to obey, and Scripture tells us that he “went away sorrowful.”

You are faced with the same question as the rich, young ruler. What adjustments are you willing to make in order to respond positively to Christ?

Beloveth, what reposes do you need to make to be like the apostles of old…Jesus demanded Peter boat to carry out Father assignment and when He was done Peter knew that encounter for good…God publicly blessed him…but the rich young ruler went away sorrowful and was not heard about again through the scripture while Peter became a tool by which the gospel of our Lord Jesus went to the farthest end of the earth. He and his team did great exploits for the Lord.

So you have a choices to make today, is possible God is waiting for you to make that choice that will bring about your long awaited breakthroughs…so ask the Holy Spirit to help you and you will be glad you did…. so make an Impactful Choices dearly beloved, Praise the Lord!

Further Reading: Jas 1:19-25, 1 Pet 1:13-20.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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