Faithful God Ooooh Faithful God!x2 only You deserve the glory in my life…only You deserve the glory in my life…Only deserve the glory in my life…only You deserve the glory Ooooh Faithful God…Lt the Living Water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart…all my care and burden unto the I come….Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!!! Calling Father, Father, Father….sing to the Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit!!!
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name…Faithful are Father, receive all the Praise, receive all the honour, glory b to Your Name on high…we worship and glorify Your Name for Your guidance all through this week…thank You for keeping and guiding us all through the valley and setting a table before our foes, glory be to You Lord in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, this a great week full of the manifestation of the power of God, His Amazing Grace richly abound all round us…our God is a good God; yes He is….yes I tasted His goodness, His deliverance, safety, and provision…
Worthy worthy is the Lamb worthy worthy is the Lamb! Worthy worthy is the Lamb that was slain…Praise Him alleluia! Praise Him alleluia! Praise Him alleluia! Praise Him alleluia! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth safety is of th Lord, join me to celebrate the God of Host, Who granted me safety yesterday and delivered my from the Fowler’s snare…beloveth our God is indeed our Help in time of trouble…I found myself in an unpleasant situation and the Lord made a way of escape for me, He delivered from the hand of the wicked ones, the workers of iniquities, the blood thirsty men of darkness effortlessly…Praise the Lord who at the beginning of this week promised us abundant of life and not death, blessed be His Name…indeed a “Life with a Shepherd is of peace and His goodness and mercy shall follow you if you believe and like I said on Thursday if you believe say Amen!!! it is indeed my month of Perpetual Help in Christ Jesus
Thank God is PLC session though it is coming on Saturday, glory be to God on high…in today’s consideration of the Word, the topic said “Christ must Reorient you.” what is your understanding of this?
Are you too comfortable were you are at the moment…I guess the teaching is saying to you is time to make some adjustment… you need to move out of your comfort zone and seek new things and experience another dimension of God’s grace, mercy and love in your life.
I witnessed God’s power of defense yesterday and I tell you God is indeed jealously guiding His children… and I knew of the truth that He leads us through the valley of the shadow of death and we come out unharmed…Our helper is in the Name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
Is your mind telling you that you are long in that place? Is possible God is speaking to you…why not go to God in prayer and seek His face and know if it time for you to explore a new location, a new Job, a new relationship, a new opportunity…is time to get out your comfort zone and explore with the Hand of God guiding you…come along with us for more:
Going on a little farther, He saw James the son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in their boat mending their nets. Immediately He called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed Him.—Mark 1:19–20
We have a natural tendency to find our “comfort zone” and then position ourselves firmly in place. If you are in a situation or lifestyle where you are perfectly capable of handling everything, you have stopped growing in your understanding of God. God’s desire is to take you from where you are to where He wants you to be.
You will always be one step of obedience away from the next truth God wants you to learn about Him. You may experience a restlessness whereby you sense that there is far more you should be learning and experiencing about the Father. At times, this will mean that you should move to a new location or take a new job. It could indicate that you need a deeper dimension added to your prayer life. Perhaps you need to trust God to a degree you never have before.
The fishermen could not remain in their fishing boats and become apostles of Jesus Christ. Abraham was seventy-five years old when God gave him his major life assignment. These men had to disrupt their comfortable routine in order to reach new heights in their relationship with their Lord.
Likewise, in order to experience God to the degree He wants you to, there will be adjustments He will ask of you. Are you prepared for Christ to reveal Himself to you in dimensions that will change your life? Are you willing to abandon that which makes you comfortable?
Beloveth, you have to answer the above question…remember God searches the heart…He knows your inner most thought… He also promise to Help you.
As you come before Him with sincerity of heart; He will led you and guide you in all truth…may you hear God as you seek Him passionately in Jesus Name…. arise dearly beloveth allow Christ to reorient you now and forever… Praise the Name of the Lord.
Have an pleasant weekend with God’s glory shining all around you in Jesus Name…Amen!!!! See you Monday if Jesus tarries.
Further Reading : Heb 4:12, 2 Cor 13:11, 2 Cor 2:15-17, 1 Cor 1:18, 1 Jn 1:1-4, 1 Jn 5:4
Remain blessed in the Lord.