Glorious God… Beautiful King… Excellent God we bow before Your Throne… Glorious God… Beautiful King… Excellent God we bow before Your Throne… we bow before Your Throne… we worship at Your feet… we bow before Thy Throne you are a glorious God… we bow before Your Throne… we worship at Your feet… we bow before the Throne You are a glorious God….// Who is like unto Thee O God… Who is like unto Thee… O! God! among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee Ancient of Days… we magnify Your Holy Name… O Lord… Who is like unto Thee… Who can be compared with Thee…in heaven You are God… on earth You remaineth the same… Thank You for watching over us… protecting us from all evil… glory be to Your Holy Name on high we pray Thee in Jesus Name… Alleluia!!!
Let the Living water flow over my soul…Let the Holy Spirit come and take control… of every situations that troubles my heart… all my care and burden unto Thee I come…. Jesus… Jesus … Jesus… Jesus …. Calling Father… Father… Father… Father…. calling Saviour…. Saviour, Saviour, Saviour…. Calling Spirit…Spirit, Spirit, Spirit…..
Beloveth…how are you today?… How is with You? Hope you are experiencing God’s Faithfulness in all facet of Your life… Beloveth… I hope also you are praying and fasting put things in perspective… we serve a Wonder working God… Yes! Our God is too faithful to fail us…. but we must seek Him early according to His Word … He never forsake those that seeks Him early… Praise the Lord …. So make sure you are praying and fasting seeking Him in every detail of whatever you want Him to do… fast if your health permits you…. or better still fast to the time your body system will permit… God knows you and will honour your commitments to Him… Praise the Lord…
Looking at the topic before us beloveth…. what is your mind telling you…. what does that statement means…
You might have a different opinion from the author but I want you to know… considering this topic literary, one may be tempted to disagree with the author…. But beyond what you may be thinking or believing I think the author’s perspective on this topic is in order….
Are you an overcomer beloveth or is your circumstances breaking you? …. then come along with us for more:
Circumstances Don’t Make Or Break A Man
“Circumstances don’t make or break a man… They simply reveal him.”
CIRCUMSTANCES: Are you surmounting yours or allowing them to get the best of you?
According to Psalm 84:5-7 the OVERCOMERS OF CIRCUMSTANCES have four characteristics:
- They draw their strength from God:
“How blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee… ” (Verse 5)
When you purchase a new automobile there are two ways to get it off the lot. Push it or drive it. Many Christians push their way through life, never tapping into the energy source that is rightfully theirs: Jesus.
- Their heart is 100% given over to God:
“In whose heart are the highways to Zion!” (Verse 5)
Here is a person with a single purpose: The highway to Zion. The highway to heaven. This is the pilgrim with blinders on, headed in one direction: Zion, his eternal home.
- They overcome and even change their difficult circumstances:
“Passing through the valley of Baca, they make it a spring, the early rain also covers it with blessings.” (Verse 6)
Baca is a place of weeping, sorrow, sterility and possibly death. In this barren environment these “OVERCOMERS OF CIRCUMSTANCES” “make it a spring” of water, a source of refreshment, a place of hope and beauty. Rather than being overwhelmed by their circumstances, they change them for good!
- They become stronger and stronger until they cross the finish line.
“They go from strength to strength, every one of them appears before God in Zion.” (Verse 7)
These OVERCOMERS OF CIRCUMSTANCES “gain new strength, (mounting) up with wings like eagles. They… run and not get tired… walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)
And they all make it: “Everyone of them appears before God in Zion.” (Verse 7)
So, we have a choice: To live “under” the circumstances or rise above them.
What are your circumstances revealing about you? Are they making you or breaking you?
Beloveth are here with us? From the foundation of the world …God has given us through His Divine Power…. all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue: whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust… (2Pet.3-4)…
I want you to read verses 5-11… what do is your Spirit ministering to you….
You cannot run the race of this part of eternity without abundant knowledge or in-depth knowledge of God’s Word… thing about it…. God put everything in place before our first parents were created…. Likewise….He ensures that you and I also had everything we need to be overcomers while passing through here….
If you are happy about this… please celebrate Jesus with us…. Thank God our Father for this awesome grace granted unto us from high…. Ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life and help you to be better not to be broken by the challengers of life in the Name of Jesus….
Further Reading- Eph.5:17, Rom.10:17, Phil.1:27, 2Pet.3:18, Ps.119:130, Rev.14:5
On this note beloveth…this week is declared open and blessed in the Name of Jesus and by the grace of God we will return with greater testimonies in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.