I will Praise the Name, I will Praise Your Name if one will Praise Your Name I will Praise Your Name, if nobody will Praise Your Name, I will Praise Your Name.// Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the Lord of our live. Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the Lord of our live. O! Jesus, You are the Lord of our life. O! Jesus, You are the Lord of our live.

Father we thank You for You are God and there is no one like You. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Lord, we bless Your Holy Name. Receive my Praise O Lord. We magnify You, Ancient of days.  Thank You for answers to prayers. You are God, You are God, You are God. Great are You and thank You for doing great things in our lives. There is none to be compared with You. forever You reign.

Beloved, hoped you had a nice time in the place of prayer. Do you get the assurance that your house is blessed? Did you hear or read from the Word that God will not forsake your house when He is passing by? Beloved this one prayer point that must make our list daily. We must pray in every member of our house to salvation as well as to eternity. Praise God.

We have before us today our faith clinic. Is someone happy about it? Are you excited because God will yet be God and not man. God cannot lie therefore He is setting the captive free. Whatever be the form the good Lord is you free today in Jesus Name.

Is your faith big enough to receive this prophecy? It does not matter where you are before now, what is important is that God is raising in that situation and He is making Name for Himself Praise God.

Someone faith is being lifted as the Lord promised to blessed our coming in and going out. Our topic today is very interesting and inspiring. If God is on your side who can be against you?

The Lord of the Lord is reassuring someone today that He will never live you nor forsake you. The blessing of the Lord maketh rich and add no sorrow to it. if you want to confirm this statement please place a call to Father Abraham. He will tell so much that will stagger you.

Beloved, our God is so big and nothing can be compared with Him. He is mighty that everything He created bow before His presence. Praise God.

What more can a man desire if God Himself blesses his coming in and going out. Faithful are you Lord!

Come along with me for more:


“Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out.” Deut. 28:6


The blessings of the law are not cancelled. Jesus confirmed the promise when He bore the penalty. If I keep the commands of my Lord, I may appropriate this promise without question.

This day I will come in to my house without fear of evil tidings, and I will come into my closet expecting to hear good news from my Lord. I will not be afraid to come in unto myself by self-examination, nor to come in to my affairs by a diligent inspection of my business. I have a good deal of work to do indoors, within my own soul; oh, for a blessing upon it all, the blessing of the Lord Jesus, who has promised to abide with me.

I must also go out. Timidity makes me wish that I could stay within doors, and never go into the sinful world again. But I must go out in my calling, and I must go out that I may be helpful to my brethren, and useful to the ungodly. I must be a defender of the faith and an assailant of evil. Oh, for a blessing upon my going out this day! Lord, let me go where Thou leadest, on Thy errands, under Thy command, and in the power of Thy Spirit.

Lord Jesus, turn in with me and be my guest; and then walk out with me, and cause my heart to burn while You speak with me by the way.

Are you blessed with the message above?  God will increase your faith will increase and you will go about His business, you will not intimated by the cares of the world. You will soaring far above principality and powers. No evil shall befall you. You will excel far above your fellows in Jesus Name.

Our Lord Jesus will do all these if you let Him in. Open the door of your heart and let the Prince of life in. He is knocking at the door of your heart, do you dare to open it and let the King of kings in. Praise the Lord. Come along with me for more:

“My Beloved put in His hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for Him.” Song 5:4


Knocking was not enough, for my heart was too full of sleep, too cold and ungrateful to arise and open the door, but the touch of His effectual grace has made my soul bestir itself. Oh, the longsuffering of my Beloved, to tarry when He found Himself shut out, and me asleep upon the bed of sloth!

Oh, the greatness of His patience, to knock and knock again, and to add His voice to His knockings, beseeching me to open to Him! How could I have refused Him! Base heart, blush and be confounded! But what greatest kindness of all is this, that He becomes His own porter and unbars the door Himself.

Thrice blessed is the hand which condescends to lift the latch and turn the key. Now I see that nothing but my Lord’s own power can save such a naughty mass of wickedness as I am; ordinances fail, even the gospel has no effect upon me, till His hand is stretched out.

Now, also, I perceive that His hand is good where all else is unsuccessful, He can open when nothing else will. Blessed be His name, I feel His gracious presence even now. Well may my bowels move for Him, when I think of all that He has suffered for me, and of my ungenerous return. I have allowed my affections to wander. I have set up rivals. I have grieved Him. Sweetest and dearest of all beloveds, I have treated Thee as an unfaithful wife treats her husband.

Oh, my cruel sins, my cruel self. What can I do? Tears are a poor show of my repentance, my whole heart boils with indignation at myself. Wretch that I am, to treat my Lord, my All in All, my exceeding great joy, as though He were a stranger.

Jesus, thou forgivest freely, but this is not enough, prevent my unfaithfulness in the future. Kiss away these tears, and then purge my heart and bind it with sevenfold cords to Thyself, never to wander more.

Beloved, are asking God also to prevent your unfaithfulness. Where have you sin again God? Where have done wickedly before God. The Word of God said He that come to must believe that He is and He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

Beloved, are you diligently in the search of Him?  Are you desiring to build yourself up in the Word, battle ready for the evil day? Yes the evil day.

Beloved, there are evil days in every man’s life but it the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit that will arrest it and make you an overcomer.do you know that if your strength fails in the day of adversity, thy strength is small (Prov 24:10).

He promise to be with you till the end of time. He said He will never leave you nor forsake you. He said and you read it today that He will bless your coming in and your going out.

Beloved, feed your faith, hold on to the Word and promises of God and be delivered, restored.

Remember defect is not an option. May Jesus console you in very challenging situation you are going through now in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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