I am bouncing in the Lord, I am bouncing in the Lord Amen! bouncing bouncing bouncing I am bouncing in the Lord Amen!// Everybody testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good, everybody testifying You are so good, You are good Jehovah, You are so good.
Thank You Father for the gift of another day, thank You for making it possible for us to wake and shout alleluia, for the strength to move our bodies and go about our activities with help. Glory be to You on high. Thank You Lord for Your love and compassion that draw You nearer to us though not worthy but You cleanse us from every filthy. Amen! Blessed be Thy Name O Lord!
Beloved, how excellent is the love of God upon all that He has made. Hope you prayed as we were instructed to do. Passion and pursuit are the criteria for knowing God. Are you man or woman enough to rise to and sustain the challenge?
Beloved, are you up to the challenge? Of reading studying and mediating therein? The good Lord will help us as we desire daily to please and obey His command.
In our faith clinic today we will be considering this all important topic not easily found in men. Our Lord Jesus demonstrated it while He was with His disciples and we are to do same but unfortunately this is not the case with us as selfishness and greed has taken a toll in the humanity.
I have come to realize that it only compassion to makes an individual to go the extra miles. Without this virtue in life, life will just be demanding and be devoid of laughter and love. A little smiles here and there makes a lot of difference and keep the recipient going for days.
Our Lord Jesus demonstrated this while He sojourn here and many who are held captives by the satan and his agents were destroyed. Praise God! Sickness were healed, the demonized were made whole. And so many needs will met just the compassion of Jesus. Praise Lord.
Beloved we have been dealing with “timing” this week which I think is of great importance in human existence. And the virtue before us can only be live out if you are not to time conscious. It does mean that you waste your time but we are saying that you can only live out this if you don’t consider the next person. That is if you are not selfish.
You cannot demonstrate this virtue if you are always in a hurry, and have no time to spare. Many people avoid this because they are afraid they might end up spending their money along side but that is not always the case.
Sometime an advice, an information, a listening ear, a helping hand and a demonstration of love can only come from a compassionate heart as we saw Jesus demonstrated while He might be on His way to an important assignment.
I use to find it difficult sitting around or chatting with people which I always term as an ideal talk but over time the Spirit has help me in that area that I will simple sit and laugh with you and in the process will discover why that opportunity came my way.
I always have this compliment “O thank you for your time!” You see, I have been struggling over a while but thank God for this timeout, it is such a blessing. Wow! I never see that way but God help me to come to that realization that we are gods to each other.
I still remember what a former colleague said to me at the early of this ministry after sharing her concern with me, at an instance I show her the solution of what she just discussed, with her mouth wide open she exclaimed I never see it that way, my answer just made it look so simple and I have been struggling with it for a while. She then called me by my name and said “you will make a good consultant,” I simply laugh over it not knowing that the Spirit God was simply relaying my next assignment. This happened in July 2011 and not too long after that, The vision was delivered in May 2012 and upon till now I have been on this mission.
Beloved, is only the Spirit of compassion that will assist you to be on mission for God without looking at the cost but God is always faithful to reward you.
So thinking of being on mission for our Lord then ask the Holy Spirit to give you this virtue. Let us discover more:
COMPASSION – A rather unsettling idea for people in a hurry…
How does a person feel compassion when he is cruising above it all in the fast lane: Scurrying secretaries, board meetings, flights to catch, weighty decisions to make.
Jesus however, had time for compassion. He felt people’s needs and was deeply moved by them. And ended up feeding the hungry hoards and lovingly healing society’s castoffs. (See Matthew 9:36; Mark 1:41-42)
But the disciples, like me, were rather annoyed by the heaving masses and the dirty lepers, who, today, are those frumpy, disheveled types with grubby beards, bratty kids, delinquent mortgage payments, dented cars and boisterous wives.
People surviving around the fringes of the American Dream and out of sync with the rest of us. People with whom I have nothing in common.
Do I have tolerance for them? Possibly. Do I feel compassion for them? Hardly.
In fact, if I am really honest, those people clutter up my landscape. But, because of my affluence, my education… really, because of my PRIVILEGED position in society, I am able to avoid and insulate myself from them.
And… If I care to admit it, the way I deal with them is to be polite, but NEVER get involved.
Could it be that the greatest plague today is not AIDS or inner city crime, or even the starving masses in some third world countries, but “our lack of love and charity, the terrible indifference towards one’s neighbor who lives at the roadside assaulted by exploitation, corruption, poverty and disease?”
Calvary love leaves me no option but compassionate involvement:
Jesus, while eating with the prostitutes and the city’s lowlife, instructed the censoring religious types:
“Go and learn what this means, ‘I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT SACRIFICE,‘ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:13)
God desire it of us, so it a command and must be obey. Beloved total obedience is what required of us. Someone is asking what has this got to do with faith, just follow me and discover more:
“She was healed immediately.” Luke 8:47
One of the most touching and teaching of the Saviour’s miracles is before us to-night. The woman was very ignorant. She imagined that virtue came out of Christ by a law of necessity, without His knowledge or direct will.
Moreover, she was a stranger to the generosity of Jesus’ character, or she would not have gone behind to steal the cure which He was so ready to bestow. Misery should always place itself right in the face of mercy. Had she known the love of Jesus’ heart, she would have said, “I have but to put myself where He can see me—His omniscience will teach Him my case, and His love at once will work my cure.”
We admire her faith, but we marvel at her ignorance. After she had obtained the cure, she rejoiced with trembling: glad was she that the divine virtue had wrought a marvel in her; but she feared lest Christ should retract the blessing, and put a negative upon the grant of His grace: little did she comprehend the fulness of His love! We have not so clear a view of Him as we could wish; we know not the heights and depths of His love; but we know of a surety that He is too good to withdraw from a trembling soul the gift which it has been able to obtain.
But here is the marvel of it: little as was her knowledge, her faith, because it was real faith, saved her, and saved her at once. There was no tedious delay—faith’s miracle was instantaneous. If we have faith as a grain of mustard seed, salvation is our present and eternal possession. If in the list of the Lord’s children we are written as the feeblest of the family, yet, being heirs through faith, no power, human or devilish, can eject us from salvation.
If we dare not lean our heads upon His bosom with John, yet if we can venture in the press behind Him, and touch the hem of his garment, we are made whole. Courage, timid one! thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace. “Being justified by faith, we have peace with God.”
What have learnt from this? The compassion nature of Christ made Him heal her without counting the virtue that went out of Him. Can the same said of us? Can you from today use the gift and tools God placed in your hand to be a blessing to those around you? Can you learn to trust Jesus that the floor will finish neither will the oil run out because you are doing it in Jesus Name (1 Kings 17:14).
Dearly beloved, let us learn from our compassionate Jesus and go and do likewise as He had commanded us (Lk 10:29-37). Praise the Lord!
We also need compassion to stay connected to Jesus and receive from Him too. Ask help if you need help and the Holy Spirit will help you. Do you want to advance as commanded us beloved grow in compassion. Show kindness in simply English. And God will see your good work and have mercy on you.
Remain blessed in the Lord.