You are the Lord let Thy Name be glorify…. You are the Lord… Let Thy Name be glorify… we give You glory…and honour… You are the Lord…let Thy Name be glorify….// You are Messiah… You are Messiah… You are Messiah… You are Messiah… You are Messiah… the Rose of the Sharon… You are Messiah… the Bright morning Star… You are Messiah… The Lily of the valley…You are Messiah…

Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… alleluia to the King of kings… the Lord of lords…. The Beginning and the End… Almighty, Jehovah…. Glorious God we bow before the Throne… Come and have Your way in our lives… Thank You for a beautiful week You have made us to be part of … we are grateful Father… Again we ask of you to come and help us… Bless us and make us whole… alleluia!!!

Beloveth how are doing… the month of February is almost gone… and we still have a lot planned out achieve before the end of the month… so we are believe that God is able to see us through.. Amen somebody…

We are considering this virtue “compassion” …. In the new testament any where see Jesus ministering you will always see “ then He was move with compassion.” Compassion is a rare virtue… is needed for kindness to be extended… is only when are move with compassion that we can extend help to others….

Join us to discover more:


COMPASSION – A rather unsettling idea for people in a hurry…

How does a person feel compassion when he is cruising above it all in the fast lane: Scurrying secretaries, board meetings, flights to catch, weighty decisions to make.


Jesus however, had time for compassion. He felt people’s needs and was deeply moved by them. And ended up feeding the hungry hoards and lovingly healing society’s castoffs. (See Matthew 9:36; Mark 1:41-42)

But the disciples, like me, were rather annoyed by the heaving masses and the dirty lepers, who, today, are those frumpy, disheveled types with grubby beards, bratty kids, delinquent mortgage payments, dented cars and boisterous wives.

People surviving around the fringes of the American Dream and out of sync with the rest of us. People with whom I have nothing in common.

Do I have tolerance for them? Possibly. Do I feel compassion for them? Hardly.

In fact, if I am really honest, those people clutter up my landscape. But, because of my affluence, my education… really, because of my PRIVILEGED position in society, I am able to avoid and insulate myself from them.

And… If I care to admit it, the way I deal with them is to be polite, but NEVER get involved.

Could it be that the greatest plague today is not AIDS or inner city crime, or even the starving masses in some third world countries, but “our lack of love and charity, the terrible indifference towards one’s neighbor who lives at the roadside assaulted by exploitation, corruption, poverty and disease?”

Calvary love leaves me no option but compassionate involvement:

Jesus, while eating with the prostitutes and the city’s lowlife, instructed the censoring religious types:

Go and learn what this means, I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT SACRIFICE, for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:13)

Beloveth… the Lord is calling you and I to extend compassion on others… To show love to the broken in our midst… the hungry and the destitute and as we do so the Lord will

We also ask You Father to look with compassion upon us and show us mercy… Amen!!!

On this note beloveth… we declare this week blessed and by end of this week we have greater testimonies in Jesus Name.

Further Reading- Ps.8:9, Jude:21, 1Pet.2:3, Jn.8:12, Ps.119:77, Matt.6:34, Matt 8:2

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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