Come lets praise the Lord come lets praise the Lord he is Jehovah tell of salvation spread the news around of his Name let us praise the Lord, praise the Lord. Forever and ever my Lord is the same he never change.// let the living praise the Lord, let the living praise the Lord. Let the living praise the Lord let the living praise the Lord.
Father we thank You we bless You morning Holy Name, we worship we bless You now and forever. Thank You for the gift of another day. Thank You for watching over us and doing for us that which only You can do, glory be to Your Name alone. Thank You for giving us testimonies. Our lips are filled with Your goodness and mercies.
Father, thank You for the gift of Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross that we might live and we do not take it for granted. Blessed be Your Holy Name.
Beloved, thank God is PCL. Another opportunity to inward and make amend. All through the week the Lord has been speaking to us on how best to rely on Him and trust Him.
He promise to help us, delivery us by sending his Son to die. He is Mighty to save and he promised to crush the head of satan on our behalf while enter into our rest. Praise God. In order to succeed, we were advice to form a healthy habit by memorizing some scripture and place them strategically on our door post, offices, study room, bed room even our kitchen inclusive.
Today, we are will be considering how we should respond to this wonderful gesture extended to us by our Maker. What more can be more deserving than offering our self back to the One who did not withheld His Son to die for us.
Beloved, we were saved to serve. Where are you serving? Where are offering your help to? Or you think you are not needed? You think you are useful for Jesus? Have you forgotten that you are a member of His body? Don’t shy away, rather offer yourself in service to Him alone.
Are you ready to do that? Join me as we dig deeper in today’s message:
Your people will volunteer
on Your day of battle.—Psalm 110:3
One mark of revival, during which God comes to His people in power, is that God’s people are compelled to offer their lives for His service. Many churches lack people who are willing to get involved in carrying out God’s redemptive work. The mission fields are crying out for Christians to go and share the gospel with those who’ve never heard it. What we need is not more pleas for volunteers, but an outpouring of the power of God. When God comes among His people in power, there is never a shortage of volunteers or resources for His work!
When Christians today are asked what aspects of the Christian life are most important to them, missions is not usually ranked as a priority. This is because we have lost track of why God called us in the first place. We were not saved from our sin simply so that we would qualify for heaven. God delivered us so we would have a relationship with Him through which He could carry out His mission to redeem a lost world.
Only the power of God can free us from our natural self-centeredness and reorient us toward the mission of God. There is no need to pray that God would come in power. That is the only way He ever comes. We need hearts that are so responsive to Him that He will choose to demonstrate His power through us.
Is your heart so filled with love for God that you are watching for the first opportunity to say with Isaiah, “Here am I. Send me!”?
Then come the second demand from us to look away from vanity and be drawn unto Christ alone. Avoid distractors this year and see you on top as we go on steady look out for the greater glory promised us. we must be a willing tool on the hand of our Maker. We must be desire to win souls, to serve and be available to be use by God. Let’s get going:
“Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken Thou me in Thy way.” Psalm 119:37
There are divers kinds of vanity. The cap and bells of the fool, the mirth of the world, the dance, the lyre, and the cup of the dissolute, all these men know to be vanities; they wear upon their forefront their proper name and title. Far more treacherous are those equally vain things, the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches.
A man may follow vanity as truly in the counting-house as in the theatre. If he be spending his life in amassing wealth, he passes his days in a vain show. Unless we follow Christ, and make our God the great object of life, we only differ in appearance from the most frivolous. It is clear that there is much need of the first prayer of our text. “Quicken Thou me in Thy way.”
The Psalmist confesses that he is dull, heavy, lumpy, all but dead. Perhaps, dear reader, you feel the same. We are so sluggish that the best motives cannot quicken us, apart from the Lord Himself. What! will not hell quicken me? Shall I think of sinners perishing, and yet not be awakened? Will not heaven quicken me? Can I think of the reward that awaiteth the righteous, and yet be cold? Will not death quicken me? Can I think of dying, and standing before my God, and yet be slothful in my Master’s service?
Will not Christ’s love constrain me? Can I think of His dear wounds, can I sit at the foot of His cross, and not be stirred with fervency and zeal? It seems so! No mere consideration can quicken us to zeal, but God Himself must do it, hence the cry, “Quicken Thou me.” The Psalmist breathes out his whole soul in vehement pleadings: his body and his soul unite in prayer.
“Turn away mine eyes,” says the body: “Quicken Thou me,” cries the soul. This is a fit prayer for every day. O Lord, hear it in my case this night.
Beloved, is your soul crying “Quicken Thou me,” this should always be our daily prayer as we are imitators of God, live as Christ live. Be a volunteer to Gods course, remember He pays back. He is a rewarder, He will pay you back. Go on weekend bible memorizing practice.
Have a wonderful weekend. See you next week by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord.