O Lord we come, come, come… draw from You again ..again, again… O Lord we come, come, come… draw from You again ..again, again…// I have a reason to Praise You Lord… I have a reason to Praise the Lord… O my God.. I have a reason to Praise You Lord in my life I have reason to Praise Your Name Name… in my life I have reason to Praise You Lord… in my life.. I have many reasons to praise the Lord…
There is power mighty in blood… O Lord.. Thank You for the gift of brand new day… it could only be You… beautiful Jesus doing beautiful things… glory honour adoration belongs to You alone in Jesus Name… Thank You Lord for answers to prayers… Ancient of Days.. You are the I AM the I AM… Let all the Glory be to You Father in Jesus Name…
O Lord You answers prayer… 2x … My Jesus You are answers prayers…2x Glory be to Your Name alone in Jesus Name…. Praise the Name of Jesus…………..
Beloveth… we serve a Living God… somebody help You sing… Na True….. we serve a Living God … Somebody help me shout Na You dey reign ooo…
Blessed Redeemer na You dey reign…. Praise the Living Jesus… O what an Awesome God we serve…
Beloveth… yesterday we considered Steadfastness, Willingness, And Brokenness… we saw all these in Lord’s servant David… A man after God’s heart…. And I hope you are blessed…. Today we are going to look at the other side of the coin… Complacency- Stagnation- Death… at the end of this teaching you will stand a better chance to know where you belong too… May God give you understanding that will glorify His Name alone in Jesus Name….
come along with us for more:
Complacency – Stagnation – Death
This morning I had breakfast with a businessman who is coasting spiritually. Basically, he’s bored with his Christian experience… and under-challenged with life in general.
At mid-life he has mastered his profession, enjoys the easy life-style of private clubs, trips abroad, and the respect of his peers. His time with God is bland. His involvement in ministry is dutiful, uneventful, and… predictable.
There is no overt sin in his life, you understand. Basically, he’s a nice guy, who faithfully shows up each week at church and Bible study.
But he’s dying from within. Bloated from too much intake and too little outflow.
What is missing is the very life of Christ pulsating through his veins:
- Jesus wept over Jerusalem.
- Jesus washed people‘s feet.
- Jesus climbed into an electric chair and died.
- Jesus cautioned us:
“Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.” (Luke 9:24)
So I asked him, “If you are stagnated now, what will you be five years from now?”
I then challenged him to find the highest piece of real estate in his city: “Go to the top, look over the city and pray, asking God to allow you to see your city through the eyes of Jesus who wept over Jerusalem as He viewed their tragically lost condition.” (Matthew 23:37-39)
I urged him to ask God to give him a vision for his world that was larger than his safe and diminished life… A vision that would demand faith and sacrifice.
Is it not true that unless we are involved in a life of sacrifice in fulfilling a God-given vision, we too are in the process of dying?
QUESTION: What is your vision? What is your passion? For what are you expending your life? Is it the life of the cross or simply “business as usual?” If it is “business as usual,”
You may be a spiritual cadaver in the making.
Beloveth… this message is looking that it will changllen us to pray… yes… the person being address was challenged to pray… by going to the top and looking over the city and pray and ask God to give me an eye that will see your environment through the eyes of Jesus… again you are ask God to give you a vision that will is larger that where you are presently feeling safe and secured… falling to do this might lead to spiritual decay… which will finally result in death…
O! Our death must unite us with Christ and not separate us from Him dearly beloved…
This is the Time and The Hour is Now … to seek the dark sheep before nightfall…. Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth the God of New Beginning is moving around with His blessings… has He come to your end… intensify in your prayer… keep looking steadily unto Jesus … He is the Author and Finisher of our faith … Praise the Lord… Alleluia!!!
Join us to sing this song… it will soon be your turn…. Come and see the Lord is good… Come and see the Lord is good… there is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is good… He gave me victory… He gave me peace of mind… Come and see the Lord is good…. Come and see the Lord is good…
Our God is good… All the Time….
Further Reading- Prov28:18, Ps.36:5,2Cor.4:7, Jn.14:3, Jas.1:22-25, Eph.5:1-20, Heb.4:3, Ps.119:63.
Remain blessed in the Lord.