It is good to praise the Lord, alleluia 3x, Praise the Lord, alleluia 2x. Come let’s praise the Lord 2x, He is Jehovah. Let the water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my mind, all my sin and burden unto Thee I come.
Gracious Father, thank You for a bright day You have made. Thank You for the health of mind and body. We thank You for the blessings of the day. Glory be to God in the highest.
Beloved, this is the day the Lord has made we should glad and rejoice in it. Prayer is the key we usually say, but can ‘prayer; unlock a door covered by sins? You know that a prayer of a sinner is an abomination unto the Lord. That is why there are so many unanswered prayers. We are admonished to pray when we are in trouble and if any is sick among us but that is for a prevailing prayer of a righteous man not a sinner (Jas 5:13-15; 17-18).
Do you know what confession is? How often do you access this grace? When last did you make a confession? Brethren, you will discover more about this tools of grace when you read through the message.
We are encouraged to confess our sins one to another and also pray for one so that it shall be well with us (v16).
Brethren is there any sin in you that will hinder your prayer today? Confess it to God. Make your fitly state known to Him. Confess your unworthiness. Empty yourself before God and receive ‘forgiveness’ which also entitles you ‘wholeness’. Praise God.
Let us get into the message proper and read more about the wonder healing medicine. To see how confession can bar or be a forerunner to your prayer:
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful.—James 5:16
Confession is God’s provision to clear obstacles that hinder our relationships with God and with others. Confession is not just for those who don’t mind admitting their faults. Confession is a command, given to every Christian. James advised that when we sin, it is important for us to confess not only to God, but also to our fellow Christians. There is a tremendous freedom that comes as we openly acknowledge the sinfulness of our actions to others.
If confession does not come out of repentance, it is merely admission, and not true confession. It is important to confess your sins specifically and not hide behind generalities. It is one thing to pray, “O Lord, forgive my sin.” It’s quite another to identify specifically in painful honesty. Whenever possible, confession ought to be made directly to those whom your sin has hurt. You are not to confess the sins of others but only your offenses. Confession is not a sign of weakness; it is evidence of your refusal to allow sin to remain in your life.
Significantly, James linked confession with prayer. Your prayers will be hindered if you hold on to unconfessed sin. When James promised that the “effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much,” he did so in the context of confession. If you wish to have a powerful prayer life, you must regularly confess your sin. Only when there are no obstacles separating you from God and others will your prayers be effective.
Pride will discourage you from admitting to others the sinfulness of your heart. A desire to please God will compel you to confess your sin and rid yourself of its oppressive burden.
Beloved, hear what the wisest man said about a sinful man (Prov 4:14-17). It is distasteful thing before God, keep far from it. Always lift up a clean hands and worthy heart before God:
“Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.” Lamentations 3:41
The act of prayer teaches us our unworthiness, which is a very salutary lesson for such proud beings as we are. If God gave us favours without constraining us to pray for them we should never know how poor we are, but a true prayer is an inventory of wants, a catalogue of necessities, a revelation of hidden poverty. While it is an application to divine wealth, it is a confession of human emptiness.
The most healthy state of a Christian is to be always empty in self and constantly depending upon the Lord for supplies; to be always poor in self and rich in Jesus; weak as water personally, but mighty through God to do great exploits; and hence the use of prayer, because, while it adores God, it lays the creature where it should be, in the very dust.
Prayer is in itself, apart from the answer which it brings, a great benefit to the Christian. As the runner gains strength for the race by daily exercise, so for the great race of life we acquire energy by the hallowed labour of prayer. Prayer plumes the wings of God’s young eaglets, that they may learn to mount above the clouds. Prayer girds the loins of God’s warriors, and sends them forth to combat with their sinews braced and their muscles firm.
An earnest pleader cometh out of his closet, even as the sun ariseth from the chambers of the east, rejoicing like a strong man to run his race. Prayer is that uplifted hand of Moses which routs the Amalekites more than the sword of Joshua; it is the arrow shot from the chamber of the prophet foreboding defeat to the Syrians.
Prayer girds human weakness with divine strength, turns human folly into heavenly wisdom, and gives to troubled mortals the peace of God. We know not what prayer cannot do! We thank thee, great God, for the mercy-seat, a choice proof of thy marvellous lovingkindness. Help us to use it aright throughout this day!
Even the worst of sinners are made a saint. Why not give it a trial today, pray and be forgiven; pray and be healed. Beloved, pray for that brother and sister dead in sin and see the transformation that will take place.
God help us to see every hidden sins in us and give us the grace to confess same either to You or to men in Jesus Name we prayed.
Remain blessed in Lord.