I will enter His gate with thanksgiving in my heart. I will enter His court with Praise, I will say this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice that He has made me glad, He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I am so glad, I will rejoice that He has made you glad. He has made me glad, I am so glad, I will rejoice that He has made you glad. We give all the Praise to the Lord, all the glory to Lord, all the glory to the Lord. we give you all the glory to the Lord, all the glory to the Lord, all the glory to Lord, all the glory to the Lord.

Yes! Lord, hallow be Thy Name, we glorify Your Holy Name, thank You Father for the miracles of this day, glory be to You O! Lord. We adore Thee, we blessed Thee, we adore Thee, we give the Praise, and blessed be Thy Name forever and ever. Who is like unto Thee, You are God, and You changeth not. Let the heaven rejoice and the earth be glad for Jesus reigns. Yes! Jesus reigns! Arise O God, let your enemies be scatter.

Beloved, our God is good: all the time! He is faithful and reigneth forever more. I have looked round eternity and I say there is none like Him. Come, let us bow before His Throne Who is our surety forever. Great are His works.

Dearly beloved, I bring you goodnews from the Throne of grace this day, listen as the Spirit of God is here again to comfort you. He is here presence to assured you of His great love and power. He is here to quench your thirst. Only relax and focus on Him and mediate therein as He speaks and the Lord will bless and honour you from now on.

The topic before us is here to do just that. A break from the series of lent period why we continue with it as it pleases the Lord.

Someone whose question need to be answered and assurance be given has brought us here. The command to Advance through our Jesus as given us by the Lord is settled, now if you still in doubt or not too sure of what the Lord is doing then the Lord is here to speak to your spirit man. Just be still and know that the One who spoke to you knows, He has the power and sovereignty. He will lead you all the way. You will not stumble neither will you fall by the way side. Praise the Lord.

He came to assure you that He will lead you all the way, all you need do is to follow Him. Following the Lord is not always easy, why? Because His thoughts are far above us. often times in our comfort zone we don’t want be disturb, however God knows that the best we have is far from the best He have for us.

Therefore He will unsettle us and make the comfort zone less comfortable so that He will lead us to where He had planned for us from the foundation of the world.

Is possible that satan is asking you question as he asked Eve “Did God said…..” (Gen 3:1) The word of the God is here to help you. Don’t you ever engage in any discussion that will stagnate you, just join me to sing this song unto the Lord –

Move on, move on, don’t be tried, my Saviour understand He died for you. Beloved move on, move on, don’t be tried my Jesus understand He died for you.

In all of it dearly beloved, Jesus understand He will bring His Word concerning you to perfection in Jesus Name. Glory be to God in the Highest. Praise God!


“The Lord shall guide thee continually.” Isa. 58:11


What aileth thee? Hast thou lost thy way? Art thou entangled in a dark wood, and canst thou not find thy paths? Stand still, and see the salvation of God. He knows the way, and He will direct thee in it if thou cry unto Him.

Every day brings its own perplexity. How sweet to feel that the guidance of the Lord is continual! If we choose our own way, or consult with flesh and blood, we cast off the Lord’s guidance; but if we abstain from self-will, then He will direct every step of our road, every hour of the day, and every day of the year, and every year of our life. If we will but be guided, we shall be guided. If we will commit our way unto the Lord, He will direct our course so that we shall not lose ourselves.

But note to whom this promise is made. Read the previous verse: “If thou draw out thy soul to the hungry.” We must feel for others, and give them, not a few dry crusts, but such things as we ourselves would wish to receive. If we show a tender care for our fellow-creatures in the hour of their need, then will the Lord attend to our necessities, and make Himself our continual Guide.

Jesus is the Leader, not of misers, nor of those who oppress the poor, but of the kind and tender-hearted. Such persons are pilgrims, who shall never miss their way.

Did you just read that “Jesus is the Leader, not of misers, nor of those who oppress the poor, but of the kind and tender-hearted.” Did you also read this “…..and give them, not a few dry crusts, but such things as we ourselves would wish to receive.” I always have problem with this, oftentimes we only give out what we cannot consume or use. Why? Because you felt the person you are giving is helpless and therefore should be grateful, or maybe you have place yourself in class therefore why should offer the same joy/ things you partake from.

Beloved, we are just privileged! You read about your leader “Jesus”. May he continue to lead you in making decisions and choices that will only please Him. Remember He searches the heart, He knows of all our heart intent. There is nothing wrong in giving especially when you don’t want use a particular thing you received but not when intentionally think that someone deserve less.  May God help us all in Jesus Name. (Rom 13:14)

God does not forget. Even when He smites us, it is because He loves us. Let’s discover more:

“O Lord of hosts, how long wilt thou not have mercy upon Jerusalem?… And the Lord answered the angel… with good words and comfortable words.” Zechariah 1:12,13


What a sweet answer to an anxious enquiry! This night let us rejoice in it. O Zion, there are good things in store for thee; thy time of travail shall soon be over; thy children shall be brought forth; thy captivity shall end. Bear patiently the rod for a season, and under the darkness still trust in God, for His love burneth towards thee.

God loves the church with a love too deep for human imagination: He loves her with all His infinite heart. Therefore let her sons be of good courage; she cannot be far from prosperity to whom God speaketh “good words and comfortable words.” What these comfortable words are the prophet goes on to tell us: “I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy.”

The Lord loves His church so much that He cannot bear that she should go astray to others; and when she has done so, He cannot endure that she should suffer too much or too heavily. He will not have his enemies afflict her: He is displeased with them because they increase her misery. When God seems most to leave His church, His heart is warm towards her.

History shows that whenever God uses a rod to chasten His servants, He always breaks it afterwards, as if He loathed the rod which gave his children pain. “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him.” God hath not forgotten us because He smites—His blows are no evidences of want of love. If this is true of His church collectively, it is of necessity true also of each individual member.

You may fear that the Lord has passed you by, but it is not so: He who counts the stars, and calls them by their names, is in no danger of forgetting His own children. He knows your case as thoroughly as if you were the only creature He ever made, or the only saint He ever loved. Approach Him and be at peace.

Am sure someone is bless. Am so bless and so glad that God will never forsake me. Just join me to sing this song.

Am so glad that Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me yes! He loves me. I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves you and me.

May God give you more understand in His Word in Jesus Name. May He send you comfort where you are hurting in Jesus Name and bless you from Zion in Jesus Name. May God send you help and wipe your tears in Jesus Name! Amen!!!

Read Prov 22:9

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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