Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods Who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia! // How Excellent is Thy Name O! How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How Excellent is Thy Name! How excellent is Thy Name! How Excellent is Thy Name O Lord! Mighty Jehovah, how Excellent is Thy Name! How wonderful is Thy Name! How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord!

Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name! we adore You we lift You up, we bow in worship to You Father, what a wonder You are. Blessed Redeemer who is like unto Thee, all glory, power, honour, adoration belongs to You alone now and forever.

The God that answereth by fire; He will be my God. The God that answereth by fire; He will be my God. The God that answereth by fire; He will be my God. The God that answereth by fire let Him my God. He will be my God, He will be God, let Him be my God; He will be my God.

Yes He answereth by fire! Beloveth, how are doing today? Hope you are good? Hope you had a nice time in God Presence while praying? In God’s Presence there is fullness of joy, deliverance, power and what have you, all are in His Presence. You can never go back the same way because He will exchange your burden/care with His peace, love, kindness, joy, grace, mercy, steadfastness, goodness, faith, gentleness.

We learnt in Heb 11:6 –“but without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh unto God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”

Beloveth it is by faith you receive everything from God. if we read further from the chapter eleven of Hebrew you discover that everybody mentioned received one thing or the other which they are believing God for by their believing that it is possible with God.

This is the last faith clinic this month and we came to encourage you to continue in faith. The first five months of the year has gone and the remaining seven is coming. Whatever you were trusting God for must truly come to past. Amen!

Interesting oftentimes you don’t know how it going to be possible standing from where you are standing now. Two questions we have here, “is it your desire?” Then secondly, “Do you believe God is able to do it?”

I know that there is nothing that is impossible unto God, except it is not in his plan for you.

It is always important for us to prayerfully discover the ‘Will’ of God in our lives else we live a miserable life coveting what is not ours. May God have mercy on us in Jesus Name.

Come on for more:

 “Continue in the faith.” Acts 14:22

Perseverance is the badge of true saints. The Christian life is not a beginning only in the ways of God, but also a continuance in the same as long as life lasts. It is with a Christian as it was with the great Napoleon: he said, “Conquest has made me what I am, and conquest must maintain me.”

So, under God, dear brother in the Lord, conquest has made you what you are, and conquest must sustain you. Your motto must be, “Excelsior.” He only is a true conqueror, and shall be crowned at the last, who continueth till war’s trumpet is blown no more.

Perseverance is, therefore, the target of all our spiritual enemies. The world does not object to your being a Christian for a time, if she can but tempt you to cease your pilgrimage, and settle down to buy and sell with her in Vanity Fair.

The flesh will seek to ensnare you, and to prevent your pressing on to glory. “It is weary work being a pilgrim; come, give it up. Am I always to be mortified? Am I never to be indulged? Give me at least a furlough from this constant warfare.”

Satan will make many a fierce attack on your perseverance; it will be the mark for all his arrows. He will strive to hinder you in service: he will insinuate that you are doing no good; and that you want rest. He will endeavour to make you weary of suffering, he will whisper, “Curse God, and die.”

Or he will attack your steadfastness: “What is the good of being so zealous? Be quiet like the rest; sleep as do others, and let your lamp go out as the other virgins do.” Or he will assail your doctrinal sentiments: “Why do you hold to these denominational creeds? Sensible men are getting more liberal; they are removing the old landmarks: fall in with the times.”

Wear your shield, Christian, therefore, close upon your armour, and cry mightily unto God, that by His Spirit you may endure to the end.

Yes satan will try to weary you off and get you discourage by several ungodly remarks that will put you in confused state. Don’t be discourage because of how it is now, look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil….and cover yourself with shield of faith (Eph 6:11-18).

Beloveth, hold on to your crown that no one will take it away from you in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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