Glory be to our God alleluia… Glory be to our God alleluia!!! glory be to our God alleluia… Glory be to our God alleluia!!! I will sing alleluia… alleluia… alleluia Amen! Amen!!Amen!!!// Worthy… You are worthy King of kings Lord of Lord You are worthy…. Worthy, Worthy You are Worthy… King of Kings Lord of Lord I worship You….x2

Our Father, we Thank You O Lord, we worship You, we give You Praise.. We adore Thee we glorify Your Holy Name… Ancient of Days… How great You are… How mighty You are… there is none like Thee… You are God… You never change… You never disappoint… There is no turning of shadow with You… O my Father, my Father we bow at Your Feet  and we ask for Your mercy on this prayer altar that You O God will come forth for us as we pray today….

We call on Only One God Who can do all things… Everlasting Father hallow be Thy Name… Look with upon us with pity and glorify Your Name in our midst… Show us mercy… that can wipe away our sorrow… our pains, our sickness, our shame… O God even after Lazarus was buried and was in the tomb for 4 days… when you showed up …Lazarus became a living soul again… O Lord in those dead situations … In those hopeless situations, In those forgotten/written-off situations… O Lord show forth and have mercy…. Debts that are weighing our souls down… be cancelled in the Name of Jesus… Situation that satan has hijacked to cause us sorrow and bitterness of heart …O God let it be reverse right now in the Name of Jesus… O we come to the altar of fire and we plead our case in Jesus Name… answer us by fire in Jesus Name… Amen!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, who says a thing and it comes to past when the Lord has not commanded it… and the Word of God said “Be  careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God…. (Phil.4:6).

We therefore present every concerns of ours at the prayer altar and we ask the Spirit of God to brood upon them and we receive it back as answers in Jesus Name…. Yes! What the devil meant for evil is actually turning around for our good in Jesus Name…

Beloveth… we serve a Living God… Who can never fail nor disappoint us… so be firm in your Spirit that your answers will  be delivered in Jesus Name… nothing shall hinder it… no principality or powers will be strong enough to alter the Finished Work of God on the Cross that speaks peace… Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

Today also in our prayer altar… we will be asking God to help us in our daily living… what do I mean… that the Spirit of God will help us so that we can help others, accommodate others and treat others fairly especially those we come in contact with.

Sometime, our schedule are so choked that we cannot let in or dropped one for another and that breeds dispersion in our lives… then we become frantic… but today we will be dealing with any situation that will push us into such conditions in Jesus Name…

First of all… we will come with humility of heart and ask Jesus to help us… we cannot help ourselves but Jesus can… so we ask Jesus to look down upon us and help us to plan and set our priorities right…

It is one thing to recognize a course is another thing to ask Jesus to take care of it… especially when it is negative… Jesus is Only One that change a situation(s) we cannot handle… so we bring it to our prayer altar today and ask Jesus to order our live right…

He will come into it and reverse the ugly situation plaguing our lives now in Jesus Name…  Ask God to built in “Margin” in your life… somebody doesn’t know what this is all about…

Follow us to discover more…

Creating “Margin” In Our Lives

Each page in this book has a margin. You wouldn’t read this “Fact” if the print ran to the edges of the paper because it would offend your sense of proportion. In similar fashion, our lives also need margin. They need proportion.

Margin is:

  • “The gap between rest and exhaustion…
  • “The leeway we once had between ourselves and our limits…
  • “Something held in reserve for contingencies or unanticipated situations… “

If you are running thin on margin these days, my guess is you are on overload in at least some of the following areas:

  • Too many commitments.
  • Too much competition.
  • Too much debt.
  • Too many expectations.
  • Too much ministry.

Here are six steps we can take to insure margin is built into our lives:

  • Learn to expect the unexpected. Because most everything takes longer than anticipated, learn to build margin into your planning.
  • Learn to say no. Contrary to your perception, you are not indispensable.
  • Cut down on the activities as they have a way of self-perpetuating; of multiplying.
  • Practice simplicity and contentment. Choose to live with less.
  • Get less done but do the right things. Assess all your activities as to their spiritual authenticity.
  • Decide to live the life of Jesus… whatever the cost:

Let your sweet reasonableness, your forbearance, your being satisfied with less than your due, become known to all menStop worrying about even one thing, but in everythinglet your requestsbe made known in the presence of God, and the peace of Godshall mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:4-6 – Wuest Translation)

Now that you are here… Do you understand what “Margin” is all about? Beloveth, Paul  prayed that he wish above all things that mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth… a life without margin will be severely attack by satan…

So we must be deliberate in our Christian race to built in margin to absorb shock, tolerate others, accommodate some unforeseen circumstances… may God help us all in Jesus Name….

O Lord help us to love you better, serve you better… love others better and serve them better too… help us also to love ourselves in other that your Name alone will be glorify in Jesus Name…

Further Reading- Rev.3:8, Heb.13:14, Isa.51:16, Matt.24:45, 2Tim.1:14, Ps.69:32, Isa.9:6, Col.3:16

Beloveth, let us pray with our eyes lifted up to God, Our Helper and He shall come through for us Amen!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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