To God be all the glory adoration forever more. Glorious God, Wonderful Redeemer, the One Who is and Who is yet to come, we praise now and ever more.

Thank You Father for another beautiful day in His presence. What a wonderful privilege our Dear Lord has granted unto us, we do not take it for granted, therefore, we bow before Your Throne and we hallowed Thy Name now and forever.

Beloved, how are you? Hope you are good? Praise be to God! Are you bless from this (Overcomers Faith Ministry) throne of grace? We hide ourselves behind the cross that Christ alone be glorify in Jesus’s Name. We will continue to diminish that Christ be exalted till His second coming. Amen.

Thank you for being there for Christ sake, He will continue to be faithful to us daily through His Word via His ministry of encouragement that we are called to. Amen. If you feel you have something to share, we are very much at home to partner with you so that more souls will be blessed and win over to the kingdom of the Most High God (Jas 5:8). Alleluia!

We have reason to fall victim to the topic before us today. beloved, when you listen to people who have shown love, made sacrifices either in relationships, families, business, career, ministries, churches share their experiences of woes suffered from someone they are caring for, sometimes you be lost at what to say, or even ask for the victims to forgive or let go, especially when they are at their worst end- either lost their job, properties or loved one as a result etc.

But what is the bible saying about this very issue. Cynicism is cancerous to the victim if is not checked. So what can we do to avoid such a terminal disease from spreading into our system? How do we manage such as that to avoid being immobile for the Kingdom?

Often time the perpetuators are usually those who are close to us and we are open to them. They becomes agents for their master, the devil through their evil desires. (Matt 26:14-16; Gen 37:3-5; 18- 22) this is two classical examples we have in the bible. A betrayer from brothers and that of a servant.

How did the victim react to such heinous act? Let find out what happened in Gen 45:3-15; Matt 26:52-54; Lk 23:34.

Beloved, may be this has been your bane in your Christian race. You are sorely afflicted by the wrongs, betrayers you suffered in the hand of your brethren, family, colleague or business associate but hear me child of God “Do you know that forgiveness is the ultimate life saver?”

There is a reader of this devotional that God wants to save. You know that this message is for you. You have been asking God for a way out, now this is the answer to that prayer. Can you take that pain to the Lord and lay it at His feet now? Don’t put it off for tomorrow, the Lord is presence even as you read now to bind your broken heart and heal you of your disease now. Lay it down and never to pick it again.

The Lord is here to heal you and make you whole, do not miss this opportunity. As you drop every resentment you have carried all along for so long, the Lord is healing you and you are whole in Jesus Name.

Cynicism a cancer that must be dealt with and never allow to take root again.

 “Weariness” is twin of the cynicism if you ask me. Come along with as we look into it and see how Jesus proffer solution in both situation and you will begin to soar high in your Christian race. Praise the Lord, somebody!



My friend, my guess is that you have every reason to be cynical about life! After all, haven’t you been short-changed, not given due respect… exploited, and shunted aside?

Of course you have! But isn’t that how most of us have been treated from time to time?

 Sadly, cynicism brings with it the seeds of spiritual paralysis and ineffectiveness in ministering to others…

After all, who wants to be around a bitter, brittle fud who expends his energy decrying life’s injustices?

 So how can we avoid this cancer of the soul? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Stop grousing over the way it wasEspecially if you were right.
  • Accept the fact that in time your influence will probably diminish, and you will receive increasingly fewer accolades.
  • Focus on what is right, not on what is wrong.
  • Stay active in ministering personally to others. Getting down and dirty into peoples lives will help keep you fresh and on your knees, and too busy to bother with pampering yourself in cynicism.
  • Affect what you can and should, and then commit the rest to God, keeping in mind that He probably has not yet designated you to be The Chancellor of the Universe.
  • Instead of being a critic of the next generation, be a source of encouragement, and their champion.
  • Dont let unresolved conflicts remain.

Jesus’ response to His unjust treatment should serve as our model:

 “When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly.” (1 Peter 2:23)

 In observing older people around us, it is apparent that many have become sullen over their situation in life.

QUESTION: Do you plan to be one of them, or one of those rare, joyful, senior citizens around whom young people love to connect?

 Given your present mind-set, into which camp do you think you are heading? Let us also find out more how to deal with weariness by the way of Christ:


You especially feel it in the evening after an exhausting day at the office, as you wend your way home in a rumpled suit, lugging an overloaded briefcase. Perhaps you find yourself wondering if anyone else understands – or cares about your fatigue, as you reflect back over a day fraught with unresolved problems, unrelenting pressures, and incomplete projects.

 One Person who cares is Jesus. He also understands because He has been there:

  • After a demanding stretch of meeting people’s needs, He fell asleep in a storm-tossed fishing vessel. (Matthew 8:23-27)
  • After butting up again and again against obdurate slow-to-believe fellow-travelers, He expressed a sense of wearing angst:

O unbelieving and perverse generationhow long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?” (Matthew 17:17)

  • After an exhausting journey under the midday sun, He sat down at a well to rest. (John 4:6)

And that is why He and your Heavenly Father are able to say to you:

 “Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

 “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

 “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

 “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint“. (Jeremiah 31:25)

 Amidst unrelenting demands, Jesus wisely knew when it was time to take a break:

 “Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to (the twelve disciples), ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.‘” (Mark 6:31) (both adapted from FOTM)

 Do you?

Wow! Am so glad souls are saved today into the Kingdom of the most high and more souls will be save if only you will join hands with us and forward this message as many as you have in your contact. They will be glad you did, because they also have souls to reach out and together we will achieve more (TEAM).

God bless you real good. Am so glad this morning, how about you? Nothing must hinder this promise of the Lord in my life and your life this month (Laughter and Rejoicing). Forgive and let go. That is way to go!

Attached also are other views of renowned men of God on how to respond to unjust treatment by others:

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?—Psalm 27:1.

Thou hidden Source of calm repose,

Thou all-sufficient Love divine,

My Help and Refuge from my foes,

Secure I am while Thou art mine:

And lo! from sin, and grief, and shame,

I hide me, Father, in Thy name.

  1. WESLEY.

Whatever troubles come on you, of mind, body, or estate, from within or from without, from chance or from intent, from friends or foes—whatever your trouble be, though you be lonely, O children of a heavenly Father, be not afraid! H. NEWMAN.

Whatsoever befalleth thee, receive it not from the hand of any creature, but from Him alone, and render back all to Him, seeking in all things His pleasure and honor, the purifying and subduing of thyself. What can harm thee, when all must first touch God, within whom thou hast enclosed thyself?  LEIGHTON.

How God rejoices over a soul, which, surrounded on all sides by suffering and misery, does that upon earth which the angels do in heaven; namely, loves, adores, and praises God! G.TERSTEEGEN.

(adapted from DSfDN )

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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