Glorious God, Beautiful God, Excellent God I bow before Your Throne…x2 We bow before the Throne… We worship at Your feet… We bow before Throne.. You are a Glorious God…x2// I am Thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord… I am thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done Dan Sakari Baba…
Who is like unto Thee Our Father Who art in heaven… Thank You another day in Your presence O Lord of mercy… Who is like our God… Thank You Most gracious God for all You are doing in our life and situation… Faithful Father we worship and we glorify You Jesus… Abba… Father be Thou exalted forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth… good morning… how are doing today… Our God is an Able God… What our God cannot do does not exist… Yes what our Jehovah God cannot do does not exist…
Beloveth what is that one thing in your life that is asking where is your God…. what is that situation that is questioning your position in God…beloveth… listen and listen well… The God we serve is Mighty God in Him… We are saved and secured… Outside of Him we are nothing…. Without Him We can do nothing… Excellent Jehovah… What more can we say that we have a Father that changes not…. Alleluia somebody!!!
Yes what an awesome God we serve… He is Greater than the Greatest… Mightier than mightiest… Our God is Older than the oldest… what an Awesome God we serve…
Jesus You are my good God… I will forever follow You… there is nothing You cannot do… I will forever follow You… there is nothing you cannot do.. I will forever follow You…
Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah …. Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth… our topic today is asking us to be the happy and be the jolly fellow God made us to be…right from the foundation of the earth… Though circumstances might want to make us bitter… but let us take heed lest we fall into the temptation of bitterness, anger, sorrow….
Yes we may have every reason to get even but we must also watch it…
Today we are pray for everyone who for one reason or the other has found themselves in situations that are not palatable… situation that has left you wounded and bitter… and all that is coming to your mind is to get even and retaliated…
We are going to pray for everyone in this category that God will comfort them and grant than unusual grace to look unto Jesus and look less on what is going on in their mind right now…
I feel the pain of betrayer of trust and love… yours might be something different from mine and you needs God’s intervention and mercy… beloveth… don’t be down cast… Just know that there is nothing impossible for God to do… Our God is Beautiful in all situations… He is an Awesome and Ever Faithful… He will take you from obscurity to Limelight…
For every of that pain He is healing right now… in Jesus Name…
He is flushing out from you every bitter experience… every pain that is currently weighing you down… remember if there is a man to pray there is a God to answer…
Let’s pray to the only One who can make every crooked path to be strengthen … Yes our Father will deliver us from all evil Amen!!!… May God help us all in Jesus Name Amen!!!
Let us discover more:
My friend, my guess is that you have every reason to be cynical about life! After all, haven’t you been short-changed, not given due respect… exploited, and shunted aside?
Of course you have! But isn’t that how most of us have been treated from time to time?
Sadly, cynicism brings with it the seeds of spiritual paralysis and ineffectiveness in ministering to others…
After all, who wants to be around a bitter, brittle fud who expends his energy decrying life’s injustices?
So how can we avoid this cancer of the soul? Here are a few suggestions:
- Stop grousing over the way it was… Especially if you were right.
- Accept the fact that in time your influence will probably diminish, and you will receive increasingly fewer accolades.
- Focus on what is right, not on what is wrong.
- Stay active in ministering personally to others. Getting “down and dirty“ into people‘s lives will help keep you fresh and on your knees, and too busy to bother with pampering yourself in cynicism.
- Affect what you can and should, and then commit the rest to God, keeping in mind that He probably has not yet designated you to be “The Chancellor of the Universe.“
- Instead of being a critic of the next generation, be a source of encouragement, and their champion.
- Don‘t let unresolved conflicts remain.
Jesus’ response to His unjust treatment should serve as our model:
“When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly.” (1 Peter 2:23)
In observing older people around us, it is apparent that many have become sullen over their situation in life.
QUESTION: Do you plan to be one of them, or one of those rare, joyful, senior citizens around whom young people love to collect?
Given your present mind-set, into which camp do you think you are heading?
This is a question we must answer especially if we want to let go our pains… Our Master Jesus prayed for His murderers…. so let us pray that god will heal from what ever hurt we are going through that will make us cynical about life… to let go and let God…
Satan is a roaring lion looking for who to devour… he will not devour us… we must fall for his victim… the Spirit of God will help us to forgive all our offenders and look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith Amen!!!
Our Father in heaven… we lift our hands unto God our Creator, Marker of heaven and earth… to have mercy upon our lives … enable us to forgive our offenders and embrace Jesus … the Author and Finisher of our faith Amen!!!
Further Reading-1Jn.2:16-17, Jas.2:26, Eccl.8:12, 1Tim.4:14, Rev.22:17, Tit.2:11, 1Sam.12:24. 1Pet.3:8-17, 2Cor.2:15, Jude.21.
Let us pray
Remain blessed in the Lord.