April 3
Heavenly Father, we thank You for this day, Your mercy and grace in the lives of Your children. Thank You Lord for answers to prayers. We are confident that when we call on You, You answers us. We bless You, we praise You forever more in Jesus Name.
Dear friend, do you believe in your heart that your Father in heaven is a “Living God”. He is not only a Living God but He is also a prayer answering God. During one of our family devotion, one of my son’s through the help of the Holy Spirit came up with this analysis between the True God and false gods. According to his analysis he said, that the false gods can only hears and speak gold because that is what it was made from, he also said that this gods cannot move except it is carried or help.
But not so with our heavenly Father, the true and only living and powerful God, he said, He not only see you but He hears you while you are still speaking. Praise the Lord!
Is your God a living God? If He is, why do you have a little faith, why are you in doubt? As a solider, you are on mission and you need not to be afraid but if you are, what happens to your mission? You must have a dauntless faith to get to where God has destined for you. So don’t lie low, be ever ready as the sons of the adversity usually are, even their master said that “he goes to and fro the earth”. So you cannot afford to be cold or docile. Let’s get into the message and compare notes.
“I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee.” Acts 18:10
So long as the Lord had work for Paul to do in Corinth, the fury of the mob was restrained. The Jews opposed themselves and blasphemed; but they could neither stop the preaching of the gospel, nor the conversion of the hearers. God has power over the most violent minds. He makes the wrath of man to praise Him when it breaks forth, but He still more displays His goodness when He restrains it; and He can restrain it. “By the greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a stone, till thy people pass over, O Lord.”
Do not, therefore, feel any fear of man when you know that you are doing your duty. Go straight on, as Jesus would have done, and those who oppose shall be as a bruised reed and as smoking flax. Many a time men have had cause to fear because they were themselves afraid; but a dauntless faith in God brushes fear aside like the cobwebs in a giant’s path.
No man can harm us unless the Lord permits. He who makes the devil himself to flee at a word, can certainly control the devil’s agents. Maybe they are already more afraid of you than you are of them. Therefore, go forward, and where you looked to meet with foes you will find friends.
Are surprised that all your foes are no more? Because the Lord is in charge, you need not be afraid. He will take care of you; He will lead you in the path you should go. Fear not, for He is your Lord and Saviour. I don’t know what you are going through as you are reading this devotion, you are afraid that you will make it to an end or that the challenge will swallow you up.
Hear me child of God, fear not; doubt not and you will see your enemies falling down like pack of cards. Someone, who believes this, shout Alleluia! As the walls of Jericho grumbled down flat, so will your mockers fall before your eyes in Jesus Name! Once again doubt not.
Or do I just say, “Why do you doubt? Share with us your experience, maybe, we will be able to help.
So the disciples came and woke Him up, saying, “Lord, save [us]! We’re going to die!” But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, you of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea. And there was a great calm.—Matthew 8:25–26
It is by faith that God’s mighty power is released into the life of a Christian (Heb. 11:33–35). The fact that you have doubts indicates that you do not know God as you should. If your prayer life is infiltrated with doubts, you have denied yourself the greatest, single avenue of power that God has made available to you. Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). God never comforts you in your doubt. Jesus consistently rebuked those who would not believe Him. He had revealed enough of Himself for His disciples to have believed Him in their time of need.
God wants to build your understanding of Him until your faith is sufficient to trust and obey Him in each situation (Mark 9:23–25). The moment you turn to Him with a genuine commitment to rid yourself of doubt, God will match your doubt with a revelation of Himself that can convince you of His faithfulness. When Thomas doubted, Jesus revealed Himself to him in such a way that every doubt vanished (John 20:27).
You can only resolve your lack of faith in God’s presence. He must reveal Himself in such a way that any doubt you might have is removed. Jesus did this with His disciples. He involved them in a consistent, growing relationship with Himself. Jesus took them through teaching, to small miracles, to large miracles, and to the resurrection. Jesus knew that the redemption of the world rested on His disciples’ believing Him. What does God want to do in the lives of those around you that waits upon your trust in Him and the removal of your doubts?
Beloved, search yourself and deal with it. Peradventure, you cannot help yourself, someone is saying? Never mind, Your Father, will surly send a teacher, a comforter to comfort your soul. Or you have someone whose faith need a lifting, please invite the Holy Spirit to help such a person.
Don’t forget, we serve a living God not just a god; He is also a prayer answering God. What about that? Exciting, I believe.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu