I will rejoice in the Lord, I will rejoice in the Lord. I lift my voice to sing praises to Him this is the day He has made. Praise the Lord Alleluia, lift Him up Alleluia 2x Alleluia All- elu-uia Alleluia –uia-uia.
Father, we thank You, we bless Your holy Name. Blessed be Thy Name forever and ever more. Lord God thank You for another morning, thanking Jesus for everything You have done for us. Thank You for the gift of another day, another week Father glory be to Your Name. Amen.
Beloved, hope you are good? it is good to give thanks and praise unto the Lord Who made heaven and earth. The Lord is good all the time. What more shall we say unto the Lord Who have preserve us up until now? All we have to say is “Thank You Lord.”
Is possible you have prayed and intercede all through the year even this month and it look as if nothing is happening. We have decided to use a weapon that must work. The weapon that God cannot resist. We have resolve to use “the weapon of Praise” to bring down God hand into our situation.
Are you ready to praise Him with your stringed instruments and organs? Come, let us praise Him with the sound of trumpet. Praise Him with the psaltery and harp. Let everything that has breath “praise the Lord!”
Beloved, let us delight ourselves in the Lord like never before and see His glory and honour manifest in that situation that is overbearing:
“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Ps. 37:4
Delight in God has a transforming power, and lifts a man above the gross desires of our fallen nature. Delight in Jehovah is not only sweet in itself, but it sweetens the whole soul, till the longings of the heart become such that the Lord can safely promise to fulfill them. Is not that a grand delight which moulds our desires till they are like the desires of God?
Our foolish way is to desire, and then set to work to compass what we desire. We do not go to work in God’s way, which is to seek Him first, and then expect all things to be added unto us. If we will let our heart be filled with God till it runs over with delight, then the Lord Himself will take care that we shall not want any good thing.
Instead of going abroad for joys let us stay at home with God, and drink waters out of our own fountain. He can do for us far more than all our friends. It is better to be content with God alone than to go about fretting and pining for the paltry trifles of time and sense. For a while we may have disappointments; but if these bring us nearer to the Lord, they are things to be prized exceedingly, for they will in the end secure to us the fulfillment of all our right desires.
Yes! Praise yea the Lord all yea His saints. Praise Him forever and forever. to Him alone is our glory forever Amen!
“To whom be glory for ever. Amen” Romans 11:36
“To whom be glory for ever.” This should be the single desire of the Christian. All other wishes must be subservient and tributary to this one. The Christian may wish for prosperity in his business, but only so far as it may help him to promote this—”To Him be glory for ever.” He may desire to attain more gifts and more graces, but it should only be that “To Him may be glory for ever.”
You are not acting as you ought to do when you are moved by any other motive than a single eye to your Lord’s glory. As a Christian, you are “of God, and through God,” then live “to God.” Let nothing ever set your heart beating so mightily as love to Him.
Let this ambition fire your soul; be this the foundation of every enterprise upon which you enter, and this your sustaining motive whenever your zeal would grow chill; make God your only object. Depend upon it, where self begins sorrow begins; but if God be my supreme delight and only object,
“To me ’tis equal whether love ordain
My life or death—appoint me ease or pain.”
Let your desire for God’s glory be a growing desire. You blessed Him in your youth, do not be content with such praises as you gave Him then. Has God prospered you in business? Give Him more as He has given you more. Has God given you experience? Praise Him by stronger faith than you exercised at first. Does your knowledge grow? Then sing more sweetly.
Do you enjoy happier times than you once had? Have you been restored from sickness, and has your sorrow been turned into peace and joy? Then give Him more music; put more coals and more sweet frankincense into the censer of your praise. Practically in your life give Him honour, putting the “Amen” to this doxology to your great and gracious Lord, by your own individual service and increasing holiness.
Do you still breath left in you despite all your challenges? Come with praise and see the Lord intervening in your situation. Let us make praise our weapon of warfare this week and see what comes of it.
I want to reassure you that the Lord will intervene truly as He had promised. Praise yea the Lord all yea His saints.
This week is declared blessed in the Name of the Lord. go and do exploits in the Lord Amen!
Remain blessed in the Lord.