Lord You are Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord! x2 // How Excellent is Thy Name O Lord! How Excellent… How Excellent is Thy Name… How Excellent is Thy Name… How Excellent is Thy Name O! Lord!…x2..

Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… We adore Thee, we blessed Your Holy Name… we adore Thee, we give You Praise, we worship and adore Your Holy Name… Alleluia to the King of kings…The Lord of lords, The Ancient of Days… The Beginning and the End… Thank You Father… be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name…

Ancient of Days… come and have Your way in our midst today… Do that which only You can do… anoint everyone with power to live above sin… The victory You secured for us remains permanent in Jesus Name… Yes! Our God answers prayers…. Interestingly, He has finish the work and handed victory over to us… Victory over sin, death, and sorrow, name it… Alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!

Fear is opposite of Faith… you cannot operate the two at the same time… is either you are bold and courageous or you are fearful and timid… but we received the Spirit of boldness not fear…

The beautiful thing about God is that when He instructs or direct, the end or outcome is success and positive… but satan put in our heart fear that doubts what the Spirit of God is saying… but need not be afraid… for He that is in you is greater than He that is in world…

To walk with God we must learn to overcome fear… in several places in the book of Joshua, God repeated told Joshua “to be courageous and not be afraid”… same way He is speaking to our heart and situation never be afraid but courageous.

There are lots that people are afraid of in life- terrorism, Heights, spiders, confined spaces, public speaking, Being alone, fear is the unpleasant, powerful, and often debilitating emotion we feel when we see or anticipate danger.

When we are in the dip, fear is not a faithful friend; it is a ferocious foe. You think you will just grow out of it. But you don’t grow out of fear. Fear is a spirit. If anything, you just grow older and switch fears. It can lead to so many things like panic attacks, chest pains, emergency hospital visits, stomach pains… nothing brings relief to it…… I also have been there but the goodnews is that God healed me.. The power of fear was broken over my life… I choose to believe the Word of God concerning me over every situation satan is presenting to me…

And the power of God is here to do same to anyone that surrendered all to Him… Our Lord Jesus…

Let me give you key of getting out of fear… I did not break the power of fear by being more bold… no it was getting more of God’s love. Focusing on and experiencing more of God’ love. Fear cannot stay where God’s love resides. I focused on the love of God. Sing God’s songs about His love. Read scriptures about His love.

And after a while that Spirit of fear broke off my life and it can break off of yours too. Depression and fear do not have to be life sentence. You can climb out of the dip of fear and walk in God’s freedom.

Beloveth what is it that you are so afraid of… God is delivering them into your hands today… as He did for Joshua He will also do for you… so step out in boldness… stop being afraid of satan and his cohort… your victory over them has been won over thousand years ago… on the Cross and the Blood of Jesus put an hedge over and around you…

Come along for more…

The Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them, for I have handed them over to you. Not one of them will be able to stand against you.”—Joshua 10:8

No greater confidence will ever come to you or to any other Christian than the confidence of knowing you are doing God’s will. God will not commission you to do anything without ensuring your success. God assured Joshua that there was no reason to fear as he prepared to battle the Canaanites.

God would allow the Israelites to fight the battle, but the outcome was settled before they ever picked up their weapons. What confidence this gave them as they fought! Even though their enemies fought relentlessly, Joshua’s army was certain of eventual victory.

God does not promise you victory in every task you devise, but He does promise that you will be successful whenever you follow His will (Deut. 28:7, 25).

Does it appear that people are keeping you from obeying God’s will? Rest assured that God will not allow anyone or anything to prevent His children from accomplishing His purposes.

Be careful to evaluate success in the way that God does. Perhaps He is working to produce His peace in your heart as you face troubling times. Perhaps He is working to develop a forgiving spirit in you when others mistreat you. Perhaps He is working to eliminate a particular sin in your life.

If you accept the world’s understanding of victory, you may feel defeated. If you look to see what God is accomplishing through your situation, you will find that He is succeeding. When you face opposition but know you are doing what God has asked, have confidence that He will accomplish everything that He desires.

Beloveth… as God told Joshua… He is telling you too that He has delivered your desires to you… He has delivered you from all evil and fear… just be courageous.

Further Reading:- Heb.3:7-8, Ps 55:8, 1Jn 4:18, 2Tim.1:7, Heb.11:1, 2 Cor.3:17.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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