Give me the grace to follow You abundant grace to follow You give me grace to follow you Your grace is enough for me. I will lift up His Name higher. I will lift up Your Name higher, O Jehovah, Alpha Omega, I will lift up Your Name higher. O Jehovah, Alpha Omega I will lift His Name higher.

Heavenly Father we thank You for another blessed week You have made us to be part of glorious God wonderful Redeemer we worship You we bless Your Name forever and ever. Excellent Jehovah Who is like unto Thee. Thank You for Your protections all through this month. Blessed be Thy Holy Name. We adore You for the privilege of being in the midst of Your people and how Wondrous are works O! Lord in our lives, glory and honour and adoration belong to you alone in the Name of Jesus.

Beloveth, we are in the Holy week, Praise the Lord! Yes! How Awesome is our God. Faithful is our God, He is more than able to do more than we can ever imagine. How excellent, how wonderful is Thy loving kindness of our God. Let us rejoice and be glad for the privilege to part take of this wondrous work of the cross.

Beloved, we are in the Holy week wow! Easter is just few days away. Is someone happy about it? The Redemption plan being fulfilled in our time, glory be to God. We just have to grateful that Jesus left the Throne to take our place die for us. Delivered us from the lake of fire that is awaiting us and bring us to spend eternity with His Father in heaven what a privilege.

Our Lord Jesus could only do this by denying Himself of the pleasures of heaven being born of the Virgin Mary. If Jesus held on to the glory He was enjoying He wouldn’t have made it to cross. And we wouldn’t have been talking about heaven. Because our righteousness wouldn’t have taken us to heaven. (Rev 5:10-14)

Our God is Holy God. Nothing of unholy will be seen in heaven. The death of our Lord Jesus made the gaze of His Father to fall on the blood shed for the remission of our sin. Praise God.

He paid it all and as we do according to command to remember this He is inviting you to join in the redemption work. You will not save just for yourself but you were saved to save others. (1 Cor 7:23)

Jesus invitation to deny yourself and join Him in this redemption work is showing how important and the price He paid on your behalf.

Beloveth, the Holy week is here and the commemoration of the death of our Lord Jesus is to help us in remembrance of why He went to the cross.

In the Old Testament, God keep telling them to set up something to remind their children of His dealings with them. Likewise in that manner the journey to Golgotha is being remembered every year to help us be in tune with passion of Christ, His death and resurrection.

Are you ready to deny yourself today? If you are, then join me for more discover.


Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me.”—Matthew 16:24

Sin causes us to be self-centered, shifting our hearts from God to self. The essence of salvation is an about-face from self-centeredness to God-centeredness. The Christian must spend a lifetime denying self. Our great temptation will be to affirm ourselves while we follow Jesus. James and John did this when they chose to follow Jesus but asked for the two most prominent positions in Jesus’ kingdom (Mark 10:35–37).

James and John wanted a discipleship that would not impede their personal desires and aspirations. Like them, we say, “Lord, I want to be pleasing to you, but I want to stay where I am.”

Self-centered people try to keep their lives unruffled and undisturbed, safe and secure. Our temptation is to give our time and effort to the goals of this world. Then, when we are successful in the world’s eyes, we seek to bring God into our world by honoring Him with our success. We may say, “Now that I have succeeded in business [or sports, or politics, or with my family, or even Christian ministry], I want to give God the glory for it!”

God is not interested in receiving secondhand glory from our activity. God receives glory from His activity through our lives.

The world will entice you to adopt its goals and to invest in temporal things. Resist the temptation to pursue your own goals, asking God to bless them. Rather, deny yourself and join the activity of God as He reveals it to you.

Beloved, did you read that? God wants to be glorify in His activities through you not from your own activities. So beware. When God send people to you or send you on evangelism how do go about it. Do you give excuse or join God in His activities. We must not at any time invite God into our activities rather we must make sure that we are in the activities sent to us by God. That why we fail in so many instance in our endeavours asking God to bless what He did not initiate.

Jesus speak with authority as He goes about His Father’s work because He knew that He was doing the bib of His Father Praise the Lord. We are going to read about conducted Himself while He was here and learn from it. Let’s discovery more:

“The Son of man.” John 3:13


How constantly our Master used the title, the “Son of man!” If He had chosen, He might always have spoken of Himself as the Son of God, the Everlasting Father, the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the Prince of Peace; but behold the lowliness of Jesus! He prefers to call Himself the Son of man.

Let us learn a lesson of humility from our Saviour; let us never court great titles nor proud degrees. There is here, however, a far sweeter thought. Jesus loved manhood so much, that He delighted to honour it; and since it is a high honour, and indeed, the greatest dignity of manhood, that Jesus is the Son of man, He is wont to display this name, that He may as it were hang royal stars upon the breast of manhood, and show forth the love of God to Abraham’s seed.

Son of man—whenever He said that word, He shed a halo round the head of Adam’s children. Yet there is perhaps a more precious thought still. Jesus Christ called Himself the Son of man to express His oneness and sympathy with His people. He thus reminds us that He is the one whom we may approach without fear.

As a man, we may take to Him all our griefs and troubles, for He knows them by experience; in that He Himself hath suffered as the “Son of man,” He is able to succor and comfort us. All hail, Thou blessed Jesus! inasmuch as Thou art evermore using the sweet name which acknowledges that Thou art a brother and a near kinsman, it is to us a dear token of Thy grace, Thy humility, Thy love.

“Oh see how Jesus trusts Himself

Unto our childish love,

As though by His free ways with us

Our earnestness to prove!

His sacred name a common word

On earth He loves to hear;

There is no majesty in Him

Which love may not come near.”



You have read it, you have it to ask for grace to live like Jesus. Live a humble life, seek to do your do your Father will and it shall be well with you.

In this note we declare this week blessed. We will go in the strength of the Lord and we live victoriously as Jesus did. Praise the Name of the Lord.

May the reason for the season not be in vain our lives in Jesus Name.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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