Glory be to God in the highest…Amen… Glory be to God in the highest Amen… For His mercy enduerth forever Amen…. For His Mercy enduerth forever Amen….// Who is like unto Thee… O Lord… Who is like unto thee. O Lord… among the gods… who is like Thee… You are Glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name.. we magnify you we give You Praise.. alleluia to the King of kings… the Lord of lords, the Everlasting One, Who is and will continue to be… Father we worship You, we give You Praise… All Glory be your Name forever and ever Amen…
You are the Lord that is your Name.. You will never share your glory with any one… You will never share Your glory with anybody.. Almighty God that is Your Name…
We are victorious… Yes we are victorious Glory be to God Who has given us victory Alleluia…
Beloveth is Friday… can somebody shout Alleluia!!!… Wow! Thank God is Friday… Yes, is our PCL… a day with the Lord that worthy more than a thousand outside… Praise the Name of the Lord… somebody….
Yes… we are stepping out of lent to week of Passion…. Hummmh… I hope you stay connected… to the season we are in… it is among the crucial in all the season… the season that secured our eternity… alleluia…
Yes… Paul said to Timothy “ let no man despise you… and today we come to remain of this saying and keep your eye on the in fallible Word of the Lord who changeth not…
Yes like we discussed yesterday’s topic “Fear to fear”,…. One striking thing in that message that got me is where the author said… “Be afraid to be afraid”
Wow… did you read that? He did not only instructed us not to fear their fear… but we must “ Be afraid to be afraid…” Alleluia!!!
If you have an understanding of what the Lord is saying to us beloveth… it means that you and I must only fear God… which is called “ Reverencing” and only Him must you fear…. (2kin.17:39).
When the Lord gave me understanding of this verse in His Word… It has helped me tremendously… in my walk with Him…
It has helped me to leave behind things I would have cling on to, but this amazing Word in the season helped me to stand unshakable because I know Who called me and Who I am representing… (An Ambassador) of Christ the Only True God… Alleluia…. It has given me an audacious power to stand and speak as I am given utterance… alleluia…
It can only be God, beloveth… It is God that raises men in season and make them who He wants them to be… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…
And when you have been chosen from among your brethren you must represent Who sent you… Praise the Name of the Lord…
It might not be easy as it is being said but when you obey… The rest is a story…
Join us beloveth as we discover more from below:
“Despise Not Thy Youth”
“Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak; for I am a child. But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.” Jer. 1:6, 7
Jeremiah was young and felt a natural shrinking when sent upon a great errand by the Lord; but He who sent him would not have him say, “I am a child.” What he was in himself must not be mentioned, but lost in the consideration that he was chosen to speak for God.
He had not to think out and invent a message, nor to choose an audience: he was to speak what God commanded, and speak where God sent him, and this he would be enabled to do in strength not his own.
Is it not so with some young preacher, or teacher who may read these lines? God knows how young you are, and how slender are your knowledge and experience; but if He chooses to send you, it is not for you to shrink from the heavenly call. God will magnify Himself in your feebleness.
If you were as old as Methuselah, how much would your years help you? If you were as wise as Solomon, you might be equally as willful as he. Keep you to your message and it will be your wisdom; follow your marching orders and they will be your discretion.
Beloveth, were you called? Are you chosen? Has God given you any assignment and you are wondering how you are going to go about it… we believe the story about prophet Jeremiah will help you to understand that, from conception God has already ordained who He wants you to be… Praise the Lord alleluia Amen!!!
So like him, allow the Power of God to flow through you and make you who He wants you to be… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…
Beloveth the Word of the Lord enduerth forever… so look intently on it and be made free… Alleluia…
See you next week which the Passion Week by God’s Grace… Also remember that this Sunday is Palm Sunday… so get ready for the ‘Triumphant Entry of Jesus’ who you represent into Jerusalem (which is now your New Season) Alleluia….
Further Reading: Rom.13:12, 1Pet.1:25, 2Cor.3;17, 1Thess.5:6, Col.3:3, Phil.4:4, Col.3:16, Ps.72:12.
Remain blessed in the Lord.