Sweet Jesus Sweet Jesus how wonderful You are You are precious than the morning star You are precious, more precious than lily that grows by the way You are precious more precious than gold. // what shall I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is Thank You Lord, Thank Lord Thank You Lord, all I have to say is Thank You Lord.

O father in heaven hallow be Thy Name, we glorify You in heaven, we glorify here on earth. Jesus, Jesus be thou glorify. Thank You for another opportunity to worship in Your presence, glory be to Holy Name. We are glad to call on the Father that faileth not. Glory be to Your Holy Name forever. We came with thanksgiving in our mouth to show our gratitude for all You have done for us from the beginning of this year up on till now. No one else would have done this for us expect You Lord.

We thank You for diverse miracle, healing, deliverances, successes, breakthroughs, promotions, marriages, babies and provisions You gave blessed us with. Receive our thanks Lord. Be thou be exalted in Jesus Name.

Beloved, today is the last praying section of this year. Praise the Name of the Lord. Our God answers when we call. Thank for those blessed moments that only God could walk in our situation and do that only Him can do our life in Jesus Names.

Beloved, remember we are fight this battle not with other with weapon as we were told at the beginning of the month in today’s prayer session you and I will devote time in dethroning every idol that exists in our lives that’s hindering us from moving forward, hindering our dominion power.

We have few days for the year to roll by, and whatever it will take to get empowered you must devote time to achieve in Jesus Name.

Our God said when we call on Him: He will answers us in Jesus Name.

We are cross over victoriously as an overcomers. No power is permitted to hinder us neither is any forces allowed to intercept or disrupt us in the Name of Jesus.

Beloved, we must war and gain victory that Jesus has already gotten for us at Calvary therefore do a spiritual checkup and dethrone all the idols in your life.

Let get going:


In this way the Lord’s message flourished and prevailed.—Acts 19:20

Paul’s world worshiped idols. No idol was more revered in Ephesus than the goddess Diana. The great statue was housed in a magnificent temple and was recognized as one of the wonders of the world. An idol-making industry, providing a livelihood for many people, developed in Ephesus to support the widespread idolatry of the day.

Paul did not go to Ephesus to condemn those worshiping idols but to unashamedly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. As Paul shared the truths of God, and as people were set free from sin’s bondage, idol worship began to decline. The contrast between stone carvings and God’s power to change lives became obvious.

The righteous lives of the Christians stood in stark contrast to the hedonistic practices of the idol worshipers. The victorious Christian witness was so compelling that the economy of the entire city was thrown into upheaval as idolatry diminished in favor of Christianity.

An idol is anything that diverts our devotion from God. Our society is as idolatrous as Paul’s was. Rather than worshiping statues, we choose possessions, pleasures, or careers as our gods and pour our time, finances, and energy into these things.

Each of us is called, as Paul was, to live a victorious, joyful, and purposeful Christian life in the midst of an idolatrous society. We do not have to seek out and condemn today’s idols. Rather, as we live out our Christianity, enjoying the abundant life God gives, our lives will discredit the idols around us.

We may face opposition and hostility from those who are angered at the contrast between our God and theirs. People do not like to have their idols dethroned! Yet as we uphold Christ, others will see a difference and be drawn to Him and the life that He offers.

We are to pull down every stronghold, every thought or imaginations that highly exalt itself against the knowledge of God. Glory be to God. Finally, beloved we are free, we save by the blood of Jesus. We have the spot of His children and not that of the world.


“The spot of His children.” Deuteronomy 32:5


What is the secret spot which infallibly betokens the child of God? It were vain presumption to decide this upon our own judgment; but God’s word reveals it to us, and we may tread surely where we have revelation to be our guide. Now, we are told concerning our Lord, “to as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to as many as believed on His name.”

Then, if I have received Christ Jesus into my heart, I am a child of God. That reception is described in the same verse as believing on the name of Jesus Christ. If, then, I believe on Jesus Christ’s name—that is, simply from my heart trust myself with the crucified, but now exalted, Redeemer, I am a member of the family of the Most High. Whatever else I may not have, if I have this, I have the privilege to become a child of God.

Our Lord Jesus puts it in another shape. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Here is the matter in a nutshell. Christ appears as a shepherd to His own sheep, not to others. As soon as He appears, His own sheep perceive Him—they trust Him, they are prepared to follow Him; He knows them, and they know Him—there is a mutual knowledge—there is a constant connection between them.

Thus the one mark, the sure mark, the infallible mark of regeneration and adoption is a hearty faith in the appointed Redeemer. Reader, are you in doubt, are you uncertain whether you bear the secret mark of God’s children? Then let not an hour pass over your head till you have said, “Search me, O God, and know my heart.” Trifle not here, I adjure you! If you must trifle anywhere, let it be about some secondary matter: your health, if you will, or the title deeds of your estate; but about your soul, your never-dying soul and its eternal destinies, I beseech you to be in earnest. Make sure work for eternity.

Praise God, finally, we are free from every Satan bondage and hold in the Name of Jesus. Has the said it; so shall it be in the Name of Jesus.

Beloved, God said in his Word, call me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which thou knoweth not.

Our God will answer us today because we are is children and not of the world. However, if you are yet receive Jesus, be free to so now by clicking here. As you cannot be empowered without first accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal savior. Neither will you have dominion with first giving your life to Jesus Christ.

Our Father, we look up to the sky, from whence cometh our help? Our help come you and on other may Your be forever praise in Jesus Name.


Remain blessed in the Lord

Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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