omething more than gold something more than gold, the Spirit of God in the life of a believer is something more than gold. // Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the God of my life. Jesus Jesus Jesus You are God of my soul O Jesus You are the God of my life. Sweet Jesus you are the God of my life.

Eternal Rock of Ages I worship You, we adore You Ancient One, glory be to You on high. Blessed Redeemer we worship You, we exalt Your Holy Name, We magnify You above every other gods. Great are You Lord. You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign. Thank You for another day, thank You for Your mercies that endureth forever more, thank You for upholding us with Your Spirit that we can still call You Abba Father. Glory and adoration belongs to You alone forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how are doing today? Do you have a testimony about the living God? Is your life and glorious? Yes! The presence of our God is full of God and we have a witness to back it up. During the dedication of the temple of God during the reign of King Solomon, the Word of God recorded that the temple was filled with the glory of God that the priest could not minister. Praise God.

So when the glory of God radiates all around you, or in a place of worship, there is always a difference. Beloved have ever experienced this glory am talking about? is this kind of glory that makes the You stand tall in the face of adversity. It makes you stand out among your peers. It make you a wonder in your undertakings. Beloved, the Spirit of God in the mind of a believer is something more than gold.

The text of the topic before us was our anchor scripture last year for those of us that visits the home site, beloved, what the glory of God does in the life a man is that it changes. How? From one level of glory to another. When you are bestowed with the glory of God, you are bound to change levels.

But I discover the trick the devil uses in an individual life’s. He will project everything that is not right before you and you will be quick in seeing the goodness of God in your life and he tricks them further by lies and deceits sometimes with unpleasant situations all around you. But beloved, if only you will look up and decide to see nothing but Christ, believe me your eyes of understanding will be enlightened and you will see the glory of God in the midst of that unpleasant situation and glorify your Father in heaven. Praise God!

Being clothed in the image of Christ can be possible with our yielding and willing obeying the commands of God. No carnal man can please God except  with the help of the Spirit of God. Beloved this week by the grace of God, you see while you are undergoing some surgical operation in God’s own theater. It is rare for God to use untrained man in accomplishing His purpose but if ever He do, watch out for the live of such individual, he or she in no time will align with the will of God to favour the children of God or to perfect God’s purpose.

Beloved, Christ in you is hope of glory. The question you and I have to answer is Christ in us? Are we allowing ourselves to be a willing instrument in God’s hand?

The second ministration is another look at what we started yesterday- Warfare or Discipline. It will help you to understand more the surgical blade is on you. apart from receiving due correction for our shortcomings, the Spirit of God uses those things God brought your way to build you up for His eternal purpose. So watch it when next you are face with some unpleasant situation, ask God to bring more beauty in you by helping you to triumph over it. Praise God! Let’s discover more:


God wanted to make known to those among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.—Colossians 1:27


The heavenly Father’s plan from the beginning of time was to place His eternal Son in every believer. If you are a Christian, all the fullness of God dwells in you. Christ’s life becomes your life. When Christ lives in you, He brings every divine resource with Him. Every time you face a need, you meet it with the presence of the crucified, risen, and triumphant Lord of the universe inhabiting you. When God invites you to become involved in His work, He has already placed His Son in you so that He can carry out His assignment through your life.

This has significant implications for your Christian life. Discipleship is more than acquiring head knowledge and memorizing Scripture verses. It is learning to give Jesus Christ total access to your life so He will live His life through you. Your greatest difficulty will be believing that your relationship with Christ is at the heart of your Christian life. When others watch you face a crisis, do they see the risen Lord responding? Does your family see the difference Christ makes when you face a need? What difference does the presence of Jesus Christ make in your life?

God wants to reveal Himself to those around you by working mightily through you. He wants your family to see Christ in you each day. God wants to express His love through your life. There is a great difference between “living the Christian life” and allowing Christ to live His life through you.

Did you get that forever thing God allows is for a purpose? My prayer for someone who is going through a difficult situation now is to receive strength from on high and steadfast in your confession that Jesus is Lord. I always use this scripture when am confronted with a difficult situation 1 Pet 2:6 – Jesus is our Chief Corner Stone – you will never be confounded if you believe in Him. Praise God!

Looking at the heading below, what are saying in your mind? Is that how you are feeling inside of you? This is coming our way to comfort someone who is at the verge of giving up. I decree strength into your life today in Jesus Name. Be strong in the Lord, don’t you ever give up help is on the way for you.

I read something somewhere which I want to share with you. Have you given it a thought what Jesus would have done to Judas if he did not take his life. Peter fail Jesus and he was restored, do you think Jesus wouldn’t have forgiven him? Deep thought here.

So don’t give up even if you are worst sinner, help is on the way for you. Imagine Judas was still there on the resurrection morning, he betrayed Jesus at the garden but if he has waited for the resurrection morning, dearly beloved. So hold on to God in that situation, he will surely help you. He will not be late though there be delays but hang on there! Let go further:

 Ever Feel Like The Discipline Of God In Your Life Is Too Demanding?

Following is a poem that has been extremely helpful to me during difficult times of discipline by our heavenly Father:

“When God wants to drill a man:

And thrill a man:

And skill a man:

When God wants to mold a man

To play the noblest part;

When He yearns with all His heart

To create so great and bold a man

That all the world shall be amazed:

Watch His methods, watch His ways!

How He ruthlessly perfects

Whom He royally elects!

How He hammers him and hurts him,

And with mighty blows converts him

Into trial shapes of clay which

Only God understands;

While his tortured heart is crying

And he lifts beseeching hands!

How He bends but never breaks

When his good He undertakes;

How He uses whom He chooses:

And with every purpose fuses him;

But every act induces him

To try His splendor out —

God knows what He’s about!” (Author Unknown)

For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by itin conformity to Gods will in purpose, thought, and action, resulting in right living and right standing with God.” (Hebrews 12:11 – Amplified)

Beloved, we are getting better every day by the help of the Holy Spirit, allow him access to your innermost being.   May God continue to expound his Word for us and make always to do only what Jesus will do in any given situation. Praise God!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Next articleFaith Sees the Bow
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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