O Father in heaven, O God! How precious, how wonderful you Are. You are my God that is Your Name. Father, You are beautiful for all situations.
My father and my God, we bow before You, let Your Name alone be praised. Who is like unto thee, Your glory You share with no one. Your Faithfulness is forever more. Thank You Lord, for indeed You are God.
Beloved, how fast the week went by and am sure you are happy to get home and rest for awhile but not for some of my friends I know that will still be at work tomorrow, I say good luck to them and all will be well.
Do I take out time to ask you this question “are you discouraged?” Discouragement comes in diverse ways, it might on the job, at home, in your life or your ministry. It’s possible you are seeking comfort from or within or at the wrong place or persons.
Sometimes people indulge in a habit born out of frustration. They get unnecessary irritated and worried at what they cannot handle. Here is good news for you if that where you are right now.
There is only one mediator between man and God, that is our Lord, Jesus. Before ascension, Christ encouraged His disciples that He will send a comforter, a helper to them, in the person of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is our greatest comforter, our helper in the time of need. Are discouraged? Call on the Holy Spirit to help you. He will direct your path, He will guide you into all truth. He will show you what to do. Don’t ever stay down, as that will give the devil an opportunity to hunt you. (Prov 4: 21-27)
Let your solace be in the Lord, He will direct your path and will make you triumph over your enemies. Your Father has done it the past, yours will not an exception. Come on let consider how He sorted one of His servant out when he thought his world is coming to an end.
He is still able to do it now, today and always:
“I have been very zealous for the Lord God of Hosts,” he replied, “but the Israelites have abandoned Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left, and they’re looking for me to take my life.”—1 Kings 19:14
Kingdom work can be challenging! You can give everything you have to God’s service and come away exhausted. This is what happened to Elijah. God had just used Elijah to call down fire from heaven in a spectacular display of divine power. But Elijah’s exhilaration was soon replaced by strenuous work followed by death threats, causing him to flee for his life. Now he was alone, exhausted, and discouraged.
Again, God came to Elijah. This time, He came not in fire or in a loud, spectacular way, but in a still, small voice. God’s servant was tired, and God brought him comfort. Elijah’s focus had shifted from God to God’s enemies. He had allowed his circumstances to overwhelm him, leaving him disoriented to God and feeling alone. So God encouraged him. God provided Elisha for him as a helper, friend, and companion.
God removed Elijah from the activity for a time, so that he could rest and spend time with God. When the nation next saw Elijah, he was rejuvenated and refocused on God and His assignment.
If you are overwhelmed by kingdom work so that your focus is no longer on God but on all that there is to do, let Him comfort you. Listen to His gentle voice. He will encourage you and provide exactly what you need to prepare you for what comes next. If He needs to remove you from your work for a time, He will. He may place a friend or co-laborer beside you to help carry the load. God knows exactly how to encourage you. Let Him do so.
Is possible also you are not discouraged but there is someone beside you that is going through a challenging time and the Lord is beckoning on you to be of help. Heed the call. He, also shall send help to you at your crisis time as well. No one is immune to it, it only take God to direct us each time we are at the cross road. So be wise and heed His bidding.
Do you know why God allows to be where you are today? In your office, your neighborhood, or at the market? It is the Lord that knows the end from the beginning, He also knew why you are where you are and not another place. Align yourself to His will by doing or going where He wants you per time. If you refuse to do His bidding, like Jonah, He will move you by any means to get you where He want you to be. You either do His bidding willing or at His will. The later will not be funny, so don’t even go there. Consider the message below for better understanding:
“And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.” Micah 5:7
If this be true of the literal Israel, much more is it true of the spiritual Israel, the believing people of God. When saints are what they should be, they are an incalculable blessing to those among whom they are scattered.
They are as the dew; for in a quiet, unobtrusive manner they refresh those around them. Silently but effectually they minister to the life, growth, and joy of those who dwell with them. Coming fresh from Heaven, glistening like diamonds in the sun, gracious men and women attend to the feeble and insignificant till each blade of grass has its own drop of dew. Little as individuals, they are, when united, all-sufficient for the purposes of love which the Lord fulfills through them. Dewdrops accomplish the refreshing of broad acres. Lord, make us like the dew!
Godly people are as showers which come at God’s bidding without man’s leave and license. They work for God whether men desire it or not; they no more ask human permission than the rain does. Lord, make us thus boldly prompt, and free in thy service wherever our lot is cast.
Be it at the hospital, in prison yard, in the market place, at home, in giving, sharing, wherever you want us to work for You Lord, give us the grace not to count the loss but to see You and to know that You are the Rewarder of everything and our labour of love shall never be in vain.
Are there smiles on those cheeks now? Smile for Jesus! Never allow self-pity, take the bulls by the horn and match into your victory as we were told yesterday.
Blessed week-end my beloved. See you next week by God’s grace. Rejoice and be glad in the Lord. Again I said rejoice!
Remain blessed in the Lord.