I will Praise You Lord, I will Praise You Lord, if nobody will Praise Your Name, I will Praise You Lord, I nobody will Praise You Lord I will Praise You Lord.// You are worthy Lord, you are worthy worthy, You are worthy Lord, You are worthy Lord, mighty God! You are worthy Lord, You are Worthy Lord, You are worthy Lord, El-Shaddia.
Father, indeed You are worthy Lord! we Praise, we magnify Your Holy Name, we adore Thee for Who You are, we bless You Lord, glory be to Your Name on high in the Name of Jesus. Faithful are You Lord! You are worthy of our Praise, glory be to Your Name on high in Jesus Name. Gracious Father, thank You for the month of September, we bow to worship You, there is none to be compared with Thee, we magnify Your Holy Name, we adore You Thee, be Thou exalted in Jesus Name.
Thank You for the gift life, healings, Protections, Provisions, Salvation, Redemption from sins and destruction, glory, glory, glory adoration to Your Name alone in Jesus Name. Arise O God and be God indeed unto us, do that which only can do in our lives and situations, family, career and ministry even as this month comes to an end today, have Your way O God! and be help us by Your Spirit we pray Thee in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, are you happy that the month is wrapping up today? If you are, join us to celebrate God by Whose Word we are standing today in the land of the living, Whose power sustained us all through the month, not one of His Word fell to the ground without performance, we lifted us up and uphold us by His Spoken Word to us, let us celebrate Him because it can only be Him that can do all these in us, through us and for us, glory be to God in the highest.
Dearly beloved, did you see the Hand God all through the month in your life? I did in many ways, personal, spiritual, family, career and my ministry, God showed up and did that which no man could have done for me. He walk in the most difficult situation and brought peace to it. He did that which seemeth impossible to me hitherto and made it easy for me, He answered my prayers in the most unexpected way, He opened a new way to me, He sent his angel to help me, for me the month of September is a month to remember. He did all that I never knew what to do. It can only be Him, dearly beloved.
The Hand of God performed marvelous things in my life and all around me, I cannot thank Him enough, sincerely He sent His Word and did that which no man can do for me, I enjoyed the wonders of the Lord in an unprecedented ways that is still astonishing to me and to so many that I shared it with. Beloved, there is a God who oversee the affairs of men, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!! I am a living witness.
Beloved, all we need to do is to trust every Word of God spoken by His Prophets and as it also content in His book – Bible. Are still in doubt about the wonders of God? You better repent and start believing. In the midst of the Word of God to Mary, she simple said “be it done unto your Handmaid according to Your Word. She did not consult any book or any doctor to confer if what the angel just said to her is possible, she simply “believed” it and The Word became Flesh and she brought forth Jesus, the Messiah and Saviour of the Word, just by mere believing that the Word spoken to her will come to past.
Father Abraham did same and it was counted unto him as righteousness, why are you still doubting what God can do in that situation. Why do you want achieve your salvation by works rather than by grace. Why are depending on your strength rather than on the strength of God. Beloved, do know you that God is “Self Existing”
Do you knowing the meaning of this “Self Existing” I did not find the word “self- existing” in the dictionary but I found “Self-Existence” and it says that it is “being real, presence in [lace or situation, way of living, everything or a single living thing.”
This means that God is existing by Himself, He was not made but He made everything (Gen 1:31, Eccl 8:17). Do you know what that means? It means that God is above all. It means that nothing is beyond Him. It means that He is God of all Impossible. It means also that God’s Word is infallible.
Therefore, if you have doubted the Word of God, I want you to stop doubting but to start believing. This may sound absurd to you especially when everything has fallen apart, there is no end in sight of the challenges/situation you are in. I have good news for you the Lord said I should tell you to “walk by faith and not by sight (2Cor 5:7).”
When you believe the Word of God spoken or written, God breathe on it and it becomes life unto you (Jn 6:63). It is the Spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing: the word I spoken unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life. Beloved even Jesus knows that they are doubters, read the next verse- but there are some of you that believeth not (Vs 64).
Let us discover more below:
Job 6:11-8:22. Psalm 104:1-9, Proverbs 21:8-9, 1 Corinthians 2:10-3:15
Divide and Conquer
What comes from God’s Spirit … is evaluated spiritually.—1 Corinthians 2:14
Only the Holy Spirit can help us properly to interpret the Word of God. A person may have a fine mind, a good seminary training, even a theological degree, but none of these is a sufficient foundation on which to attempt to interpret the Word of God. Truth, as the above text tells us, is “evaluated spiritually.”
But there is one more thing we need to understand—only the Holy Spirit can show us how to use it aright. Doubtless, this was the consideration in the mind of the apostle when he penned this statement: “the sword of the Spirit … is God’s word.” It is one thing to know the contents of Scripture; it is another thing to know how to use those contents in a way that defeats the Devil. Only the Holy Spirit can enable us to do this.
The relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Word of God is an important one. Some tend to put the emphasis on one side or the other. But the moment we separate the Spirit and the Word, we are in trouble. The late Donald Gee once said: “All Spirit and no Word, you blow up. All Word and no Spirit, you dry up. Word and Spirit—you grow up.”
Without the Spirit, the Word is a dead letter; with the Spirit, it is a living and powerful force. The Devil has a policy of “divide and conquer.” And if he can get us to separate the Word from the Spirit, then he has us just where he wants us.
My Father, I see that when I separate the Spirit from the Word and the Word from the Spirit, I am in trouble. Help me to be as open to the Spirit as I am to the Bible, and as open to the Bible as I am to the Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
What “gives life”?
What made Paul an able minister of truth?
Did you read that, there is always a relationship between the Word of God and the Spirit of God. You cannot separate one from the other. It the Spirit of God that brings the Word to fruition, so when you believe the spoken Word of God. The Spirit of God will bring it to pass according to your faith in that which it has spoken to you. Praise the Lord!
Beloved, I want you to thank God for this counseling that is coming at the end of the month and I foresee us believing and trusting God better in the months to come so that we shall start experiencing the Word of God spoken to us. Ours is to receive the word as it spoken to us in the Bible while studying or by the prophet of God. why, someone wants to know because the works were finished from the foundation of the world, also Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 4:3,13:8). So be comforted. Do not be afraid, you did not happen by accident rather you are in God’s plan therefore you have a destiny to fulfill and nothing will stop it expect you.
Your Divine lifting has been orchestrated watch out as the Lord will be taken you from one level of glory to another. There is no end to that which you can you by the power of God.
On this note, we sign off for the month, please pray along asking God to put His Word in the mind of His Handmaid come tomorrow the first day of the month so that we receive of the Lord His Word that He will back up with performance. Praise the Lord.
On this note we declare the week open and will return with greater testimonies at the end in Jesus Name. Beloved there will be no carryover of depression, sickness, sorrow, losses, and disappointments in Jesus Name rather we journey across with God’s Divine favours and blessings in Jesus Name. Finally, you are receiving every blessed planned for this month none will be left behind in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.