How excellent is Your Name O Lord! 2x, How excellent is Your Name O Lord! 2x, how excellent is Your Name 3x O Lord! 2x. Who is like unto Thee, O Lord! Who is like Thee, O Lord! Among the earth, who is like Thee, glorious in holiness fearful in praising, doing wonders alleluia!

Indeed Father, how excellent is Your Name. Your Name is Yahweh 2x, Your are miracle working God, Your Name is Yahweh. Miracles are who You are, for with You nothing is impossible. Your creatures are bowing before You Who is above all. You, Who sits in heaven, dressed in Royalty and Your Splendor covers the earth. Be Magnified O Lord!

Beloved, is good to be here again, hope you had a nice time in His Presence yesterday. Glory be to the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Only True God Whose love never fails but endureth forever.

In our faith clinic today, we will be examining the Awesome of our God, His Sovereignty in the world He made and His Timing. It gladdens my heart to know that nothing is too difficult for Him to do but He needs our co-operation not doubt to bring to pass certain things He ought to do in our lives and some He does without our consent.

The All sovereign God is the God of the moment. We are always beclouded with a lots of care, ranging from personal, family, career, and ministry, name it. Bbut our God is Ever Presence and Ever Ready. He have everything at His disposal to make things happen even those we cannot comprehend.

In Heb 4:3, the Word said that “for those who believe will enter into His rest; even as He has said … though the works were done from the time of making of the world” (BBE).

Psalms 23:2 promised that the Lord will us through the still waters. What other assurance do we need? Thank God for His assurance that He will never forsake us. More assuredly is His ability to provide and sustain them that are His.

Sometime we receive a vision, a dream or idea from the Lord or we want to be on mission for the Lord either way it is very important that we put His timing first in our planning. Talking about God’s timing in our world today is pretty a challenging one. Both the secular and the church runs on time and goals. As important as it is for us to adopt this culture, is equally important to note that God is the ultimate time keeper. Sometime we want to go ahead of Him in our quest to be effective.

Beloved, is so important for you and I to be conscious of God’s leading which is embedded in His timing also. When we step ahead of God’s time we suffer a lot of frustration, rejection and we want to run back and will never want to step out when the time is right to do so.

Moses is one man who step out on mission for God before his time was ripe. Because he was not yet equip for the task ahead, it took God forty years to get him sharpen for the task ahead. Yours may not be up to that but even if all you need to be is to be patient before your Maker Who is the ultimate time keeper of your life. Why all this rush, your time is in His Hand and He created you for a purpose and He knows when the time is ripe for any assignment.

When Moses killed an Egyptian for mistreating an Israelite, though God destined him a deliverer, but he announced himself too early than it was in God’s schedule. God needs another forty years for that task to fully matured and be undertaken. Eventually when the time was right for him to move on, Moses refuse to undertake the same assignment he ran ahead to do. So it is for most of us.

Oftentimes, when we received instruction, a dream, vision, or idea from God, we run ahead of Him only to have our legs tried out when the real walk should start. Resist the urge to get out in front of Him; and don’t allow yourself to lag behind Him either. Be sensitive to God’s timing.

God’s timing usually is the best at all season, our lesson for today bring that to fore. The sovereign is All- Sufficient also. To Him nothing is impossible. I have concern of recent of certain things and need but coming across what am about to share with you made me strong as the Spirit of God gave me understanding as I read through it.

I believe also that the same power is available to help you through. Whatever God says concerning You, He is able to do, come and see the wilderness miracle. Where God serve meal consistently for forty years without failing. Wouldn’t you rather pitch your tent in His camp, while He leads you beside the still waters?

Never underestimate the power of God in any situation you are going through, His promise is that He will be with you (Isa 43:2). I am a living testimony of God doing beyond what you could ever asked or imagine but you believe (Eph 3:20). Praise the Lord.

Come let’s run along:

“I the Lord do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.” Isa. 27:3

When the Lord Himself speaks in His own proper person rather than through a prophet, the word has a peculiar weight to believing minds. It is Jehovah Himself who is the keeper of His own vineyard; He does not trust it to any other, but He makes it His own personal care. Are they not well kept whom God Himself keeps?

We are to receive gracious watering, not only, every day and every hour, “but every moment. How we ought to grow! How fresh and fruitful every plant should be! What rich clusters the vines should bear!

But disturbers come; little foxes and the boar. Therefore, the Lord Himself is our Guardian, and that at all hours, both “night and day.” What, then, can harm us? Why are we afraid? He tends, He waters, He guards; what more do we need?

Twice in this verse the Lord says, “I will.” What truth, what power, what love, what immutability we find in the great “I will” of Jehovah! Who can resist His will? If He says “I will,” what room is there for doubt? With an “I will” of God we can face all the hosts of sin, death, and hell. O Lord, since thou sayest, “I will keep thee,” I reply, “I will praise thee!”

Beloved, be mindful of detractors, they were there in the days of Nehemiah and Ezra they are still very much around you. Surprising it can be anybody. So don’t be surprise when someone who is suppose to share your vision and help you birth it, is the very one attacking You.

In every situation, God will bring to pass all what He said concerning it. Not one of them will fail. He is our Sovereign God. He has both Power and Authority to back it up.

Our next teaching is on the wilderness miracle meal that lasted for four decade, impressive isn’t it:

“Thou shalt see now whether My word shall come to pass unto thee or not.” Numbers 11:23


God had made a positive promise to Moses that for the space of a whole month He would feed the vast host in the wilderness with flesh. Moses, being overtaken by a fit of unbelief, looks to the outward means, and is at a loss to know how the promise can be fulfilled. He looked to the creature instead of the Creator. But doth the Creator expect the creature to fulfil His promise for Him?

No; He who makes the promise ever fulfils it by His own unaided omnipotence. If He speaks, it is done—done by Himself. His promises do not depend for their fulfillment upon the co-operation of the puny strength of man. We can at once perceive the mistake which Moses made. And yet how commonly we do the same!

God has promised to supply our needs, and we look to the creature to do what God has promised to do; and then, because we perceive the creature to be weak and feeble, we indulge in unbelief. Why look we to that quarter at all? Will you look to the north pole to gather fruits ripened in the sun? Verily, you would act no more foolishly if ye did this than when you look to the weak for strength, and to the creature to do the Creator’s work.

 Let us, then, put the question on the right footing. The ground of faith is not the sufficiency of the visible means for the performance of the promise, but the all-sufficiency of the invisible God, who will most surely do as He hath said. If after clearly seeing that the onus lies with the Lord and not with the creature, we dare to indulge in mistrust, the question of God comes home mightily to us:

“Has the Lord’s hand waxed short?” May it happen, too, in His mercy, that with the question there may flash upon our souls that blessed declaration, “Thou shalt see now whether My word shall come to pass unto thee or not.

I want to individually answer the question above “has the Lord’s hand waxed short? God is not slack concerning His promises. He is either waiting for the right timing to manifest. And that is why He is soliciting for your patience. Won’t you rather wait for Him dear beloved?

As we have said earlier “be sensitive to His timing.” Trying to move outside of His timing- either too quickly or too slowly – will cause you the kind of frustration that makes you want to give up, because His presence will not be there. Whether God asks you to wait for two weeks or two decades, be sensitive to His timing in your life and be willing to wait for Him as He leads you into the next place He has for you.

Following God frequently means that we don’t get to do things our own way or according to our own timing too. We need to stay focus doing the last thing He told us till we receive His leading again as we also read in “Are You under the cloud or following the cloud.”

Whatever you believe God wants you to in your life, be patient as He brings it to pass. Eagerly embrace the time of teaching and preparation He takes you through, even when it seems painfully slow. Don’t be long for too much fast, but be thankful every day that God is bringing growth, expansion, and new opportunities your way in His perfect timing.

Not forgetting, “God timing is the best time.” for your breakthroughs, marriage, children, business and ministry success.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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