I will lift up my hands… I will gladly sing… not for what You have done but for Who You are… You are the song that I sing… melody in my voice… The reason I sing…is to Praise you Lord… You reign… You reign …Jesus reign…. Father You reign… forever more… Come and see the Lord is good… Come and see the Lord is good.. there is nothing He cannot do… come and see the Lord is good… Jesus gave me victory… He gave me peace of mind…come and see the Lord is good… Come and see the Lord is good…

Our Father we Thank You… We bless your Name.. We adore Thee.. We give Thee Praise.. Alleluia to You Almighty God… Great! Great are You Lord… You are worthy to be Praise… Father You reign…

Beloveth… Who has the final say in your life… Jehovah… has the final say… Jehovah turns my life around… Jehovah… turns my life around… He make a way where there seems no way… Jehovah has the final say…

Today’s topic is a big hitch to our Christians walk with God… this is a reason why many has fallen by the way sides… leaving the faith, mission, services in the vineyard… sterile in the work places…. Yes.. the quest to get rich is dangerous… riches itself is not bad…is not a sin… after all God blessed Abraham… Isaac, Jacob, David, and so many others… but being negatively ambitious to get rich or stay in the place of position will put you into trouble…. Gehazi, Saul, Absalom, (2kings 5:20, 1Sam.13:8-14, 2Sam.15:10-14,)

In our last PCL session we met this young man who was ready to go mission and then suddenly got rich and he stopped… Riches is good if you use it to build kingdom work… likewise it can hinder one from being a useful instrument / vessel in God’s Hand…

Beloveth… we must use riches as tool to serve God’s kingdom and not the other way round… may God help us all in Jesus Name…

Arise beloveth…. come along with us for more….

Do You Want To Get Rich?

George is young, aggressive, astute in business, and… getting rich. He claims to be a believer in Christ. And probably he is.

But I notice that when I broach the subject of winning the lost and investing time in people’s lives for the Kingdom of God, his eyes seem to glaze over and his attention wanders. In my gut, I get the impression that George is being seduced by the love of money, which as we know “is the root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10a)

So… let me ask you a question “DO YOU WANT TO GET RICH“?

Clearly, God tells us not to put in the effort: “Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint.” (Proverbs 23:4) (Also consider: Proverbs 15:27; 23:5; 28:20; Hebrews 13:5)

But if you do, then here’s what you can look forward to:

  • You will “fall into temptation and a trap.
  • You will fall into “many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.
  • You run the risk of wandering “from the faith and [piercing yourself] with many griefs.” (1 Timothy 6:9, 10)

Just where is your focus? On money? Or on knowing Jesus Christ?

It cannot be on both, because:

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and MoneyFor where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” (Matthew 6:24, 21)

Jesus reassured us that if the pursuit of Him is our primary focus, He will provide for our material needs:

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

God may in fact endow you with wealth. The difference is that when He gives it, it is void of apprehension:

The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and He adds no anxiety to it.” (Proverbs 10:22)

QUESTION: Do you want to get rich? Or do you want to know Christ? It is either one or the other. But it cannot be both.

Beloveth… we have to pray… or first answer the question above…. Do you want to get rich… or you want to know Christ…

Beloveth… you have read it … you cannot have the two … you either save God or go for money… but if you are serving God.. He will provide for you as He has promised… He will protect you as He promised… and whatever resources He gave you will be redeploy in serving Him… Yes!…

Let us pray beloveth… that God will help us to seek His kingdom… worship Him and serve Him all the Days of our lives in Jesus Name… yes… May He help us not serve mammon but serve the Living Christ Amen! And Amen!!! Praise the Name of the Lord….

Faithful Father we worship and adore your Holy Name… Hallow be Thy Name… let Thy kingdom come and Let Thy Will be done on earth in Jesus Name…

We desire to serve You Lord… help us we pray Thee in Jesus Name…

Further Reading- Gal.1:4, Ps.100:5, Ps.55:16, 1Pet.4:11, Jas.2:26,  Ps.49:9, 1Sam.16:3,

Let us pray…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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