March 13

Excellent Jehovah, Wonderful Jehovah there is no greater than Jehovah love Divine. Excellent Jehovah, Wonderful Jehovah there is no greater than Jehovah love Divine// You are the Lord that healeth me, You are the Lord my healer, You send Your Word and You heal my disease you are the Lord that healeth me.

Yes! Lord You are the Lord that healeth me, You are my Father, You are my Redeemer, You are the great I Am. You are my great I Am. Faithful are You, Lord. You are the Beginning and the End. Thank You Jesus; thank You Lord. Thank You for this bright day You have made, thank You for the grace to rejoice and be glad in it.

Have Your way again Lord, heal us and make us whole, bless us and honour us all the days of our lives in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, how are you? Thank God for another opportunity to Praise and worship Him and be everything He has made you to be. Faithful is He. We are to draw nearer to Him to be everything he made us to be.

You cannot talk much about someone you don’t know. You can either deduce your decision from his actions or His words. But for you to give a clear description of such individual, you must be in a relationship with Him. Then as the day go by you can say valuable things about such a person. Same here with God. If you have a relation with God beloved, you will be able to say and know when He is the one speaking to you. You will begin to understand the mind and the will of God concerning an issue.

Sometime, the Lord has given you a promise or has answered your prayer, but event around you is saying otherwise. Now if you are nearer to God, you will be able to hold on to that promise and continual tell yourself that God changeth not.  What He said He will do, He will surely do.

Why are doing that, because you know that what you are saying or doing is the mind of God. The truth is that no one will share His glory, therefore any power that want to contend with the promise of God must be able to upturn what God said, and who is able to do that? Am very sure no one.

How do we draw nearer to God, by reading the Word of God, Meditating therein and practicing it? The most potent way of assuring yourself of what God has said is by confessing the Word.

When the devil want to make you to lose hope in what you are trusting Him to do, you must remind yourself what the Lord has said and hold on it. You must not let out of your sight the Word of God. Keeping saying it, keep believing and God will orchestra a way to make His promise come through.

I know that God is faithful, do I have a witness in the house? Beloved I know that is your testimony too.

We have ways we can come closer to God. Do you also know that drawing nearer to God make us to see and know Him better? The Spirit of God will open your eyes of understanding and you will know the mind of God. In that way, your life becomes easy to live.

In other words, drawing nearer to God make it easy to live on revelation rather than man’s knowledge. It take up and make you to sit with the prince. The nearer you are to God; the easy it becomes to attain your destiny. How? Read Heb 10:37-39.

The nearer we are to God; the healthy we will be, because God called us to a live a sanctified life, a sin free life and otherwise – (1 Thess 4:3-7). It is only a Holy vessel that will draw nearer to God (Jn 4:24; 1 Pet 1:14-16)

Beloved, our Greater Lifting as promise us by God is guarantee and secure by living and drawing nearer to Him.

The closer we are to Him the clear the vision (destiny) He has given us becomes. So draw nearer, stay nearer, be nearer to Him always. Let’s discover more:


“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you James 4:8


The nearer we come to God, the more graciously will He reveal Himself to us. When the prodigal comes to his father, his father runs to meet him. When the wandering dove returns to the ark, Noah puts out his hand to pull her in unto him. When the tender wife seeks her husband’s society, he comes to her on wings of love. Come then, dear friend, let us draw nigh to God who so graciously awaits us, yea, comes to meet us.

Did you ever notice that passage in Isaiah 58:9? There the Lord seems to put Himself at the disposal of His people, saying to them, “Here I am.” As much as to say — “What have you to say to me? What can I do for you? I am waiting to bless you. How can we hesitate to draw near? God is nigh to forgive, to bless, to comfort, to help, to quicken, to deliver.

Let it be the main point with us to get near to God. This done, all is done. If we draw near to others, they may before long grow weary of us and leave us; but if we seek the Lord alone, no change will come over His mind, but He will continue to come nearer and yet nearer to us by fuller and more joyful fellowship.

Did you get that? The near we are the better it is in God’s relationship. Let us discover more what happens when God give you a vision. So incase that is where you are, you don’t start asking questions or being afraid, rather you keep on believing Him because He is bring out the best in you, so don’t get agitated; just keep believing Amen! More from below:

The Birth Of A Vision

God gives us the vision, then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of the vision; and it is in the valley that so many of us faint and give way. (Oswald Chambers)

God is allowing the testing… the battering, to mold our character into His:

Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations.

Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.

But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4 – Amplified)

Observe the birthing of a calf, or the metamorphose of a moth into a butterfly. Painful. “Battering.”

The temptation is to intervene and stop the uneasy proceeding. But we need to understand God’s battering “process and allow it to go on to completion.

Beauty and maturity often emerge from pain:

Let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work. So that you may be people perfectly and fully developed with no defects, lacking in nothing.

This is God’s school in preparing you, the visionary to carry out the vision. In God’s school there are no shortcuts. The process produces the product.

So, fellow pilgrim, in your valley, don’t faint and give way until He completes His task in you.

Did you read that? Don’t faint but have faith; don’t give way but rather be strong. May God of heaven continue to up hold us till our vision is born in Jesus Name.

Remain ever blessed in Jesus Name.

Evang, Ifeoma Ohondu

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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