Who has the finally say, in your life, your career, business, home, marriage, your children, your wife/ husband? Jehovah has the finally say, what about you? It is good to praise the Lord Alleluia! For the lives He given us, we just want to say thank You Lord, thank You lord!

What a beautify day the Lord has made and said we should rejoice and be glad in it. Beloved, the gift of another day is what you and I must be grateful for. It is a gift from God and must be appreciated. For so many have slept and never wake up again. Peradventure you are agitating about what God has done for you, do know that each day is a gift and is good enough to say “Thank You Father”.

Beloved, I imagine receiving a phone call that the president of my country is coming to visit my home, for all you know, the preparation that will follow such a visit will be unprecedented. I will take enough time to dot the I’s and cross the t’s.

Then imagine when God tells you I will be in your home today, what will you do? Let consider a physical home, like what happen in the time of Moses. God instructed them how to prepare to me Him at the record time, they pleaded with Moses never again do we want to hear God. Please go and hear what He has to say to us , whatever you tell us, we must do.

Fortunately for us today, God visitation is not as terrific as it was in the time past. We experience His Awesome Presence during worship, meditation, prayers, discussions, studying His Word. Beautiful encounter I must say. Such encounters is not usual ordinary.

Each encounter with God is definite and remarkable. Check during the time of old, even in this present time. God dwells in eternity but if He steps out of time to speak to you, you must count yourself blessed. Each of such visit translate to blessings to humanity.

In our study today, we will considering one person whose encounter was so dramatic and the effect of that encounter is still speaking till today.

What position are occupying today? Do you see it as a call from God to serve His people or as an opportunity to enrich yourself and save up wealth for your generations yet unborn?

For every leadership position God has ever allowed, it is for the interest of His people. God never joke over His people not even from His leaders. Has God placed you in any position? Are you using it to serve His interest or your own interest? How are going about God’s work placed in your hand? All these by the help of the Holy Spirit will the Lord be exposing to us today. Be ready for an encounter of a life time. An encounter that will turn your life around, lift you from obscurity to lime light. Praise the Lord somebody!!!!!

But get up and stand on your feet. For I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and a witness of things you have seen, and of things in which I will appear to you.—Acts 26:16

God was working in your life long before you began working with Him. The Lord knew you before time began, and He knew what He wanted to do with your life (Jer. 1:5; Ps. 139:13). Before the apostle Paul’s conversion experience on the road to Damascus, Jesus already knew Paul and had a specific assignment for him. But Jesus only revealed this assignment after Paul’s conversion (Acts 9:15).

 So misguided was Paul that in his sincere efforts to serve God, he had actually been waging war against Christians! Although God knew what He wanted for Paul, He waited to reveal it to him until He gained his attention and became his Lord.

Our Lord does not come to us to discover what we would like to accomplish for Him. He encounters us in order to reveal His activity and invite us to become involved in His work. An encounter with God requires us to adjust ourselves to the activity of God that has been revealed. God never communicates with us merely to give us a warm devotional thought for that day. He never speaks to us simply to increase our biblical knowledge. Our Lord has far more significant things to reveal to us than that! When God shows us what He is doing, He invites us to join Him in the work He is doing.

Are you prepared to meet God today? Don’t seek to hear from God unless you are ready to ask, as Paul did, “What shall I do Lord?” and when you hear Him, how do you go about it? That is what we are going to consider next.

How Are You Going About The Work Of God?


  • Hurried busy activity?
  • Inner striving for perfection?
  • Fastidious attention to standards of performance?

This is not God’s way:

 “DONT BE [MORBIDLY EXACTING AND EXTERNALLY] RIGHTEOUS OVERMUCH, neither strive to make yourself [pretentiously appear] overwise – why should you [get puffed up and] destroy yourself [with presumptuous self-sufficiency]?” (Ecclesiastes 7:16 – Amplified)

 Someone has said, “Woe to the nervous activity of those of little faith.

Jesus’ life was characterized by restful determination in accomplishing the work of God. Never in a hurry, He was poised, natural… purposeful.

And so it should be with us: “There remainsarest for the people of God.” (Hebrews 4:9)

The real work of God is done behind the scenes during private times of reflection upon His Word, worship, intercession, and pondering His eternal purposes. Then, sensing and moving with the inner prompting of the Spirit.

 Gutzon Borglum commented, “When I carve a statue, it is very simple. I merely cut away the pieces that dont belong there and the statue itself presently comes into view. It was there all the time.

The life of Jesus Christ waits within us to find full expression through us in accomplishing His work. We can nervously hammer away at getting Him out… or we can rest as He cuts “away the pieces that dont belong there.”

 “For it is God who is at work within you, giving you the will and the power to achieve His purpose.” (Philippians 2:13 – Phillips Translation)

Are still there with me. In the early time of this ministry I had the same challenge, trying to put things in perspective, to be flawless in my presentation and what message will I present. One day the Holy Spirit motion me to be still. Of course I did, He told me my daughter, all I need from you is your availability, once you are seated to minister leave the rest to me.

I tell you, it worked. I followed the instruction I was given and it worked. Now I am no longer afraid of what I will be sending out to minister to souls. Why? Because the One Who called me knew who and who will be reading the message and as such will direct me on what will minister to their needs.

Sometime the ministration comes lengthy and some have written to say that, but I have no control over it. This message is open to everyone in the whole world and as such the Spirit of God Who knows the need of everyone gets across each one through each message. God will give you understanding to this sayings of mine.

Finally, if you are ready to encounter God; be ready for the assignment He has for you. Is not in your power but in His strength you will accomplish all.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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