Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow down before Thee…our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow down before Thee…Heavenly Father thank You eternal Creator thank You alleluia… Heavenly Father thank You eternal Creator thank You alleluia…
Come and see what the Lord has done for me…He has taken away my sorrow and free… agam para alleluia aburu alleluia buru because of Jesus every na sakara I dey do…Double double heaven blessing na him I dey receive…God Your Grace and mercy always dey fellow me…Aiyee! God has given me victory..Aiyee he has given me victory…..
My Father my Father I cannot thank You enough for Your faithfulness and mercies that You shower on us this week…Father You too Muchooo… I don’t know why You love me so, I don’t know why… we came to say thank You, we came to say Thank You…all we came to say Thank You Lord!!!
Thank You for the gift of this week, the miracles, provisions, healing, protections and wonders You did in our lives and situations…Your Promises are indeed Yeah and Amen… Wonder Working Jehovah…glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever for the Great Wonders You did in my life and situation Awesome Working Jehovah…let the earth rejoice and the people rejoice for the Lord God reign…..Alleluia Amen! Alleluia Amen! Alleluia Amen!
Beloveth…our God is Awesome…Beautiful is His Name…Wonder Working Father…Glory, Glory, Glory alleluia…my mouth is full of rejoice…indeed the Word of God stands firm forever and when you declare it, stand by it and see the glory of God come down alleluia Amen!!!
Our PCL topic is a very interesting one …have you encountered God beloveth?…or do I say when last did you encountered God?
Encountering God is the best thing that can ever happen in ones life…one thing is clear…you can never remain these same…an encounter with the Spirit of God takes a man from the place of ordinary to the place of Extra ordinary…God of Awesome Wonder…My Miracle Working Jehovah. Jehovah Overdo…Praise the Lord…alleluia!!!
In our story below… Paul encountered with God changed his name from Saul to Paul …Moses encountered God and His staff became God’s outstretched Hand… Abraham encountered God and he and His offspring became God’s chosen people forever…
Beloveth when you encounter God…your mission is set in motion, you will join Him on destiny fulfillment program…if that is your heart desire beloveth…join us now to discover more:
But get up and stand on your feet. For I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and a witness of things you have seen, and of things in which I will appear to you.—Acts 26:16
God was working in your life long before you began working with Him. The Lord knew you before time began, and He knew what He wanted to do with your life (Jer. 1:5; Ps. 139:13). Before the apostle Paul’s conversion experience on the road to Damascus, Jesus already knew Paul and had a specific assignment for him.
But Jesus only revealed this assignment after Paul’s conversion (Acts 9:15). So misguided was Paul that in his sincere efforts to serve God, he had actually been waging war against Christians! Although God knew what He wanted for Paul, He waited to reveal it to him until He gained his attention and became his Lord.
Our Lord does not come to us to discover what we would like to accomplish for Him. He encounters us in order to reveal His activity and invite us to become involved in His work. An encounter with God requires us to adjust ourselves to the activity of God that has been revealed.
God never communicates with us merely to give us a warm devotional thought for that day. He never speaks to us simply to increase our biblical knowledge. Our Lord has far more significant things to reveal to us than that! When God shows us what He is doing, He invites us to join Him in the work He is doing.
Are you prepared to meet God today? Don’t seek to hear from God unless you are ready to ask, as Paul did, “What shall I do Lord?”
Beloveth, did you just read the last paragraph? Are you ready to obey …if you are then it time for you to say “what shall I do Lord?”
If you are saying that right away “May the comfort of the Spirit of God guide you through the path of righteousness in Jesus Name…
Have a exotic weekend…encountering God … see you on Monday by God’s grace….
Remain blessed in the Lord.