Come and see the Lord is good… come and see the Lord is good… there is nothing He cannot do… come and see the Lord is good… Jesus gives me victory… He gave me peace of mind… come and see the Lord is good… come and see the Lord is good…// Come Praise the Lord…all yea servants of Lord …Who stand my night… in the Holy place… Lift up your hands to the Holy place…Come Praise the Lord… Come Praise the Lord… Come Praise the Lord…
Yes.. Father we come with praises, thanksgiving and adoration unto You alone… Who is worthy to be Praise… Thank You for the miracle of sleeping and waking up this morning… Thank You Almighty Jehovah for Who You are… Thank You for answers to prayers… Thank You for turning impossibility to possible… Thank You for upholding us even in the most desperate moments of our lives… Thank You for showing us light in the darkness…. glory, glory, glory be unto Thee alone in Jesus Name….
Jehovah! You are so Good… Blessed be Thou Holy Name forever had ever Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth… we serve a Living God Whose Word is Yea and Amen… When He says a thing it comes to pass… beloveth some made God out of wood and worship it…. disappointingly they neither ear, talk nor see… they walk or touch but we have a God who walks in times… Who feels our burdens and our infirmities, Who feels our pains and sees our cry… He never allow it to waste rather He collects it in the bottle and will raise a memory for us… Ps.115:1-11
Beloveth … do notice that devil is not always happy when thing are moving on smoothly in your life… he will either plants worry, doubt, or fear…. But our God give us boldness and make strong in place of weakness… Is possible that your Father… is also possible that you are yet to start walk with Him (Click on accept Jesus now)… either way one is crystal clear “God makes no mistakes” … always remember that He will never leave you nor forsake you… even in the darkness night/ season of life… He is by your side… Miracle no dey tire our God… whatever you want,… He will always provide it… God is still in the business of doing good… is your case a creative miracle…I want you to know that our God is Able… and He is over all… Praise the Name of the Lord…
In our Faith clinic today… the topic is “Ever feel abandoned by God?”… let us be sincere in answering this question… yours might not be that you felt abandoned … it might be that God is not as near as you are meant to believe… or that He doesn’t answer at your first call… all these are feelings which satan floods our lives with… lies and deceits…
The beautiful thing about our God is that He never gives up on anyone… no, never… God can never give up on you or get tired of your calling, knocking or praying… He always show forth and display His power and glory… alleluia somebody….
So next time when your head and mind are bugging and struggling on the Presence of God in your life… be quick to respond that you serve a Living God Who walks in time … also remind him that He never will never leave, forsake nor abandoned you… Pick up your Bible and allow the Spirit of god to speak peace to your mind…. for He is over all….
Join us for more:
Ever Feel Abandoned By God?
- Your prayers seem to go unanswered.
- Evidence of God’s working is scarce.
- You and fellow-believers languish while the godless appear to flourish.
Is this God’s cruel joke? Or could there be a Divine reason behind our sense of abandonment?
Is it possible that God, who is intent on teaching us to live by faith, purposely removes evidence of Himself from us in order to strengthen our faith? What quality of belief is required when His documentatvion is everywhere present?
Our faith is in its purest form when, amidst scant evidence for the existence of God, we still choose to believe.
This was precisely Job’s experience: Seemingly abandoned by God, and having sustained great personal loss, he exclaims,
“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him… I go forward but He is not there, and backward, but I cannot perceive Him. But He knows the way I take and when He has tried me I shall come forth as gold… He performs what is appointed for me… ” (Job 13:15; 23:8, 10, 14a)
A person who elects to walk with God in those bleak periods of spiritual desolation is indeed a lethal instrument in the hand of God.
Consider C. S. Lewis’ perspective from his writings in “The Screwtape Letters”. In the following monologue Satan is coaching his protégé Wormwood:
“Do not be deceived, Wormwood. Our cause is never more in danger than when a human looks (around)… a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys.”
As a fellow pilgrim, may I ask you: “Have you resolved in your soul to follow the Master, whether there is evidence or not? Whether He blesses you or not?”
Of such a person God is well-pleased! (Hebrews 11:6)
Beloveth, ask God to increase your faith in Him… yes… never dounting always trusting Him… Amen… it is said that God is always please with such one… can your life be pleasing unto God… take that step of faith…. For He waiting for the coming of your feet… Praise the Lord Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, seek His face always and you will see that He is the very breath in your nostrils…
Further Reading: 1Sam.12:24, Eph.3:20-21, Ps.72:12, Ps.149:4, 1Cor.16:14, Ps.27:8, Neh. 1:11, Ps.139:17, 2Cor6:18
Remain blessed in the Lord.