I will Praise the Lord …I will Praise the Lord… I will Praise Lord! I will Praise the Lord if nobody will Praise the Lord I will Praise the Lord if nobody will Praise the Lord I will Praise the Lord….// Glory, Glory alleluia Glory, Glory Praise the Lord Glory, Glory alleluia!! Glory, Glory Praise Thy Lord… Glory, Glory Lord we give You Glory… Glory, Glory Lord You are a might God…. O Lord we give You glory….

Our Father we thank You for Your mercy that enduerth forever… Thank You for Your Presence in year 2022… it can only be You Father … You took us by hand and lead us all through the path of uncertainty and confusion, pain, anxiety, pit, death and hell … And You led us into Your marvelous light… You showed us mercies untold… You granted peace in the midst of the storm… You gave us joy in midst of our anguish and pains… You prepared a table before us in front of our enemies… O my God! You are too Faithful to fail us…

We come to thank You for the gift of another year…. A brand new year… a brand new week, a brand new day… in Your Presence… O Lord! What can we offer You now that will worth Your love to us… is the protection and safety You have granted us in the midst of evil and disorderliness in our society… With Your Eye on us You guided us so we will remain Your children not blaspheme against the Holy Spirit … With Your hand You daily provide  for us all that we needed and You are not tired of blessing us neither are you tired of showing us love… Father we thank You… be Thou glorify forever in Jesus Name.

Beloveth… the New Year is here … we have expected and prayed in anticipation  that it will do us good and not evil… beloveth, here we are in the Year of the Lord 2023…Day 2, many looked forward to it but the Lord counted us worthy to step into it… I pray for you as I also pray for myself … we saw the beginning of this year… we will see the end in Jesus Name… satan will not uproot us suddenly where God has planted us… The Voice of the Lord will continue to guide and lead us through the path of righteousness and daily protect us from all evil… Amen!!!!!!

Beloveth… we glad to see you again we are eager to let you know God’s Word for the season for us … Is a New Year and we need to get focus … the early we step out the better… however we are not going to step out in ignorance or globe in the darkness … yes we will not work aimlessly or let our guard down… lest you break the edge and the snake will bite… rather we set out with the voice of God guide and leading us in the path of the Lord… Yes! The Way that lead to Life and not death… The Way that leads to success and not mishap… yes the Spirit of God will direct us make our walk easier than we think…

Beloveth…  I remember some years back when I step into new year excepting the best still everything kept coming in opposite directions… at a point I became so afraid to take a step forward until the Spirit of God took hold of me and make a everything turn to my favour… yes.. Things started working out to my favour instead and at each turn I will a voice guiding and leading me… Ooooh He led so that I fear no evil… beloveth… with every prayer answered and a Word and promises from the Bible became reality in my life then I know that it take only God to walk through this path of eternity not your certificate, not your wisdom nor intelligent… not your influence but when you submit yourself under God and you receive all these things from His Throne… then only than you will make a head way in life… Praise the Lord…

The Lord is speaking to us and we have to listen to hear Him… we must not be careless or carefree we must be diligent in where God has place us and be ready to obey…

Beloveth we glad to announce to you Our Theme for this Year 2023 is Our Year of “Unending Goodness” Ps 23; with emphasis on verse 6.,,,

Beloveth… my God is Able, He is able, I know He is able… I know my God is able to carry me through…

Jesus is able yes He is able.. I know He is able.. I know my God is able to carry me through… for He has healed the broken hearted, set the captive free, healed the sick and walked upon the sea… my God is Able yes He is able… I know He is able… I know my God is able to carry us through…

I just excited and am sure you are… I also convinced that you prayed and today God has assuredly tell us that all our days in the new year shall be crown with His goodness and even beyond… beloveth if you read this promise with your eye of understanding, you will know that all the days of life is what the psalmist said… like Abraham God has secured your stay here with goodness till you go to meet Him in glory… or He come to take you away….by His Second Coming…

So if you have understood the theme, raise your voice in worship to appreciate This our God…

Is possible you have been having or confessing one resolution or the other before now but I want to know that if you can let yourself to be guarded by the Holy Spirit as I did some year back … you will see the difference by the end of this year…

Satan has been wagering war and last year the Lord broke all the arsenals and am not only free but I was made whole by the Mighty Hand of God… I did not lift my finger but I followed Him as He led me and Jesus fought all wars and won every battle and handed me over victory all the way….

So I don’t know how you are feeling right now… possible lousy as our topic depicts beloveth I want you to know that is not what God deposited in you… while the sower slept the enemy came to show tares … the tares sown by the enemy is what is making you feel lousy if you ask me…

So if you doubt your doubt and trust the Word of God then you will see what God has in stock for you… come along with us for more:

 Ever Feel Lousy About Yourself?

You need to know how God feels about you:

  • You are “majestic” in His eyes (Literally: excellent, glorious, mighty, worthy)
  • You are the source of all His delight (Psalm 16:3)

Zephaniah 3:17 puts it this way:

  • The Lord is with you
  • He takes great delight in you
  • He will quiet you with His love
  • He rejoices over you with singing

Of you He says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” (Jeremiah 31:3) He has always loved you! Even before you were conceived!

 Yes, I know you are a sinner. That is not new information. But in His eyes your problem with sin has nothing to do with your intrinsic worth. If your daughter contracts cancer, her worth is not diminished in your eyes, is it?

As the kid said, “God didn’t make any junk.” The truth is that “you are fearfully and wonderfully madeskillfully wrought: God’s marvelous creation! (Psalm 139:14, 15) In fact, “while we were sinners” — scuzzball rebels — Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) Before we cleaned up our act, He crawled up on that cross for us. Is there a more forceful demonstration of unconditional love?… Of your worth to Him?

So, this week as you enter the shark infested waters of the marketplace, keep in mind the fact that you are A CHILD OF THE KING. A PERSON OF INFINITE, ETERNAL WORTH.

Beloveth… if you are here with me… and you are not laughing with joy in your heart then something is terribly wrong…. Can’t you see all the Lord said about you? Just read the last sentence what did it say?  “You are a child of the King,. A person of infinite and eternal worth.”

Whatever is making you to feel otherwise join us as we sing… this song and truly this will be our portion in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Let us sing…

He is in control… He is full control Master, He is control… He is control He is full control… Master Jesus He is control…

So if God is in perfect control; what or who shall you fear… I guess nobody… so if you have written yourself off before now you better repent and ask God forgiveness… God is your Maker therefore you must feel less of what He feels about you… you are beautifully and wonderfully made said the psalmist and so said God… Who made you in His Own Image… all you need do now is to pick up your Bible and transverse through it as you discover more of who God says you are….

Further Reading- 2Cor.5:20, Ps 25:7, Gal.1:4, Job 34:32

Join us as we sing this song …

We are the chosen generation born to show His Excellent… all that required of us God has given us … for I know whom I am… for I know who God says I am whom Him says I am …I know who I am… I walking in power… am working in miracle… I live a life of favour for I know whom I am…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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