Holy are You Lord, All creations call You God, Worthy is Your Name, we worship Your Majesty, Awesome God, how great thou art, You are God, mighty are your miracles. We stand in awe of your holy Name, Lord we bow and worship you.
Awesome God, Mighty God. We give You praise awesome God, we give praise Mighty God you are highly lifted God you are highly lifted up Mighty God. Am standing Rock that never fail, Jesus is the Rock that never fail. My God is a miracle, He has never fail, He will never fail, He will do what He says He will do, He will do what He promised to do.
Gracious Father, Wonder working Father, ever Faithful, always dependable, our Miracle Assurance, Thank You for Your Faithfulness, love and peace in our lives that money cannot buy. Thank You for the miracle of sleeping and waking up this day. We are grateful Lord, for life itself worth more than any bank account anyone can ever have. It position us for any desires of the heart and blessings that only heaven can release upon us.
Beloved, wow! The week is up again, are you happy? Are you surprise? Well in all of it we thank God Who made heaven on earth, Whose Word shall never fail, Faithful are You Lord. His thoughts towards you are good and not evil. To give you an expected end. I have my expected end; you also have, beloved, in God’s Word will it all come to pass. Hold on; don’t give up!
Beloved, do you know what the date is today? Have you experienced God’s intervention in your situation or you are at edge of breaking down and out? Are celebrating already or there are still issues here and there? If the latter is your answer, not to worry, today’s message will special meet that need and you will cruise though this month and beyond in a grand style.
The package of God’s intervention had been delivered but you need to look beyond the physical; tap into the Spiritual with your faith eye and you will see God working out your salvation for you.
The victory is already won, don’t be afraid again, Start walking in your miracles. Praise through those challenges and you will see satan on the floor, in its accursed state (snake). Do you know that no matter how tall and huge a snake looks it will never walk; it will only crawl?
Beloved, your case is different, your hinge are made strong and your horn hast the Lord exalted like that of a unicorn, you are anointed with fresh oil. Beloved the Lord has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
A sound mind; the mind of Christ. Therefore, the enemy whoever they are, in whatever form must not get the best of you. C-o-m-e—on let’s read on:
Ever Wonder If The “Enemy” Is Getting The Best Of Us?
Chaos and societal disintegration seem to reign.
Good people are squashed as scoundrels cruise past us unscathed.
Natural disasters and wars crush innumerable innocents, while the exploitive, wily, and manipulative rule, imbibing on life’s delectables.
A rational observer would conclude that the forces of Light are losing to the forces of the Darkness.
Prior to the cross, Jesus willingly surrendered to a lynch mob, to be strung up, mocked and murdered. As the inquisition began, He commented, “This is your hour when darkness reigns.” (Luke 22:53)
How often have you personally felt that this was your hour when Darkness reigns, as you struggled with:
- Strained or broken relationships
- Frustration over insoluble issues at home or the office
- Temptation and sin
If we are to win in our epic battle between good and evil, we need to view it through Jesus’ eyes, because He is the One who understands that the Enemy has already been defeated and the victory has been secured. As the preacher said, “Today is Friday, (crucifixion day) but Sunday is coming!” (Resurrection Day).
The truth is that Sunday has already come and the victory has already been secured:
Paul was sent to the lost “to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.” (Acts 26:18) (See Luke 4:18; 2 Corinthians 4:4, 6; Ephesians 1:18; 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8)
“[Christ] has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves.” (Colossians 1:13) (See John 8:31, 32; Romans 6:17-22; Hebrews 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9; 1 John 2:8)
“Satan, who leads the whole world astray… was hurled to the earth… ” (Revelation 12:9b) (See Isaiah 14:12)
Be reassured by Christ’s encouragement that “in this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world… because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (John 16:33b; 1 John 4:4b) (See Romans 8:35-37; Galatians 1:4; 1 John 5:4; Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 22; 12:11)
So today, will you choose to rest in the fact that because Sunday has already come, the victory has been won for you? Will you this very moment choose to appropriate and enjoy His triumph?
There is a user of this devotional, you wept bitterly last night. You are at the verge of giving up, you have planned out what to do though not godly, the Lord is speaking to you, “don’t go that way because it will hurt you badly, though it is looking like a way out but you know the end thereof will spell doom.” You will end up bitter and frustrated. The Lord is saying “I have done many miracles in the past hold me on this I will yet do it. Beloved count your past blessing and be encouraged.” This next message will help you out. Let’s consider it together:
“Evening wolves.” Habakkuk 1:8
While preparing the present volume, this particular expression recurred to me so frequently, that in order to be rid of its constant importunity I determined to give a page to it. The evening wolf, infuriated by a day of hunger, was fiercer and more ravenous than he would have been in the morning.
May not the furious creature represent our doubts and fears after a day of distraction of mind, losses in business, and perhaps ungenerous tauntings from our fellow men? How our thoughts howl in our ears, “Where is now thy God?” How voracious and greedy they are, swallowing up all suggestions of comfort, and remaining as hungry as before.
Great Shepherd, slay these evening wolves, and bid Thy sheep lie down in green pastures, undisturbed by insatiable unbelief. How like are the fiends of hell to evening wolves, for when the flock of Christ are in a cloudy and dark day, and their sun seems going down, they hasten to tear and to devour. They will scarcely attack the Christian in the daylight of faith, but in the gloom of soul conflict they fall upon him. O Thou who hast laid down Thy life for the sheep, preserve them from the fangs of the wolf.
False teachers who craftily and industriously hunt for the precious life, devouring men by their false-hoods, are as dangerous and detestable as evening wolves. Darkness is their element, deceit is their character, destruction is their end. We are most in danger from them when they wear the sheep’s skin. Blessed is he who is kept from them, for thousands are made the prey of grievous wolves that enter within the fold of the church.
What a wonder of grace it is when fierce persecutors are converted, for then the wolf dwells with the lamb, and men of cruel ungovernable dispositions become gentle and teachable. O Lord, convert many such: for such we will pray to-day.
Beloved, the Lord will slain the evening wolves and you will be free forever. He can choose to convert them; he can chose to slain them. Ours is not the method or the means but ours is that victory be won over our life situations and defect all our enemies in the Name of Jesus.
He has promised; He will never fail us. Make this weekend a praise weekend. Have a blessed weekend. See you next week God willing.
Remain blessed in the Lord.