Everlasting King, Glorious King, Wonderful Messiah, hallow be Thy Name. Let Your Kingdom come Lord. We thank You Precious Father. We magnify You Ancient Days, we exalt You forever, be Thy Glorified.

Beloved, let us blessed The Name of our God for another end of week He had seen us through. Let us be grateful for the supplies of daily needs, provisions, protections, healing, deliverances, safety and security He granted to us. Father, we say thank You.

This is the last Friday of this glorious month, and we will be considering a very important topic that has destroyed and maimed many who were slothful in the place diligence (Prov 4:23).

Beloved, we need to exercise caution especially when we have been fore warmed (Lk 22:31). It is usually devastating when it occurs. The damage is usually enormous when compared with if we do apply caution afterall.

Are you imagining in your mind what she is saying? My concerns are for those who have in one way or the other suffered or are still victim of careless words spoken, to the one on the receiving end. Such action is not only destructive to self even to the generations coming after you if not checked.

It is one of our cardinal rule as a ministry (Prov 4:23). Most sickness and situations has been discovered to emanate from here. So watch it that ye may not fall into this pit, beloved, it can only be likened to a bottomless pit. God forbid, I hear someone saying and I will quickly add, in Jesus Name, Amen!

How does this ill creeps in, you may want to know? Come with me as we consider the message below.

I tell you that on the day of judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak.—Matthew 12:36

Jesus spoke plainly about our idle words, yet His warning often goes unheeded. Jesus said that for every idle word there will be a time of accounting in the Day of Judgment. We would expect Jesus to condemn profane and vile uses of the tongue, but idle words? Idle words are things we say carelessly, without concern for their impact on others. We too quickly assume that the sins of our tongue are minor sins, sins that God will overlook. Yet Jesus was fully aware of the devastating nature of our words, for the idle words that come from our mouths give a lucid picture of the condition of our heart (Matt. 15:17–20).

The Book of Proverbs encourages us to speak less rather than risk saying something offensive (Prov. 17:28). Often when we have nothing significant to say we are tempted to speak injurious, idle words. The more time we spend in idle chatter, the greater the likelihood that we will say things that are harmful. James cautioned believers to be “swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (James 1:19). We are in much less danger of saying something offensive when we are listening than when we are speaking!

Think carefully about the words that come from your mouth. Christians should speak only words that uplift and bring grace to others (Eph. 4:29). Do you need to speak less? Do you need to be more careful about the kind of humor you use? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you evaluate whether your words build up others or whether they destroy and hurt others.

It will interest you to know that no sin goes unpunished. Those who derive joy in talking down at people, saying demeaning words or things we also be cut in the web. How? Someone wants to know.

When you speak dear beloved, you create with your spoken words, even the earth you live in was created by the Almighty God with spoken Word. So when an individual dwells so much in saying negative things, degrading others status other than lifting them up. Sooner than such a person thinks those things will start operating or ruling his life.

In cases, where it is between family members, either between husband, wife or children, relatives or colleagues. In a split of seconds, the consequences of such pronouncement will start taking root and sooner than you think, will come into operative which will result in making wrong choices, and consequences are abound.

The above usually occur from insecurity, the abuser is suffering from complex and the only way to get the opponent down is constantly speaking non edifying words to get them upset, give up, abandon their chosen career, ministry, marriage, and in some cases neglect self.

Beloved, the effect of this action is too wide to be effectively discussed here, I therefore crave your indulgence to continue to pray for us for the grace to fulfill the mandate God has commissioned to us to liberate mankind from the bondage of Sin and Satan and heal as many souls that are down and out through the Word of God.

It will also be necessary my beloved, that we consider again, in order to achieve the theme of this month in our individual lives, how to position ourselves to access God’s glory as promised us in the Word, come along with me as we read more from the message below:

“Remove far from me vanity and lies.” Proverbs 30:8

“O my God, be not far from me.” Psalm 38:21.

Here we have two great lessons—what to deprecate and what to supplicate. The happiest state of a Christian is the holiest state. As there is the most heat nearest to the sun, so there is the most happiness nearest to Christ. No Christian enjoys comfort when his eyes are fixed on vanity—he finds no satisfaction unless his soul is quickened in the ways of God.

The world may win happiness elsewhere, but he cannot. I do not blame ungodly men for rushing to their pleasures. Why should I? Let them have their fill. That is all they have to enjoy. A converted wife who despaired of her husband was always very kind to him, for she said, “I fear that this is the only world in which he will be happy, and therefore I have made up my mind to make him as happy as I can in it.”

Christians must seek their delights in a higher sphere than the insipid frivolities or sinful enjoyments of the world. Vain pursuits are dangerous to renewed souls. We have heard of a philosopher who, while he looked up to the stars, fell into a pit; but how deeply do they fall who look down. Their fall is fatal. No Christian is safe when his soul is slothful, and his God is far from him.

Every Christian is always safe as to the great matter of his standing in Christ, but he is not safe as regards his experience in holiness, and communion with Jesus in this life. Satan does not often attack a Christian who is living near to God. It is when the Christian departs from his God, becomes spiritually starved, and endeavours to feed on vanities, that the devil discovers his vantage hour.

He may sometimes stand foot to foot with the child of God who is active in his Master’s service, but the battle is generally short: he who slips as he goes down into the Valley of Humiliation, every time he takes a false step invites Apollyon to assail him (Matt 4:11).

O for grace to walk humbly with our God! we ask this day in Jesus Name. Amen!

Finally brethren, let us be mindful of every words that proceeds from our mouth for we will give account before God.

Dear reader, if your conscience is condemning you based on the topic before us, I will advise you to repent of it, desist from tearing others apart /down with your tongue or actions and the Good Lord will forgive you. And to all those who have been abused or suffered humiliation as a result, take heart in the Lord for He is your Deliverer. He is the only one that will heal and restore you. Also vow today to keep watch over your heart. Be mindful of what you let in through the doors and windows of your life (Prov 4:23). Above all forgive your abusers, do not hold them in unforgiveness and your healing will come faster than you think (Matt 5:44 – 45).

Someone is being healed now in Jesus Name and that healing remains permanent in Jesus Name.

Have a wonderful weekend as we look forward to the glorious ending of the month come next week in Jesus Name!

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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