Father we declare that we love You we declare Your everlasting love for me. Father we declare that we love You we declare an everlasting Your everlasting love for me.// Glory glory alleluia, glory glory Praise the Lord, glory glory, alleluia, glory glory Praise the Lord.

Father, we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name for all You did for us all through the month of January, You are a Mighty man in battle El-Shaddia, glory be to Your Name on high. You are God, You are man, glory be to Your Name on high. Faithful Father, thank You and thank You and thank You again and again. Let everything with breathe in the nostrils bless Your Holy Name.  

Glory glory Lord thank God for successful delivers at every point, thank You for answers to prayers, for Healing, deliverance and provision. Glory be to Your Name alone Amen.

Beloved, we are standing on the line of crossing over, am sure we have testimonies that we shock us as we recount God’s goodness through month. I am so blessed that I don’t know how to thank God enough. He is indeed a Kind God. What an Awesome God we serve. I will bless His Name forever and ever.

The month is rounding up in our faith clinic day. Wow! Isn’t that beautiful? I thank God for It as it will afford us more opportunity to step up our faith trusting Him for what we are believing Him to do for us. can I hear a believing alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last faith clinic was exciting and today will not deliver less as the power that raised Christ from death will help us and grant us grace to walk in liberty with the revelation that is coming our way shortly.

Beloved, here again we are going to have vivid picture of what is. Last week we consider “faith and doubt /unbelief” today we will be looking at faith in another dimension, let me let the cat out from the bag just join me as we make the discover together. God bless you as we journey together:

Exodus 7:1-8:32

Psalm 18:7-12

Proverbs 3:33-35

Matthew 21:12-27

“Faith in Two Minds”

If you have faith … even if you tell this mountain, “Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,” it will be done.—Matthew 21:21

If we are to have feet like “hinds’ feet,” we must learn how to face and handle any doubts that may arise in our hearts.

Most of us have to face the problem of doubt at some time or another, and unless we have a clear understanding of what is involved when we doubt and how to deal with it, our pursuit of God can be greatly hindered. The English word doubt comes from the Latin dubitare, which is rooted in an Aryan word meaning “two.” To doubt means to take two positions on something or to have a divided heart.

A major misconception concerning doubt—and one that has brought great anxiety to many a Christian’s heart—is to view doubt as the opposite of faith, which clearly it is not. Unbelief is the opposite of faith.

Os Guinness puts it like this: “To believe is to be ‘in one mind’ about accepting something as true; to disbelieve is to be ‘in one mind’ about rejecting it. To doubt is to waver between the two, to believe and disbelieve all at once, and so to be ‘in two minds.'”

Donald Bridge, in his book When Christians Doubt, refers to doubt as “faith asking questions.” Some might think this definition elevates doubt to a position it does not deserve and masks its true nature—but not so. It is only when we understand what doubt really is that we can deal with it in the way we should. Doubt is, as Guinness puts it, “faith in two minds.”


My God and Father, I would be at my best—at Your best. But Your best cannot get across to me if doubt remains in my heart. Show me the steps I must take to overcome doubt. Amen.

Further Study

Mt 14:22-33; Lk 24:13-35

How does Peter illustrate being “in two minds”?

What did Jesus mean by slow to believe in your hearts?

Beloved, the month is ending today and by the grace of God it will end well for us. This teaching is a clarion call to believe in our heart what God has spoken about us that it will be as spoken. We therefore go ahead to ask for the desire grace and obtain mercies that will deliver for us as we are trusting Him.

Is not about us but it about Him. I am so happy because I know that God cannot lie. There is no changing or turning from Him. His word say that there is no enchantment against me that will prosper every tongue that rises against me shall be condemn. He is a strong tower and a refuge, I run in and be safe. He will not delay any longer to do but speedily He will deliver all He has promise. (2 pet 3:15). Glory be to Him Name on high.

May the continual be Kind to us as leads us to our Glorious Manifestation” in Jesus Name. beloved, ask for a higher level of faith for the coming month. it is gonna be a month of ….. wait till it comes Alleluia Amen.

Remain bless in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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