You are the Living God…. Eze (King) no one like You…. You are the Living God Eze(King) no one like You…. You are the Living God… Eze (King)No one like you…..// I am thanking You Lord for Who You are!!! What You have done in my life Lord… I am thanking You for who You are what You have done…. Dan Sakari Baba….

Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore and glorify You Jesus… for The Great and Mighty things You are doing in our lives… Blessed be Thy Name O Lord…. Forever and ever Amen!!!

Jesus You are my Good God… I will forever follow You… There is nothing You cannot do… I will forever follow You….

Faithful are You Lord…. Faithful are You Jesus… faithful are You Lord… You are Faithful…

Thank You matchless Jesus … Hallow be Thy Name forever and ever Amen!!!

Beloveth welcome to a new week laced by God with favour yes… He has promised… He will never fail us… Glory be to your Name O Lord… forever and ever Amen!!!

Beloveth…do you still remember Noah… how God intervened at His time to end a flood that lasted for forty Days and forty nights… God gave His Word and it came to pass… He also ended such calamities with a covenant having uphold His Word Gen.8:20-22

Beloveth our God is a covenant keeping God… beloveth…What He said He will do that He will surely do alleluia!!!

The ministration below is confirmation of God’s goodness … Has He said a thing… He will also do it… as we began the year …the Lord gave us His Word that this is our year of Great Restoration… Joel 2:18-27…

Beloveth when you look at this promise with your natural eyes it is not possible depending on where you are standing… but we serve a God Whom nothing is impossible to do…

This morning a word of knowledge dropped into my spirit on God of eleventh hour… I shouted… when the Holy Spirit told Mary about her cousin Elizabeth who is six month gone … to Elizabeth it is an eleventh hour miracle… already she is called barren… What about Sarah Abraham wife… who was old and stricken in age… Gen 18:11;21:1-3. What about Job…. He lost everything but God came through for Him at the later end… He not only restored all that Job lost … He also add to years to see the fulfillment of His promises… someone is receiving “restoration” in order of Job…. (Job.42) Alleluia!!!

I found myself lost and humble… because there is an area of my life that I said it will never happened again but God remembered me that even in the eleventh hour …. He is still God… I receive the promise and was very happy…

Beloveth where are trusting God to work and walk in your life… do you know that He is more than able to deliver what He has promised you…. your eyes of faith need to see the Bow….

Come along with us for more discover….               

Faith Sees the Bow

“And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud.” Gen. 9:14

Just now clouds are plentiful enough, but we are not afraid that the world will be destroyed by a deluge. We see the rainbow often enough to prevent our having any such fears. The covenant which the Lord made with Noah stands fast, and we have no doubts about it. Why, then, should we think that the clouds of trouble, which now darken our sky, will end in our destruction? Let us dismiss such groundless and dishonoring fears.

Faith always sees the bow of covenant promise whenever sense sees the cloud of affliction. God has a bow with which He might shoot out His arrows of destruction; but see! it is turned upward. It is a bow without an arrow or a string; it is a bow hung out for show, no longer used for war. It is a bow of many colors, expressing joy and delight, and not a bow blood-red with slaughter, or black with anger. Let us be of good courage. Never does God so darken our sky as to leave His covenant without a witness; and even if He did, we would trust Him, since He cannot change, or lie, or in any other way fail to keep His covenant of peace. Until the waters go over the earth again, we shall have no reason for doubting our God.

Yes we whenever we see the cloud of affliction; let our eyes see the bow of covenant of promise… we will see joy in place of sadness… we will see healing in place of sickness, we will see abundance in place of lack….

Beloveth we will see God in place of desolation, pain, and sorrow…even death…. we will see God restoring to us all we have lost and desires of Him… in Jesus Name Amen!!!. Alleluia!!! Alleluia!!! Alleluia!!!

On this note beloveth we declare this week open and by God’s grace we will return with greater testimonies in Jesus Name….

We say congratulation to you for all your miracles this week …. we love you… God bless you…

Further Reading- Ezek.34:26, Heb.3:7-8, Ps.38:8, Jas.1:17, 1Pet.5:4, Gal.4:6, Phil.4:13, Eph.1:13, Phil.2:13.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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