All Honour, All Glory, All Power to You….All Honour, All Glory, All Power to You… Holy Father we worship You… Blessed Jesus Our Savoiur…. Holy Spirit we wait You… Holy Spirit we wait on You for Fire!!!… For Fire!!! // All Glory, Glory Alleluia His banner over me is love… All Glory, Glory Alleluia His banner over me is love… All Glory, Glory Alleluia His banner over me is love…Oooh! His Banner over me is love… Alleluia!!!!

Our Father we thank You, we Bless Your Holy Name… How Excellent, How Wonderful You are Lord!!! We Worship and Adore Your Holy Name… Thank You Father for Who You are… Alleluia to Your Name… Thank You for Being a Wonder to my soul, I bow in worship, be Thou exalted O! Lord in Jesus Name…

Thank You for Word in season… Thank You for souls that will receive Your mercy and grace in hour of their need, thank You for many You are drawing unto Yourself… We worship and adore You Father… again and again we adore You. Father, Thank You for answers to our prayers, it can only be You Who speak all things into being… Be Thou exalted unlimited God!!!

Beloveth….good morning… how are doing today? In all of it, we are more a conquering, Praise the Name of Jesus!!! Let us appreciate our God for the gift of a New Month and the Blessings attached to it… Yes! it is a gift to us and we must return to Praise Him for Who He is… Praise the Lord!

Today is our first Faith Clinic in the month and I believe God is going to touch someone who realize him/herself to the Holy Spirit. forget all that has been and focus on what God is doing now… if you that person, sit majestically in God’s Presence and be bless.

Beloveth… casting back our mind to the yearly theme – our year of Supernatural Breakthroughs… You will agree with me that God gradually is taking us through our limitations, bounds, our ill dispositions, faults, stagnations, failings, weaknesses, flaws, imperfections, shortcomings, to a Land of Promise, originally designed from the foundation of the world- our Glorious Destiny… we are God’s children designed for greatness but just like Eve was taken away from Eden…so many of us has also be short change by the devil for something far less than what God has originally designed for us from the beginning…

So we must stand up from where we are to seek help that can only come from above.. We have to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us into and take us back to our Eden where the beauty of the Lord resides…. (outside of Eden is toiling) Yes toiling, suffering and working with little or no result…(Gen 3:17-19a, 23)…

However the original plan of God for the man He has made was to dress and keep the garden…. (Gen 2:15)… in Gen 1: God gave man dominion over everything He created, He blessed them and commanded them to be fruitful… so from the very beginning man has dominion but at the fall of man (Gen 3) man lost it dominion to devil until Christ came, went to the Cross and reclaimed our victory back to us… therefore as many as that believe and accepted Him, He gave right to become children of God… (Jn 1:12-13).

Do you believe in Jesus?… Have you encountered the Son of the Living God? Or peradventure you have but you fell and got stagnated? Or don’t know your back home…back to your Father? Or you are living righteously and Spirit filled but still you are bound by fear, doubts and unbelief …. This month is your Month according to Word of God to us… Or  you that where you are is not God’s original plan for you… You deserve something better than what you are seeing… beloveth you dong need to worry, that season is over because when you encounter the Power that comes from on high…above…when You encounter Jesus, your story will change…

I see a new You after this month… I see you emerging with power and glory as a symbols of one who has being with Jesus …

So you come along with us as the Holy Spirit will help us daily to overcome and today you will join us to declare war against your mountain, oppositions, valleys, everything that hitherto held you bound…. You Stay Connected and be Blessed…

I/ De/Clare/War

In the word of Warren Wiersbe: “the Christian life is not a playground; it is a battleground, and we must be on our guard at all times.” Before we even jump into this idea of declaring war, we have to acknowledge this reality: whether we want to admit it or not, we are in a war, and you can’t win a battle you wont admit you are in. the Christian life is a war of fighting to live in the Spirit and in the flesh. Paul put it this way in Rom 7: “For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do- this I keep on doing. Now if I do not want to do- this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.”

If that Dr. Seuss tongue twisted doesn’t perfectly exemplify the internal struggle bouncing around in all of our minds. I don’t know what does. We are masters of getting in our way. Yes, the devil hates you. Yes, the world is out to get you, but you have to got enough going on under the hood to take yourself out of the game.

Your self-sabotaging mechanism might be your negative thoughts, it might be your actions (or lack thereof). Your bad behaviour or short temper. It might be your harsh speech or the way you mindlessly turn to social media or food to distract yourself from what is really going on. we all have a vice. The problem isn’t that we struggle with these things. The problem comes when we refuse to acknowledge them, when we decide it is easier to go quietly into the night instead of putting up a fight.

 I don’t believe that we don’t desire victory in our lives: no one wants to be stagnant- stuck in a rut of the same ol’ roadblocks. It’s just that we don’t want to put in the hard yard or commit to God’s instructions that show us the way we can live as victors. Let me tell you, our world offers lots of distractions to thwarts the chaos caused by our unruly actions and thought lives, but these “fixes” at their best are simply that: distraction. Jesus offers something better.

So this is the day. God brought you to this moment to declare war. On your darkness, on your demons, on your self-sabotaging tendencies, on the version of yourself that you don’t want to be, to throw off the gloves, and rise to the fight, to commit to learning in as we tackle vital components of the inner struggle.

There is freedom in this declaration: I / De / Clare / War.

Beloveth We gonna do something new… we gonna attach questions to help us to get climb out faster from where we are battered or hurting… The God of Gilead is in the house with Its Balm… surrender to Him now through faith and healing starts now…

Question to ask yourself:

 What are three things holding me back? (Don’t sanitize this list, that doesn’t help anyone.)

  1. Who can I tell (someone who loves me and loves Jesus) about this list to keep me accountable?

Join us to discover more below:

“An evil and adulterous generation wants a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” Then He left them and went away.—Matthew 16:4

Asking God for a miracle may indicate a lack of faith. Some feel that they demonstrate great faith by continually asking God for miracles. They assume that in every situation God wants to do the spectacular. They presume, for example, that God wants to heal anyone who is sick or provide a miraculous escape from every difficulty they face.

Jesus condemned those who insisted that He perform miracles, because He knew their hearts. He recognized that they could not believe Him without constantly undergirding their faith with signs. Their faith was not strong enough to survive without a regular supply of the miraculous. Jesus condemned this lack of faith and left them.

There are times when we prefer the miracle over the miracle worker. God calls this idolatry, and He discouraged it by refusing to provide miracles on demand (Jer. 2:11–13). Sometimes the greatest act of faith is not to ask for a miracle.

One of the most amazing statements of faith in the Old Testament came from Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as they faced the fiery furnace because of their obedience to God. They expressed true faith when they assured king Nebuchadnezzar: “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up” (Dan. 3:17–18).

They were confident in God’s ability to deliver them, but they trusted Him so completely that they did not ask to be spared.

Does your faith need miracles to sustain it? Or do you trust God so totally that you can say, “But if not, I will still trust the Lord!”?

May God help us to always Trust God at His Word to us in Jesus Name…  May we not spend our Time seeking for Miracles rather Believing God’s at His Word…. May He make us strong against our distracters in Jesus Name… May this month of encounter be an outstanding one in our faith walk with God in Jesus Name… Yes! An outstanding one indeed in Jesus Name…  I see a stronger you at the end in Jesus Name… keep the faith light burning…beloveth…. I love you with the love of Christ…. Alleluia!!!

Further Reading- Nah.1:7, Jas.4:7, Neh.13:31, Heb.6:12-15, Rom7:18-20, Rom 6:12-14, Lam 3:22-23, 2 Cor 10:4-6.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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