I will life up my voice, I will joyfully sing not for what you have done but for who you are, You are the song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I live is to praise you Lord. You reign, Jesus reign, You reign forever more for ever more.// What a wonderful God, what a marvelous God, He use do marvelous things for me. What a Powerful God what a wonderful God, He use to do marvelous things for me. The things that are impossible, the things that money cannot buy, there are things He has done for me, What a wonderful God, what a marvelous God, He use do marvelous things for me. Omnipotent God, Omniscience God, Reliable God, Unchangeable God, Omnipotent God is Your Name, What a wonderful God, what a marvelous God, He will do it again and again.
What more can I say unto God that to offer you thanks and praise all the days of many life. In Your right hand is life everlasting. No one trust you are ever disappointed. I look up to You Lord and was not ashamed. The foes and it agents tries to frustrate my trust and hope in You but Your Right Hand upheld me and show my Your salvation. Blessed be Your Holy Name.
Beloved, is PCL! Is someone happy in the house? Let us clap our hands unto the Most High God in whose Name is our victory. He is ever faithful always dependable and The Rock that never fails.
The topic before us today is an interesting one. Can you help me in answering the question “are you faithful and useful” to be use of God? If your answer is yes! Then you are in for the blessings of the Lord. On Wednesday we read about our home being a “blessing”. Today if you are faithful and useful to God, then you are in your season of blessedness. For the eyes of the Lord will be upon you to do you good, to bless you and honour you all the days of your life.
Our Good God will never use and discard you, never! In Him is generational blessings. The blessing that was on Abraham was upon Isaac and upon Jacob and Joseph and the children of Israelites.
Another question for you to answer again is beloved, are you engaged or entangled? What is evangelist up to today? Not to worry, all these have been answered beloved, but you have you place yourself in the light of the ministration and answer the question individually. Praise God!
Come along as we discover more below:
“Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me Ps. 101:6
If David spoke thus, we may be sure that the Son of David will be of the same mind. Jesus looks out for faithful men, and He fixes His eyes upon them, to observe them, to bring them forward, to encourage them, and to reward them. Let no true-hearted man think that he is overlooked; the King Himself has His eye upon him.
There are two results of this royal notice. First we read, “that they may dwell with me.” Jesus brings the faithful into His house, He sets them in His palace, He makes them His companions, He delights in their society. We must be true to our Lord, and He will then manifest Himself to us. When our faithfulness costs us most it will be best rewarded; the more furiously men reject, the more joyfully will our Lord receive us.
Next, he says of the sincere man, “he shall serve me.” Jesus will use for His own glory those who scorn the tricks of policy, and are faithful to Himself, His Word, and His Cross. These shall be in His royal retinue, the honored servants of His Majesty. Communion and usefulness are the wages of faithfulness. Lord make me faithful, that I may dwell with thee, and serve thee.
Yes! Lord make me faithful and make me useful in Jesus Name. Let’s keep going:
Are You Engaged Or Entangled?
“No one engaged in warfare ENTANGLES HIMSELF with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who enlisted him as a soldier.” (2 Timothy 2:4)
You and I have a challenge before us: “How to be ENGAGED in fulfilling our earthly responsibilities and yet remain UN-ENTANGLED in the affairs of life in order to fight Christ’s battles.”
What is the difference between being ENGAGED and ENTANGLED?:
- The trolley cars in San Francisco are ENGAGED in the cable beneath the surface of the street.
- The bird is ENTANGLED when it cannot get its foot out of the trap.
How do we know when we are ENTANGLED?
- When we are irritated or consumed over our situation.
- When we fail to see God in control of our circumstances.
Strategically, we become ENTANGLED when we make the pursuit of the secular our primary focus, and then try to fit the spiritual around it. Remember the aspiring disciples of Christ in Luke 9:57-61 who expressed interest in following Him? “But first” they had to attend to their private affairs and interests.
When the “but firsts” dominate our lives, we are entangled. Jesus allows us no such privilege:
“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
Let me ask you:
- When you open your Bible to spend time with God, is your mind easily distracted?
- Would you be free (within a reasonable period of time) to uproot and move to another part of the world to minister, if God were to call you?
- When spending time with your spouse or children, are you there 100% or are you just putting in an appearance?
Whether we are ENGAGED or ENTANGLED is a question of focus, values and priorities. It is a question of whether we WANT to invest in the eternal, or simply expend our lives on the temporal.
So many pointer to us whether we are engaged or entangled. Now is the time for us to sincerely find out if we are engaged or entangled, many God help us in Jesus Name to be true and true in our service to Him.
May we not be entangled in the worldly affairs that we forget our role in the service of our Maker. We must pray to God to give us the grace to offer service that are pure and acceptable to Him. And He will reward us at the end in Jesus Name.
Have a blessed weekend as you mediate in the teachings of our Lord Jesus and in the word of God. See you next week by God’s grace.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.