I will praise the Lord (I will praise the Lord), I will praise the Lord (I will praise the Lord) If nobody will praise You Lord; I will Praise You Lord…He has done it for me (He has done it for me) He has done it for me (He has done it for me)… What no man can do for me; He has done it for me…What no man can do for me He has it done it for me. Oooooo alleluia He has done it for me…// What a Marvelous God what Wonderful God He has done marvelous things for me…what a marvelous He chose to marvelous things for us …the things that are impossible, the things that money cannot buy there are the things He has done for me…Father to You ooo be all the glory…to You Father be all the honour, To You Ancient of Days be all the glory and adoration forever more….
Yes Father to You be all the glory, all honour, all adorations in Jesus Name… thank You for answers to our prayers…You are indeed a Big God…and to You belong all power…
All glory…all Power…all honour belongs to God…All glory…all Power…all honour belongs to God…
Father receives our praises now and forever more… You all our Praise, all our worship…may it a sweet smelling sacrifice unto You in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, good morning…how are doing today? Faith clinic is here again…are you excited? I am Praise the Lord….our meditation takes root in our heart and enforces our faith to believe God and patiently wait that what God says He will do must surely come to pass… (Jas 1:17). The devil might fight it…situation might challenge it but God is your helper… He causes the elements to favour you or use His works to help you (Rev 12:13-16)…but you must believe that He is able to do what He says He will do… Praise the Lord….
Beloveth if God rewards us through our faithfulness what do you think about Him? It means that our Father will remain Faithful because He can never be unrighteous neither will He fail to uphold what He has spoken concerning you.
Beloveth God need us to trust Him concerning that issue, that matter, that situation that condition that refuse to turn around but in the Name of the Lord an end is coming to it now in Jesus Name…. God is settling you out from that situation right away in Jesus … you are coming out of that grave now in Jesus… your hands are being lifted now in Jesus Name…things are turning around for your good in Jesus Name…..our God has spoken and His Word must surely come to pass … don’t panic keep being faithful and the good Lord will remember you and turn around that situation for you in Jesus Name…Amen!!!
In our today’s teaching we see God taking us on faithful walk with Him… there are situations that God allows to grow our faith and make us better both in trusting and walking with Him. In Abraham’s walked with God, we saw him fail severally and afterward trusted God and brought about the promise child Isaac. Likewise God allow us to grow in our faith in Him by allowing some situations that will glorify His Name in our lives.
Beloveth, what are going through that is shaking your faith in God? What is causing you to murmuring or fear in your heart that God has forsaken you…we want to remind you today that if God is blessing you out of your faithfulness then know that He will not fail to be faithful and compassion to you in all things and at all time…
Come along for more:
Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much.—Luke 16:10
God rewards those who are faithful. Throughout your life God will seek to grow you in your faith. He will continually bring you to times when you must trust Him. He will lead you into situations that require a “little” faith, and if you are faithful, He will then take you into situations that require even greater trust in Him. Each time you are able to trust God at a higher level, God will reveal more of Himself to you. Your faith and experiencing God are directly linked.
The best way to tell if you are prepared for a greater revelation of God is to see how faithful you have been with what God has given you. This is a foundational principle in God’s relationships with us: If you have been faithful with the little He has given you, you are ready to be entrusted with more. If you failed to trust God with the little He gave you, He will not trust you with more.
God will not lead you beyond your present level of trust and obedience to Him. He will return you to your area of unfaithfulness until you are prepared to trust Him. The children of Israel were unwilling to trust God to lead them into the Promised Land, and their generation never again was able to move forward with Him.
You stand at an exciting new door of opportunity to know God more intimately every time you believe Him. Every step of faith leads you to a deeper relationship of faith with Him. It is an open invitation to know God more intimately.
Did you read that? Will you be found faithful in that which god committed into your hands to do?Will this new door of opportunity be your point of lifting? Beloveth ,let us come to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and grace to hold on to the Living Word of God and experience Him fully and better in Jesus Name…
Keep on trusting God for greater opportunities that is only in Him…What He says He will do; He is able to do but we must be faithful even in that little He allowed us to experience.
Further Reading Ps 119:173, Ps 25:14, Ps 11:1, 2 Cor 5:7, Jas 2 :18-26.
Remain blessed in the Lord