Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods who is like Thee! You are glorious in holiness fearful and Praising, doing wonders alleluia!// how excellent is Your Name O! Lord! How excellent is Thy Name O! Lord! How wonderful is Thy Name O! Lord! How wonderful is Thy Name O! Lord! How wonderful is Thy Name! How glorious is Thy Name! How wonderful is Thy Name O! Lord!
Our Father in heaven we thank You for Your guidance and protection all through this week, we are grateful Lord! We give You Praise and worship, alleluia to Your Holy Name! You are God! You are not man! Alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords! The Ancient of Days, the Beginning and the End Glory alleluia!
Wonder Working God! receive our Praise for prayers answered, healing released and restoration bestowed upon Your children forever in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, God be good to you? What can you say about our Beautiful God; doing Beautiful things in our life? But does He gain for so much love bestowed us? He overcame for us through the death of His Son on the Cross of Calvary- where He declared us free from all commendations and made us co heir with Him at the marriage Supper (2 Cor 5:19, Gal 5:1, 1Jn 4:16).
If indeed you know what your sin cost Him, you will vow never to sin again. Rather than walk away from our vomit; we go back to it again and again and this makes our Father sad.
Beloveth will you arise and go before God and ask Him for forgiveness for all your doubt, fear and lies, every wickedness that should not be named among the children of God that is present in your life.
Will you come up thither and plead for His overflowing mercies upon your life right way. Will you return home like the prodigal son did many years ago? While he was still far off, His Father saw him before he will recite his forgiveness creed, His Father called for party to celebrate his home-coming despite his wasteful and lustful life.
Today, salvation is coming your way if you will make up your mind to be saved as Delay may be dangerous and you never can tell what the next minute will be.
Beloveth, do not rest on your oars if someone close to is yet to surrender his/her life to Christ, pray for him/her and ask the Holy Spirit to help him/her, then when you sense in your spirit that the Holy Spirit is leading you talk, delay not, go immediately and he/ she will be willing as the Spirit of God has made it thus (Rom 8:26).
Beloved, when you era as a child of God, you will not be afraid or run far from God rather you will understand that your Father will ever willing and ready to forgive you.
Beloveth join us to discover more of God’s love as we have been discussing a week today. Don’t believe any lie from the pit of hell that God will never forgive you rather run into His hands and see His salvation and love at work again in your life (1 Jn 4:14-16, Ps 52:8, Jas 1:5, 1 Chr. 28:9, Ps 11:1 Isa. 45:23, Jer. 32:41), let’s discover more:
“Father, I have sinned.” Luke 15:18
It is quite certain that those whom Christ has washed in His precious blood need not make a confession of sin, as culprits or criminals, before God the Judge, for Christ has for ever taken away all their sins in a legal sense, so that they no longer stand where they can be condemned, but are once for all accepted in the Beloved; but having become children, and offending as children, ought they not every day to go before their heavenly Father and confess their sin, and acknowledge their iniquity in that character?
Nature teaches that it is the duty of erring children to make a confession to their earthly father, and the grace of God in the heart teaches us that we, as Christians, owe the same duty to our heavenly father.
We daily offend, and ought not to rest without daily pardon. For, supposing that my trespasses against my Father are not at once taken to Him to be washed away by the cleansing power of the Lord Jesus, what will be the consequence? If I have not sought forgiveness and been washed from these offences against my Father, I shall feel at a distance from Him; I shall doubt His love to me; I shall tremble at Him; I shall be afraid to pray to Him: I shall grow like the prodigal, who, although still a child, was yet far off from his father.
But if, with a child’s sorrow at offending so gracious and loving a Parent, I go to Him and tell Him all, and rest not till I realize that I am forgiven, then I shall feel a holy love to my Father, and shall go through my Christian career, not only as saved, but as one enjoying present peace in God through Jesus Christ my Lord.
There is a wide distinction between confessing sin as a culprit, and confessing sin as a child. The Father’s bosom is the place for penitent confessions. We have been cleansed once for all, but our feet still need to be washed from the defilement of our daily walk as children of God.
Beloved, by grace yea are saved rejoice in the unending grace made available for you. never live in fear of eternity or security here on earth because Jesus the soild Rock is ever your defense.
Have restful weekend, tell someone about Jesus as it is your testimony of salvation. Praise the Lord!
See you on Monday by God’s grace and don’t forget to go and worship on Sunday.
Once again embrace your miracle “Accept Jesus and live eternally” click here to accept Jesus now if you are not born again or you want to rededicate yourself to God (Heb 7:24-25, Rom 8:26, 1 Chr 28:9, Jn 15:5). Praise the Lord.
Remain blessed in the Lord.